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The Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy. WIDA National Conference Thursday, October 17 th , 2013 Presented by: Jesús Santos, Milwaukee Public Schools Josh Forehand, Madison Metropolitan School District Tolu Sanabria , Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
The Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy WIDA National Conference Thursday, October 17th, 2013 Presented by: Jesús Santos, Milwaukee Public Schools Josh Forehand, Madison Metropolitan School District ToluSanabria, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Provide history of Seal of Biliteracy movement across the country • Provide details of the proposed Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy • Elicit Feedback to ensure the success of the Seal • Share next steps for Wisconsin school districts and DPI Presentation Agenda
Shared understanding of the proposed Wisconsin Seal of Biliteracy • Incorporate your feedback into our next steps • Promote enthusiasm for the Seal • Build our network of partners for this initiative Desired Outcomes
A seal on a student’s diploma confirming/affirming achievement of biliteracy. • Biliteracy attainment indicated on a student’s official transcript. What is a Seal of Biliteracy?
Frame multilingualism as an asset • Raise awareness of its benefits • Elevate the status of languages other than English • Meet the needs of our community and the global economy Why?
Students in language educational programs or entering with bilingual/biliteracy background knowledge: • Emerging bilingual students on their way to biliteracy; • Graduating high school seniors (for the seal). Who?
Wisconsin Schools • Wisconsin Districts Where?
Now! Some Wisconsin districts are already working on draft requirements for their districts. When?
Pathway Award: involvement in, exposure to, attitude toward, disposition for bilingualism. Differences at Elementary and Middle School Levels
Attainment Award: involvement in, exposure to, attitude toward, disposition for bilingualism; +demonstrated grade appropriate bilingualism and biliteracy through assessments on performance tasks.
Participation Award: involvement in, exposure to, attitude toward, disposition for bilingualism. Differences at the High School Level
Seal of Biliteracy Award: involvement in, exposure to, attitude toward, disposition for bilingualism; + demonstrated high levels of bilingualism and biliteracy.
Florida • Illinois • New Mexico • Texas • Washington Resources: States with Pending Legislation/Policy Proposals
http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/learning-the-language/2013/07/biliteracy_would_get_federal_b.html?qs=biliteracy+would+get+federal+boost+in+proposed+legislationhttp://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/learning-the-language/2013/07/biliteracy_would_get_federal_b.html?qs=biliteracy+would+get+federal+boost+in+proposed+legislation Federal Legislation
http://sealofbiliteracy.org/ From the above site: The Seal of Biliteracy not only recognizes your academic success, but it also includes the following benefits: • Differential Pay for Seal of Biliteracy recipients; • Membership to the Seal of Biliteracy community. Benefits already being advertised…
With your help! Feedback provided will be considered as we further strengthen the work being done in schools and develop an approval process for Wisconsin districts. How?
The Wisconsin International Eductation Program has developed a Global Education Certificate Award, endorsed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: [see more at: http://cal.dpi.wi.gov/cal_interntled] • We are plannning a parallel process for the Seal of Biliteracy Sample Plan Form
What level of proficiency should be required? • How should proficiency be assessed? How?First discussion questions…
Who keeps track of students working toward and attaining the Seal and Pathway and Participation Awards? • How would an application/portfolio process work? • What sorts of awards would be given and when? How?Next discussion questions…
http://www.thecenterweb.org/irc/pages/f_duallanguage-news.htmlhttp://www.thecenterweb.org/irc/pages/f_duallanguage-news.html • http://wida.us/standards/sla.aspx • http://wida.us/standards/salsa.aspx • http://wisacald.org/K-12.php • http://ell.dpi.wi.gov/[coming…] • http://cal.dpi.wi.gov/cal_interntled Resources: IRC/WIDA/Wisconsin-Related
http://www.californianstogether.org/reports/ • www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/sealofbiliteracy.asp • http://sealofbiliteracy.org/news/governor-cuomo-signs-bill-recognize-high-school-graduates-who-demonstrate-proficiency-multiple- Resources: From California & New York
Florida: http://www.slideshare.net/mkbarbee/florida-seal-of-biliteracy-policy-proposal • NCELA: http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/content/29_innov_mar2011 • Migration Policy Institute (MPI): http://www.migrationpolicy.org/news/EPUP2012-CATogether.pdf Articles
Jesús Santos, Director, Bilingual-Multicultural Education Dept., MPS santosjx@milwaukee.k12.wi.us • Josh Forehand, Principal, NuestroMundo Community School, MMSD jforehand@madison.k12.wi.us • Tolu Sanabria, Education Specialist, Bilingual/ESL Education Program, DPI tolu.sanabria@dpi.wi.gov Contact Information