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The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe

The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe. Pier Giacomo SOLA. Launching a European online service to enable the European cultural heritage to be promoted to a worldwide audience. Strategic objective.

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The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe

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  1. The multilingual catalogue of digital cultural heritage in Europe Pier Giacomo SOLA

  2. Launching a European online service to enable the European cultural heritage to be promoted to a worldwide audience Strategic objective

  3. Celebrating the richness, breadth and diversityof the European cultural heritage by promoting it to a world-wide audience through the Internet A common approach for digital cultural heritage inventories in Italy, France, the UK and beyond Integrates national digitisation initiatives A distributed platform to provide access digital cultural collections Open source software Supports multilingualism Why Michael?

  4. Online European service to enable users to search the digital cultural heritage Multilingual support National data capture and information services Interoperable information systems Promoting collections held by small, medium and large institutions Supporting cultural tourism, education, research Services

  5. Supported by the eTEN Programme Michael: 36 months (June 2004-May 2007) MichaelPLUS: 24 months (June 2006-May 2008) National investment (90%)Michael: 33 M€MichaelPLUS: 51 M€ eTEN (10%) Michael: 3,3 M€MichaelPLUS: 5,1 M€ Will create a legal entity to manage the service (sustainability) Basic facts

  6. Michael Partners

  7. MichaelPLUS Partners • MiBAC (Italy) • IBACN (Italy) • Amitié (Italy) • Neumann (Hungary) • NKOM (Hungary) • IHM (Hungary) • Heritage Malta (Malta) • KB (The Netherlands) • MINOCW (The Netherlands) • MSWA (Poland) • ICIMSS (Poland) • Secretaria-Geral do Ministério da Cultura, Portugal • Biblioteca Nacional de España , Spain • University of Uppsala - Department of Information Science, Sweden • MLA (UK) • Menon (Belgium) • MKCR (Czech Republic) • UH.HUL (Finland) • Finnarchives (Finland) • Museovirasto, NBA (Finland) • Dédale (France) • MCC (France) • SPK (Germany) • Bundesarchiv (Germany) • BSB (Germany) • DDB (Germany) • DMM (Germany) • LABW (Germany) • SNG (Germany) • ICCS-NTUA (Greece) • HMC (Greece)

  8. Data model, software platform and related documentation Localised National instances First online version of the European service Legal framework for IPR Communication and marketing plan Population of the national instances as a continuous on going process European Services going to start in its test phase (4 December) Current Status and Results

  9. Definition of “Collection” by Dublin Core Metadata Initiative WG on Collection Description: Any aggregation of physical or digital items. Collections of physical items, collections of digital surrogates of physical items, collections of 'born-digital' items and catalogues of such collections Digital Collections

  10. Groups of electronic items, described as a whole Examples: Museum, Library, Archives collections of born digital records MLA collections of digitised records based on physical items Library, museum and archival digital catalogues and inventories, even where these relate to physical collections Internet directories and subject gateways Web indexes Collections of electronic text, images, datasets, sounds, software, other media or combinations of these Digital Collections

  11. WP3 Specifications for inventories of digitised content Programme • Physical collection access creates makes Institution Project Digital Collection Service / Product n n n n n n Minerva model

  12. Model for resource discovery Centred on digital collection description Based on work by Research Support Libraries Programme, the French Catalogue des Fonds Culturels Numérisés and MINERVA metadata standards Aligned to the Dublin Core metadata set and the emerging Dublin Core Collection Level Description XML schema publicly available online Michael data model

  13. Technical platform Open source • SDX (implemented by the French Catalogue des fonds culturels numérisés) • Xdepo • eXist • Apache, Tomcat, Cocoon • Java technologies

  14. Technical platform Two modules • Production module to catalogue • Publication module to access the collections XML data base Metadata harvesting • OAI-PMH protocol • MICHAEL format, Dublin Core simple

  15. Surfing Michael

  16. Surfing Michael

  17. Surfing Michael

  18. Roma, 4 December 2006 • Michael Conference • Please register at: http://www.michael-culture.org • Presentation of the new public interface of the transnational service

  19. The new web site

  20. The new web site

  21. The new web site

  22. The new web site

  23. The end Thank you for your attention!

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