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Evaluation and structure of the Log HR needs in an standard ACF Mission

Learn how to evaluate HR needs for logistics team in different mission stages and contexts, ensuring flexible and efficient HR chart.

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Evaluation and structure of the Log HR needs in an standard ACF Mission

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  1. Evaluation and structure of the Log HR needs in an standard ACF Mission Kit Log V3.2

  2. Introduction to this section The following information can help you during the definition or adjustment of the log HR chart in the mission. The idea is to provide you with some tips in order to be more creative and flexible during the process taking into account that the profiles and structure shown are a general standard that has to be adapted to every specific context The logistics structure has to be flexible and predictive in order to increase or decrease regarding the activities in the mission and taking into account the different stages of presence: • Assessment/Evaluation • Emergency distribution • Emergency program opening phase • Regular long-term program implementation • Stand-by/minimum presence • Partner program/handover It is important to know that most missions work in multiple locations, where one location maybe on the assessment/evaluation stage while the other is in regular long-term implementation stage. To evaluate the HR needs of logistics team some points must be considered: • Timing • Type of programs: wash, nut, food sec, integrated approach… • Kind of context: conflict area, urban or rural… • Cost-effectiveness • Availability of national and international HR • Financial size and visibility must be considered among many others To come up with an appropriate estimate of the size and content of logistics team, the Logistics Coordinator should be well familiar with the mission strategy and coordinate with the rest of the team on the mission. As the development of the Logistics team within the mission starts, the Logistics Coordinator has to draw the chart of the Logistic Human Resources of the mission and develop specific job descriptions for each employee, based on the job profiles provided in the HR Kit. The chart maps out the coverage of logistics functions discussed above ensuring that all functions are covered and the team is not overstaffed. The chart also indicates the hierarchy, supervision links between employees, and their level (place on classification grid).

  3. Tec Co Tec Co Tec Co Project log Project log Project log Log referent HQ HQ level Example of a log HR chart in an ACF mission Capital level Head of mission Log Co Admin Co Log capital Field level Field Co / Head of base HoP / PM HoP / PM Base log Base Admin HoP / PM* Purchaser Mechanic / electrician Drivers Guards IT / Radio operator Storekeeper Functional link * HoP / PM: Head of Project / Project Manager Hierarchical link

  4. Some notes to the chart • Head of Base (HoB) Head of Base is not a separate position but a set of responsibilities added to the primary position which (as per grid) could be logistician, administrator, or program manager. While the functional link always remains as presented, the hierarchical links may change depending on the mission. For example, a Log/Admin/HOB will always have a functional link with Log Coordinator and Admin Coordinator while the hierarchical link might be with Log Coordinator or with the Head of Mission, depending on the mission structure. • Field Coordinator (FC) (only for ACF FR) This position is under the direct supervision of the Head of Mission/Country Director. He has hierarchical link with the base team (PM, log, admin, etc…). He is managing program and support activities on his area. • Program Manager (PM) vs. Head of Project (HoP) Please note that depending on the managing Headquarters these two positions may not be considered on the same level by the HR. Note: for ACF - Spain, the Head of Base position is a separate position for ACF – France the Head of Base responsibility can disappear, and be replaced by the Field Co position.

  5. Some notes on the vocabulary • According the HQ, different names can be used: • Head of Mission vs Country Director • Logistic Coordinator vs Logistic Head of department • Head of Base vs Field Manager or Coordinator NB: They might cover slight different responsibilities. Refer to your HQ for more detail

  6. Some usual joint positions • Logistician Administrator (Log/Admin) Very common joint position at base level Not recommended in assessment and in the first phase of emergency deployment • Logistician Administrator (Log/Admin) - Head of Base Also a very usual joint profile at base level; it requires a well trained log and admin national staff • Logistics / Administration (Log/Admin) Coordinator In starting missions where financial visibility is not yet clear, where middle-level management capacity is substantial and/or volume of activities of the mission is not significant • Head of Base - Head of Project/Program Manager In bases where there is only one project and substantial support (log/admin) activities are not required • Base Logistician (Base log) – Program Logistician When budget is limited and a specific program requires substantial logistics support

  7. Position and Level Functions to cover Connections within the mission and HQ Log Coordinator Overall responsibility for log activities Reports to: Head of Mission & HQ Log Mission ensuring ACF log standards in the mission Human Resource Management Supervises directly: Log Cap Supervises functionally: Base log & Program Log Management of property and equipment Collaborates with: Admin/HR & Tech Coordinators Management of security In exceptional cases (until filled)can replace the HoM Mission level as decision maker (always in agreement with HQ) Reporting Reports to: Head of Mission & HQ Log Mission Representation Collaborates with other organizations/stakeholders Capital Logistician Logistics: management of supply cycle Reports to: Log Coordinator Management of capital log team Supervises: All log staff in the capital Reporting Gathers the reporting of base log Head of Base Management of base / regional team Reports to: Head of Mission Human Resource Management Supervises: all HR in the base / region (Depending on number Coordination of relevant program and Collaborates with: Log admin base, Program of projects in the base logistics / administration support Managers, and Log, HR and Technical Coordinators can also assume the Management of security Analyses context/puts relevant procedures in place base log admin Reporting Gathers all the reporting from all HR in the base functions) Representation Represents HoM in the base Base Logistician Logistics Reports to: Head of base and Log Coordinator (and) Administration Supervises: Log (and Admin) staff on the base (very often also Reports to: Log (and Admin) Coordinators Administrator: Log Base level Management of base log/admin team Collaborates with: Heads of Base, Log Cap, Program Admin) Log, and Program Managers Security Depending on the structure, may share Head of Base responsibilities Program/ Project Management and Coordination Reports to: Head of Project/Program Manager and Base Log/Log Coordinator Logistician Logistics Supervises: Log (and admin ) project staff Reporting Reports to Head of Project /PM and Log/Admin base Human Resources Management Depending on the needs, may assume log admin (if has admin skills) role Log supervisors roles: functions and connections

  8. Sector Position Functions to cover Links within the mission Procurement Purchaser Checking the market, gathering Reports to: Base Logistician quotations, preparation of purchase Collaborates with: Program Log, Program Managers, Storekeeper, file, follow up on payment, and and drivers receipt of product / service The function may overlap and can be joined with Base Logistician Storekeeper The implementation of all measures Reports to: Base Logistician related to proper physical and Supervises: Loaders administrative stock management Collaborates with: Purchaser, Program/Log staff, Drivers, Guards and safety of warehouse and its This position requires substantial training to evolve to another content position and the function is not easily joined with another position In some exceptional case a joined position of Storekeeper/Radio Operator is possible) Fleet Mechanic/ Electrician Inspection, repairs, replacements, Reports to: Base Log and adjustment of parts and management Supervises: Usually this role is performed by the Head of drivers components as required on the Collaborates with: All staff on base mission’s means of transportation Depending on the structure and capacity, may assume driver, and generators roving mechanic, or head of garage responsibility Driver Driving, good care, and maintenance Reports to: Head of drivers OR Base log of transport means allocated for Supervises: N/A transport of materials and staff Collaborates with: All staff on base. This function is often joined with that of a Mechanic ICT / Comms ICT Logistician Installation, maintenance, Reports to: Log Coordinator (mission level) OR Base Logistician monitoring, reporting regarding data Supervises: N/A processing and communications Collaborates with: everyone on their level systems and equipment This position is not easily joined with another position Radio operator Receipt and transmission of Reports to: Base Log/Admin messages via means of Supervises: N/A communication, follow up on field Collaborates with: everyone on their level movements and assume Depending on the structure and capacity, this position may be joined with Storekeeper or Reception responsibility Security Guard/Watchman Monitoring of compound, reporting Reports to: Log Base incidents within, outside or in the Supervises: N/A vicinity of ACF properties Collaborates with: All staff on base With substantial training, may assume Storekeeper position Middle management and non supervisors roles: functions and connections

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