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The Automobile

The Automobile. Dan Kezar Lenae Wilson Kayleen Carlson. Production:. People produced different models and auto makers produced up to 8 million new cars each year. Suburban growth brought with it other changes. The Assembly Line Henry Ford Created. Production (continued):.

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The Automobile

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  1. The Automobile Dan Kezar Lenae Wilson Kayleen Carlson

  2. Production: • People produced different models and auto makers produced up to 8 million new cars each year. • Suburban growth brought with it other changes. The Assembly Line Henry Ford Created

  3. Production (continued): • Stores began to move from cities to shopping centers located in the suburbs. • Americans at this at the same time depended more on automobiles and less on public transportation.

  4. The Highway: • With the growth of the car, in 1956 the Interstate Highway Act provided $26 billion dollars (yes with a B) to build a highway more then 40,000 miles long. Highway Created under Act

  5. Drive-thru: • 1954: McDonalds founded by two brothers from San Beradino, CA. After one was succesful, many more were made. McDonald’s Sign with 75 Billion sold. 15 cent burgers at McDonalds

  6. Usage: • By the end of the 1950’s most american households owned their own car. Movie about cars

  7. The Drive-ins: • The number of drive ins peaked in the 1950’s. • From 1954-1963 the state of Texas had over 300 drive-ins. • At first the theater’s only audio system consisted of a large speaker on top of the movie screen. Drive-in

  8. Citations: Pictures- • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=first+mcdonalds+sign&form=QBIR&qs=n#focal=157fc5a33da0ca5b72fd1489fe012c72&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.travelhubradio.net%2Fhubcap%2Fimages%2Fmcdb.JPG • http://www.travelhubradio.net/hubcap/images/mcdb.JPG • http://www.northants.police.uk/museum_new/exhibits/7/pics/first_cars.jpg • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=highway&FORM=BIFD#focal=aa633c9f0cecba5cbeac0662fe5b9a34&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.trekearth.com%2Fphotos%2F15950%2Fhighway_2.jpg • http://missiondeep.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/drivein.jpg • http://www.laughingplace.com/files/Movie/Cars/poster.jpg • Information- • Chapter 17 in America Pathway to the Present. Pages 510-515.

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