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Summary of April 2014 NGAC Meeting

Recap of April 2014 NGAC meeting with discussions on FGDC initiatives, subcommittee activities, and emerging topics for the national geospatial community.

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Summary of April 2014 NGAC Meeting

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  1. Summary of April 2014 NGAC Meeting Dr. Robert Austin, NGAC Chair FGDC Steering Committee Meeting April 3, 2014 National Geospatial Advisory Committee

  2. NGAC 2014 • 30 committee members • 17 new or reappointed members • Skilled professionals and experts representing a broad cross-section of the national geospatial community

  3. National Geospatial Advisory Committee

  4. April 1-2, 2014 NGAC Meeting • Leadership Dialogue • Overview of 2014 Guidance to the NGAC • FGDC Initiatives Briefings • Roundtable Discussion with FGDC Executive Committee • NGAC Subcommittee Presentations • Discussion of NGAC Guidance Topics • Developing a Plan of Action to Address the Guidance • Lightning Sessions

  5. Leadership/ExCom Dialogue • Informative discussions with FGDC Chair Anne Castle and FGDC Executive Committee members • FGDC leadership provided valuable context for 2014 guidance and NGAC’s deliberations • NGAC members find great value in this collaborative approach and interaction

  6. Ongoing FGDC Initiatives Important FGDC focus areas where the NGAC has already provided extensive input. FGDC has asked for continuing feedback as needed as these initiatives are implemented: • Geospatial Platform • NGAC Liaison: Bert Granberg • Federal Lead: Jerry Johnston (DOI) • NSDI Strategic Plan • NGAC Liaison: Bob Austin • Federal Leads: Dan Cotter (DHS), Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) • National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan (A-16 Plan) • NGAC Liaison: Michele Motsko • Federal Leads: Adrian Gardner (FEMA), Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC)

  7. NGAC Subcommittee Activities Major focus areas for the NGAC’s activities this year. NGAC has already done preliminary work these topics, and FGDC has identified research questions for NGAC consideration: • Landsat Advisory Group • Geolocation Privacy • Geospatial Education and Workforce Development • National Address Database

  8. Landsat Advisory Group • 2014 Study Topic: • Review and update the 2012 LAG paper, “The Value Proposition for Ten Landsat Applications,” refining the list of user applications and enhancing the Landsat value summary. Since the 2012 paper was completed, USGS has gathered additional information through a Landsat user survey, Landsat-user case studies, and a pilot project on remote sensing user requirements. • NGAC Subcommittee Chair/Co-Chair: Roger Mitchell, Kass Green • Federal Leads: Tim Newman (USGS) • Next Steps: • FGDC will coordinate with USGS and NGAC on updating membership of the Landsat Advisory Group • USGS will brief the LAG on recent and upcoming program activities.

  9. Geolocation Privacy • 2014 Study Topics: • Inventory communities/sectors with an interest in geolocation privacy issues (e.g., State and local government organizations) to identify emerging approaches and potential best practices to help address geolocation privacy concerns, including: • Administrative policies and guidelines • Technical approaches and solutions • Legislative/statutorychanges • NGAC Subcommittee Chair/Co-Chair: Doug Richardson, Kevin Pomfret • Federal Leads: FGDC ExCom • Next Steps: • The subcommittee will coordinate with privacy experts on the Census Science Advisory Committee

  10. Geospatial Education and Workforce Development • 2014 Study Topics: • Identify opportunities to leverage recent professional GIS certification initiatives by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. • Provide input as needed on the implementation of the Administration’s STEM strategic plan (government-wide, or within specific agencies, as appropriate). • NGAC Subcommittee Chair/Co-Chair: Carolyn Merry/Keith Masback • Federal Leads: FGDC ExCom • Next Steps: • The subcommittee will coordinate with AAG staff working on workforce development • The subcommittee will review recent agency workforce development plans

  11. National Address Database • 2014 Study Topics: • Identify compelling use cases demonstrating the value and utility of a National Address Database. • Describe the potential relationship between a National Address Database and National Parcel Data and identify possible opportunities to coordinate and leverage the two efforts. • NGAC Subcommittee Chair/Co-Chair: Tony Spicci, Dan Cotter • Federal Leads: Tim Trainor (Census) • Next Steps: • The subcommittee will coordinate with Census on recent Commerce/Census addressing activities.

  12. 3. Emerging Topics FGDC and NGAC have identified a set of additional topics for possible consideration by the NGAC: • NSDI Sustainability and Continuity • Identify potential strategies and approaches to enhance the sustainability and continuity of NSDI governance, operations, and partnerships. • NGAC Discussion Leader: Bob Austin • Tribal Geospatial Issues • Potential study issues include strategies for enhanced geospatial partnerships with Tribes. • NGAC Liaisons: Frank Harjo, David Wyatt • Administration/Departmental Priorities • Provide recommendations and perspectives of the geospatial community toward Administration/Departmental priorities, as needed. • NGAC Liaison: Keith Clarke

  13. Lightning Talks • Brief presentations by NGAC members on key topics of interest to the geospatial community: • Coordination of Military Overflights– Gary Thompson • FirstNet Initiative – Bob Austin/Dan Cotter • Four Washington Meridians – Keith Clarke • Groundwater Mapping – Harvey Thorleifson • One-Page GIS Dataset Maturity Assessments – Bert Granberg • Climate Change/Resilient Communities – Pat Cummens • Tribal Emergency Response Activities – Frank Harjo • National Grid – Talbot Brooks • NSGIC Mid-Year Meeting Report – Tony Spicci

  14. Next Steps • NGAC Action Plans: • Chair, Vice-Chair, and DFO will finalize NGAC subcommittee assignments • Subcommittee chairs will develop project outlines & status reports prior to June NGAC meeting • Subcommittees will develop draft papers by September NGAC meeting • Final consideration by planned December NGAC webinar meeting • June NGAC meeting • Subcommittee status reports • Dan Cotter will organize presentation on FirstNet • NGAC Liaisons will report on Emerging Topics discussions • Next NGAC meetings: • June 24-25, Washington, DC • Sept 23-24, Shepherdstown, WV

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