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Enhancing Efficiency in Public Management and Addressing Demographic Change

Priorities and objectives for future EUPAN work focusing on public management efficiency, demographic changes, and aging populations. Guidelines for enhanced governance and cooperation among working groups.

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Enhancing Efficiency in Public Management and Addressing Demographic Change

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  1. Portuguese Presidency MTP 2008-2009

  2. MTP – Sources • Ministers Resolution of 22 June 2007 (German Presidency); • Directors-General Resolutions of 20-21 June 2007 (German Presidency); • Memorandum on MTP format presented at the Directors-General meeting of 5 December 2006 (Finnish presidency); • Final Report of Lisbon Ad-hoc group – May 2005; • The results of the assessment made during the German • Presidency. • WGs Contributions during and after meetings

  3. MTP – Sources Ministers Resolution Approval of the two main priorities for the future EUPAN work Directors-General Resolutions Agreed on the main working areas for the different WGs Memorandum on MTP Guidelines for the new MTP format Report of Lisbon Ad-hoc group Defined common priority areas according to the Lisbon Strategy Assessment results Identified the main issues that the MS would like to handle within EUPAN

  4. MTP – Main Priorities Main Priorities to be developed by all EUPAN Working Groups HRWG IPSG Enhancing the efficiency of public management and governance Demographic change & Ageing eGov

  5. MINISTERS RESOLUTION MAIN PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE WORK EUPAN OBJECTIVES ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Demands of citizens and private businesses; Strategic management in public administration; Quality level and efficiency in public administration. Promoting project-related and team oriented forms of work-enhancing communication within the PA. Transparency, ethics, integrity, and confidence building in the public service Use of information and communication technologies Changes and reforms—new challenges Mobility between PA of EU Members States

  6. MINISTERS RESOLUTION MAIN PRIORITIES FOR FUTURE EUPAN WORK OBJECTIVES DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND AGEING Ensuring efficient and effective organization Pension systems Public services taking into account a changed age structure of the population; Training , integrations and promotion to guarantee equal opportunities for entry into public services; Promoting flexibility taking account of changing of personnel structures in the public service; Work conditions and improving health management in pa The attractiveness of public service as an employer

  7. Memorandum on MTP format presented at the Directors-General meeting of 5 December 2006 (Finnish Presidency)‏ Guidelines: “...the network can have common goals to which the different working groups are asked to contribute.” “enhancing the steering role of the directors- general.” “The Mid Term Programme should be built more around themes common for the whole network decided by the Directors-General(…)” • METHODOLOGY MTP 2008-2009


  9. METHODOLOGY FOR THE 2008-2009 MTP • To present the MTP for 2008-2009 with a developed format and content, so it may be a more target oriented document, focusing on a transversal approach of the themes defined as main priorities. • To be successful in this transversal approach the subjects to deal with should be defined in a limited number to dealt with in a more in-depth way.


  11. HRWG PRIORITIES WORKING AREAS Public Administration Values • Promote Competitiveness, and Quality in Public Administration • Promoting Trust, Transparency, Public Administration Vision Strategic Management • Change Management • Reward System • Improving Leaders or Managerial Skills or Leadership Skills • Sustainability of Pensions Systems Positions

  12. SOCIAL DIALOGUE WORKPROGRAMME 2008-2009 WORKING AREAS • Sustaining Efficient Administration • Lisbon Strategy Evaluation • Working Conditions

  13. IPSG PRIORITIES WORKING AREAS • Quality Management • Customer Focus • Lisbon Strategy Evaluation • Reduction of Administrative Burdens • Demographic Change And Ageing


  15. E-Government Priorities

  16. MTP – Cooperation • How is it possible to enhance the co-operation among the working groups? Transversal Working Areas New Working Methods

  17. Efficiency Governance Demographic change MTP – Cooperation Transversal Working Areas CUSTOMER ORIENTATION CUSTOMER ORIENTATION HRWG & IPSG productivity eGov & IPSG reduction of adm. burdens eGov Inclusive Government HRWG & S.D. Leadership skills S. Dialogue Work flexibility IPSG Customer focus IPSG Knowledge management HRWH Competences development

  18. MTP – CooperationNew Working Methods • Set up of “Learning Teams” (LT); • Participation of WG’s chairs in all other WG’s meetings in each presidency; • Virtual Meetings by using the potentialities of the CIRCA website.

  19. MTP- Cooperation- LT • Within each WG can be set out temporary LTs on the basis of particular common interests of some members, with the objective to produce outputs to share within the WGs. • Relate the LTs theme to WGs/EUPAN mission • The LT could have two primary kinds of outputs: • Innovative: to develop new themes. • Sharing: to find transferable practices between MS

  20. The Learning Teams participants could be: MTP- Cooperation- LT • Members of one group; • Members of different EUPAN WGs; • Experts/consultants of MS invited by the LT

  21. LT guidelines & principles MTP- Cooperation- LT • The LG philosophy of action should be “win-win”: all LT members should learn with the LT experience. • The LT nature is not academic but practice. • The LT “clients” are the LT members, the WGs members, the EUPAN network and the European public services. • The LT is free to set up the form of work, namely the coordination, the responsible for the minutes of the meetings, the possible reports and presentations, etc. • The LT is free to set up the most appropriate way of work .To avoid extra costs to MS attendance meetings it is not a prerequisite, but LT members are free to decide on this.

  22. Main advantages of the LTs MTP- Cooperation- LT • Aligning the WGs activity to the Member States needs and expectations (volunteer basis). • Covering more themes in the MTP which increases the WGs results. • Sharing practices and findings among MS in a more deep way. • Working on specific themes which don’t have the necessary consensus of the WGs to be a common project.

  23. MTP- Cooperation- WGs Chairs • Formalization of theparticipation of WG’s chairsin all other WG’s meetings in each presidency Active participation in order to contribute with knowledge/experience of a different WG to the work developed in the host WG

  24. MTP- Cooperation Virtual Meetings Exploiting the CIRCA website potentialities to: • Exchange information between the WGs; • Ask/answer questions related to a specific project or subject ; • Develop a common project.

  25. Actions Dates • Time Frame Innovative Public Services Group Social Dialogue Task Force Human Resources Working Group E-Government 15 - 16 November 19 November 20 November 3 - 4 December Presentation to the Troika Secretariat 26 November Presentation to the DG’s Troika 9 December (Final version)‏ Presentation for approval in the DG meeting 10 – 11 December

  26. Portuguese Presidency MTP 2008-2009

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