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3.00… Understand prenatal development and the components of a healthy pregnancy and delivery. 3.01… Understand environmental and hereditary influences on prenatal development and long-term effects on the health of children.

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  1. 3.00…Understand prenatal development and the components of a healthy pregnancy and delivery.3.01…Understand environmental and hereditary influences on prenatal development and long-term effects on the health of children.

  2. Essential Questions:1. How do hereditary and environment influence traits of children?2. What are some long-term effects of prenatal development?

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvHENVYdUHo

  4. Birth Defects: abnormalities that are present at birth that affects the structure or functions of the body and may threaten a baby’s health.

  5. FACT:Prenatal development is influenced by conditions brought on by the environment and hereditary traits. For some of these influences, there are also birth defects and long-term effects that affect the health of the child.

  6. FACTS • About 150,000 babies are born each year with birth defects. • The parents of one out of every 33 babies receive the frightening news that their baby has a birth defect • There are over 4,000 known birth defects • Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life.

  7. >Inadequate nutrition of mother~Can stunt brain development of baby~Can lead to mental retardation~Increased risk of multiple birth defects and low birth weight Environmental Influences:

  8. Environmental Influences:>Exposure to diseases or infections~Rubella (German measles), during first trimester of pregnancy can cause blindness, deafness, heart disease, mental retardation ~Toxoplasmosis (a parasite) can cause blindness, hearing loss, learning and death; found in cat litter and some raw meats

  9. Environmental Influences:>Exposure to diseases or infections~Varicella, (chicken pox) during the first half of pregnancy can cause scarring of baby’s skin, limb defects, eye problems, and miscarriage. ~Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be passed to unborn child and can lead to serious illnesses, physical disabilities, or death.

  10. Environmental Influences:>Harmful substances consumed~Nicotine from smoking cigarettes and secondhand smoke: *smaller than average babies *miscarriages and premature deliveries *respiratory infections or allergies(There are over 4000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke including cyanide, formaldehyde, acetylene (the fuel used in welding torches), tar, ammonia and poisonous gases nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.  A low tar cigarette can be just as harmful as a high tar cigarette.)

  11. Environmental Influences:>Harmful substances consumed~Smoking marijuana:*THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the active ingredient in marijuana and does cross the placenta. * It is stored in the amniotic fluid that the baby lives in prior to birth. *It is possible that marijuana use in pregnancy is associated with premature labor and small babies, with all the associated dangers of low birth weight including infections and breathing problems.

  12. Environmental Influences:>Harmful substances consumed ~Alcohol-causing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome*20% of infants die *facial deformities, delayed physical growth, heart defects, hyperactivity, mental retardation-disabilities *poor coordination *difficulty controlling behavior

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWScUL_CZWQ

  14. Environmental Influences:>Harmful substances consumed~Drugs, over-the-counter and illegal: *over-the-counter shouldn’t be taken w/out doctor ok *pass drug addiction on to baby; baby will go through painful withdrawal symptoms *produces severe, long-term learning and behavioral problems

  15. Environmental Influences:>Harmful substances consumed~Drugs, over-the-counter and illegal, cont: *large amounts of caffeine increase risk of miscarriage, low birth-weight babies, and infant death *cocaine increases risk of miscarriage; produces strokes that lead to brain damages, heart attack, birth abnormalities, or death; causes tremors, irritability, sleep problems, & developmental delays *ecstasy leads to congenital heart problems, physical abnormalities

  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKC_lqXZup0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glq9257st-U

  17. Environmental Influences:Exposure to hazards during pregnancy:~Chemicals-some paint, pesticides, lead-based chemicals, carbon monoxide, mercury, solvents, paint thinners, & formaldehyde can potentially cause physical and mental abnormalities

  18. Exposure to hazards during pregnancy ~X rays-can cause childhood cancer, miscarriages, and mental retardation ~Toxoplasmosis-extreme high blood pressure due to parasite from cat liter, some raw meats

  19. Environmental Influences:Accidental injuries:~Cerebral palsy caused by damage to the brain before, during, or shortly after birth~Damage to the developing embryo and fetus from accidental injuries of all types can potentially cause a wide range of birth defects

  20. Hereditary Influences:~Dominant genes are stronger, therefore it only takes 1 defective dominant gene passed from 1 of the parents!

  21. Hereditary Influences:~Recessive are weaker, therefore it takes 2 defective recessive genes (one from mom and one from dad) to pass on a hereditary birth defect that lies on the recessive gene.

  22. Hereditary Influences:>Defective recessive genes inherited from both parents: 1)Cystic fibrosis-caused by inheritance of recessive genes; more likely to affect Caucasians than African or Asian-Americanshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LItSsVJPQEY

  23. Hereditary Influences:>Defective recessive genes inherited from both parents: 2) PKU-inherited from recessive genes; Native American and northern European backgroundshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HG7AXV6YQI

  24. Hereditary Influences:Defective recessive genes inherited from both parents, cont: 3)Tay-Sachs disease-an inherited disease most common among eastern European families of Jewish descenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i28OVh8kBuQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m88blOWkL_0

  25. Hereditary Influences:Defective recessive genes inherited from both parents, cont: 4)Sickle cell anemia-malformed red blood cells that deprive the body of oxygen and prevalent inAfrican Americans

  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AHFHleYwdU

  27. Hereditary Influences:>Defective dominant genes inherited from one parent: 1)Hemophilia-passed on from mothers to sons, only; prevents blood from clottinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_EmvUb171I

  28. 2)Huntington’s disease-manifests in adulthood, leads to dementia; passed down through families in which nerve cells in certain parts of the brain waste away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU_xkl-DO-Q

  29. Hereditary Influences:Defective dominant genes inherited from ONE parent: 3)Color blindness/deficiency-usually affects only males 4)Duchenne muscular dystrophy-transmitted by female carriers, usually affects only males

  30. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khugHTgwQq4

  31. Hereditary Influences:>Errors in chromosomes-problems with the number or structure of chromosomes: *Down Syndrome-associated with mental retardation, increased risk of heart defects, leukemia, poor muscle tone, and distinctive physical characteristics.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-v7AfMwyTU

  32. Combined H & E Influences:>Inherited tendency to develop heart defect combined with drug use or virus during pregnancy causes child to have heart defect

  33. Combined H & E Influences:>Cleft lip/cleft palate-gap in upper lip or palate; caused by heredity or environmental factors or both

  34. Combined H & E Influences: >Spina bifida and Hydrocephalus- caused by both hereditary and environmental factors; risk can be reduced by taking folic acid during pregnancy

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