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Explore the importance of monitoring and evaluating Aid for Trade initiatives for better outcomes and impacts. Learn about assessment frameworks, case studies, and global reviews to improve aid strategies. Share experiences and insights to enhance success.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF AID FOR TRADE: NEXT STEPS WTO Workshop on M&E of Aid for Trade 19 July 2010 William Hynes

  2. Outline • OECD/WTO Monitoring Framework • Going to the country and regional level • Outcomes and impacts • The way forward

  3. Putting a spotlight on aid for trade DEMAND RESPONSE OUTCOME IMPACT • Partner country assessment • OECD/CRS • trade-related indicators • Case stories • MDGs • Case stories • Donor assessment • OECD/CRS

  4. Monitoring aid for trade flows

  5. CRS Aid for Trade Proxies

  6. Self assessments based on questionnaires • What is your aid-for-trade strategy? • How much aid for trade do you provide/recieve? • How do you implement your aid-for-trade strategy? • Do you participate in mutual accountability arrangements? • Aid for Trade Fact sheets

  7. Case stories • Next Global Review 2011 • Need to take monitoring to the local and regional level • Profiling outcomes and impacts • A large group of stakeholders • Opportunity to share experiences on what is working (or not)

  8. Case stories • Probe deeper into Aid-for-trade objectives, challenges and processes • Used in conjunction with the self-assessments • In-depth insights of concrete examples of successes and failures • Concise but comprehensive story of a particular approach, process of activity

  9. July 2010: Call for case studies. August-September 2010: Development of self-assessment questionnaires October 2010: Questionnaires issued January 2011: Deadline for submission of case stories and questionnaires February 2011: On-line publication of case stories January-May 2011: Update of fact sheets and drafting of Aid for Trade at a Glance July 2011: Publication of Aid for Trade at a Glance. Timelines

  10. The way forward • The monitoring framework is working • The next monitoring exercise is a continuation of existing tools with the addition of case stories • Successful monitoring depends on your input

  11. For more information: www.oecd.org/dac/aft

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