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Annual Review Meeting European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Education Sector Reforms

Join us in Riga on November 30th to discuss ongoing education reforms and ESIF investments, focusing on lifelong learning, work-based learning, and competency-based curriculum. Learn about challenges and progress in general education, VET, and initiatives to reduce early school leaving.

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Annual Review Meeting European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Education Sector Reforms

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  1. Annual Review MeetingEuropean Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020Educationalsectorreforms and implementation of ESIF measures Riga, 30th November

  2. Ongoing reforms in education (in particular, general education and VET) and their implications for the implementation of ESIF measures Progress in ESIF investments into education, with a particular focus on measures for improving participation of adults in lifelong learning, development of work-based learning system, progress with implementation of competency-based general education curriculum, early school leaving prevention and NEET outreach measures Main challenges in achieving Performance Framework milestones and actions taken to accelerate the implementation

  3. Summary of ESIF progress

  4. Reforms in General education

  5. Progress in ESIF investments: General education (I)10 programmes (7 SOs), 245.1 MEUR (EU funding)

  6. Progress in ESIF investments: General education (II)10 programmes (7 SOs), 245.1 MEUR (EU funding)

  7. Progress in ESIF investments: General education (I)10 programmes (7 SOs), 245.1 MEUR (EU funding)

  8. General Education8311Competency- based general education curriculum . .

  9. General Education8311Competency- based general education curriculum OP indicators 100 approbationschools Total: 6000 educators + text-to-speech programme

  10. General education8.3.3. NEETInformation on involved young persons (1) * Date: 30Sep 2017, project information

  11. General education8.3.3. NEETInformation on regional division - local governments and involved young persons (2) Local governments NEET

  12. General education8.3.3. NEETInformation on future forecasts

  13. General education8.3.3. NEETInformation on actions taken for successful project implementation . .

  14. General education8.3.3. NEETInformation on actions planned for successful project implementation

  15. General education and vocational education834 To reduce early school leaving by taking preventive and intervention measures

  16. General education and vocational education834 To reduce early school leaving by taking preventive and intervention measures (activities and results) development and improvement of ESL risk prevention for local governments and education institutions for coordinated mitigation of ESL problem 10 methodological materials 259 seminars for local governments 674 workshops for education institutions and local governments 10 professional competency improvement programmes 300 supervision groups for pedagogues 64,504 individual plans and support measures individual support (for example, accommodation, teaching materials, catering) ensured to 18,648 students 700 projects

  17. General education and vocational education834 To reduce early school leaving by taking preventive and intervention measures • By now: • methodological guidelines developed • procurement of data operational accounting system announced • informative seminars for cooperation partners organised • 63 cooperation agreements concluded = 40 with local governments + 23 with vocational education institutions = involvement of 257 education institutions • Planned in the near future: • coordination and implementation of individual plans (5,000 plans in 2017) • increasing of involvement of education institutions in the project • study year 2017/2018 2nd semester +14 • study year 2018/2019 1st semester +51 • new cooperation agreements

  18. Main challenges in achieving Performance Framework milestonesand actions taken: SO 833 New initiative for support of NEET young persons Number of NEET group young persons has decreased Costs of local governments for reaching NEET group young persons Young persons registered with NVA formally do not meet the criteria of SO 833 MoESmade amendments in conditions for implementation to reduce the administrative burden on local governments MoES plans to extend the the project's deadline and has proposed following amendments in OP: • to reduce the value for output and result indicator • to reduce the value for financial target (8PA) • to enlarge the target group, by changing eligibility criteria for the target group and definition of common and specific result indicator

  19. Reforms in VET and lifelong learning (I)

  20. VET curricula reformcontinues to ensure a transition from subject-based VET content to learning outcomes-based, as well as to introduce a modular approach in implementation of VET programmes. Mid term results

  21. Modularprogrammes in VET 22.06.2017. amendments to the Vocational Education Law were adopted, defining modular VET programmes, setting types of education where modular VET programmes can be implemented, as well as determining documents that confirm VET and professional qualification issued  upon completion of these programmes. Approbation of 30 modular programmes, incl. 12 professional qualifications, which were developed within project, started in school year 2016/2017. In school year 2017/2018, already 24 vocational education institutions under the supervision of the MoES  has started the implementation and approbation of modular VET programmes in about 80 programmes, incl. in 28 professional qualifications.

  22. Reforms in VET and lifelong learning (II)

  23. Progress in ESIF investments:Vocational education and training& lifelonglearning (I)5 SO, 137.7 MEUR (EU funding)

  24. Progress in ESIF investments:Vocational education and training& lifelonglearning (II)5 SO, 137.7 MEUR (EU funding)

  25. LifelonglearningSO 841 To develop professional competencies of employees Mainchallenges: - to establish the effective & sustainablesystem: the time-consuming and complex process of development of educational offerings within and across all involved bodies; - achieving target group with a low level education. • Main actions: • speeding-up involvement of people in the project, to expandoffer of educationalprograms; • evaluationof the results of first admission; • OP amendments (to changedefinition of outputandresultindicator; to reduce the value for financial target of 8PA)

  26. Vocational education trainingSO 851To increase number of qualified VET students through participation in work-based learning and practice in enterprise Main challenges: Entrepreneurs: - low activity; - pedagogical skills requirements; - high administrative burden; - tax debts. EducationalInstitutions: - the slow process of application of programmes to WBL; - additionalmethodological supportneeded (exchangeofgood practice andexperience). • Main actions: • additional methodological support for EIensured & cooperation with VocationalEducation Association; • learningcoursesfor «supervisors» fromenterprises revised & NCE ensuressupportforlearning (SO 853); • additional unit cost in progress (individual work safety); • OP amendments.

  27. Reforms in higher education

  28. Content linking of the World Bank study with specific support objectives (I) incl. the aspect of doctoral studies and promotion council – management

  29. Content linking of the World Bank study with specific support objectives (II) incl. development of innovation skills in doctoral studies in accordance with RIS3 objectives and priorities

  30. Progress in ESIF investments:Higher education (I)6 SOs, 100.1 MEUR (EU funding)

  31. Progress in ESIF investments:Higher education (II)6 SOs, 100.1 MEUR (EU funding)

  32. Progress in ESIF investments:Higher education (III)6 SOs, 100.1 MEUR (EU funding) *10 MEUR are allocated for the implementation of the recent HE reforms regarding the development of a new content for teacher education: 3 MEUR for the reduction of the fragmentation of HE study programs (SP), incl. the development of a new content for teacher education (SO 821), 4 MEUR – for strengthening the academic personnel of HEIs in the areas of HEI strategic specialization, renewal/ replacement of academic personnel, incl. particular emphasis on teacher education (SO 822), 3 MEUR – for the improvement of governance of HEIs, incl. development of leadership and excellence and funding for the development of a new content for teacher education(SO 823).

  33. Main challenges in achieving Performance Framework milestones: SO 821, 822, 823 New activities, that were not planned before, have been introducedand taken into account in preparation of SOs, as a result implementation model of SOshas been modified: external in-depth evaluation, analyzing existing practice and international experience in internal management and financial administration of HEIs (WB), development of a new content for teacher education (informativereportunderpublicdiscussions). MoES has prepared amendments in OP, introducing new monitoring indicator.

  34. Actions taken by the MoES to accelerate the implementation:SO 821, 822, 823 A conceptual framework for a new teacher education, rooted in the new competency-based education curricula, is prepared by the group of experts. It is planned to accept it in the CoM in November 2017.The report provides a conceptual and systemic vision of the expected development of teacher education, necessary linkage to the policy measures responding to sectoral needs, as well as provisional timetable for the implementation of teacher education sections within SOs 821, 822 and 823. To ensure high quality project selection process, Erasmus+ experiencewill be adopted (a structure of project evaluation criteria & external experts fromErasmus+database). Synergy with OP measure 8311 «Competency-based approach to general education content approbation and implementation» will be ensured.

  35. Thank you!

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