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NEW WORLD!!!! Columbus went on many voyages around the world, but one out rates them all. Columbus’ most famous voyage took place in 1492, when he discovered the Americas. After that, he returned to Spain, and wanted to return with a larger fleet. He made four journeys to the New World, each of which is important and interesting in its own way.
NEW WORLD 2 When Christopher told the Qiun
GOING TO SEA • On one such voyage, to the island of khios(modern day Greece, brought him to the closest he could get to Asia. His very first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean was in 1476. That trip to sea almost cost him his life! He and his ship mates were all of a sudden ATTACKED! The French privateers burned their ship which left him no choice but to swim to safety.
THE SETTLEING • Christopher Columbus decided to settle at Lisbon Portugal where he met the love of his life, FelipaPerestrello. Columbus and Felipa got married and had a son named Diego. The Columbus family soon sailed out to Spain and settled again. Sadly soon after that Columbus wife past away. Christopher had a second son born out of wedlock in 1488 with Beatriz de Arana.
Child hood Marco Polo Christopher Columbus was the oldest of 5 kids, he was born in 1851, in Italy (Genoa coast of Italy) as a child he loved to read about the travels of Marco Polo. He was an other explorer that did the same thing he did when Columbus was older. It was hard to read about sense he got little schooling
Christopher Columbus sadly was very harsh and cruel to the native Americans. It did not seem fair he could just take the Land when it was the Native Americans. Columbus and his men killed over 125,000 native Americans. They killed them with weapons and claimed the land as their own. Christopher Columbus died in 1506 and he still believed he had discovered a shorter route to Asia.