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POP modelling Implementation of the model review recommendations

This document provides recommendations for the refinement of POP physical-chemical properties, seasonal dependence of soil volatilization, degradation of POPs in the atmosphere, application of the model to screening of a wider range of POPs, and more. It also includes information on the modification of the marine module and concludes with a summary of the work done in 2006.

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POP modelling Implementation of the model review recommendations

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  1. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 POP modellingImplementation of the model review recommendations Victor Shatalov, MSC-East EMEP/MSC-E

  2. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Recommendations of EMEP/TFMM Workshop on HM/POP model review • … • refinement of POP physical-chemical properties; • seasonal dependence of soil volatilisation; • degradation of POPs in the atmosphere including photodegradation, and seasonal variations of emissions; • application of the model to screening of a wider range of POPs; • … www.msceast.org EMEP/MSC-E

  3. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Refinement of POP physical-chemical properties • Harmonisation of octanol/water, air/water and octanol/air partition coefficients KOW, KAW, KOA (internal consistency); • implementation of temperature dependence of octanol/water partition coefficient; • refinement of values of other physical-chemical constants according with recent literature data. EMEP/MSC-E

  4. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Refinement of physical-chemical properties Internal consistency of POP physical-chemical properties KOW = KOA · KAW (including temperature dependence) Least square adjustment procedure [Schenker et al., 2005] EMEP/MSC-E

  5. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Seasonal dependence of volatilization from soil Temperature dependence of Kow EMEP/MSC-E

  6. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Seasonal dependence of volatilization from soil Influence of Kow temperature dependence (B[a]P) Soil concentrations Differences in calculated B[a]P contamination levels due to the introduction of Kow temperature dependence EMEP/MSC-E

  7. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Seasonal dependence of volatilization from soil Influence of Kow temperature dependence (PCB-153) Air concentrations Soil concentrations Differences in calculated PCB-153 contamination levels due to the introduction of Kow temperature dependence (95% quantile) EMEP/MSC-E

  8. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Seasonal dependence of volatilization from soil Changes in re-volatilization flux (PCB-153) Differences in calculated PCB-153 re-volatilization due to the introduction of Kow temperature dependence EMEP/MSC-E

  9. Degradation in the atmosphere and seasonal variations of emissions TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Degradation in the atmosphere Degradationof B[a]P in the atmosphere Gaseous phase Reaction with OH-radical Particulate phase Photodegradation EMEP/MSC-E

  10. Degradation in the atmosphere and seasonal variations of emissions TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Seasonal variation of emissions Seasonal variations of B[a]P emissions Sensitivity to emission seasonal variations EMEP/MSC-E

  11. Screening of new substances TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 EMEP/MSC-E Information Notes Submitted to TF on POPs 10/2004: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of PentaBDE” 10/2005: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of Endosulfan” 13/2005: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of Dicofol” 14/2005: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of Hexachlorobutadiene” 15/2005: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of Pentachlorobenzene” 16/2005: “Model assessment of potential for long-range transboundary atmospheric transport and persistence of Polychlorinated Naphthalenes” EMEP/MSC-E

  12. Screening of new substances TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Benchmark pollutants Ranking of pollutants LRTP Persistence km days Transport distance Half-life in the environment EMEP/MSC-E

  13. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Modification of marine module POP phases in seawater • dissolved • sorbed on particles • sorbed on dissolved organics Calculations of spatial distribution of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the ocean EMEP/MSC-E

  14. TFMM 7th Meeting, Helsinki, 2006 Conclusions Work done in 2006 in accordance with the Workshop recommendations • Refinement of POP physical-chemical properties. • Modification of model description of POP behavior in soil and seawater. • Refinement of model description of degradation of POP particulate phase. • Evaluation of new substances. EMEP/MSC-E

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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