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Jenelle Babb UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean

Developing an HIV and AIDS M&E framework and capacity-building tool for the Education Sector: next steps. Jenelle Babb UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean. Project Phases.

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Jenelle Babb UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean

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  1. Developing an HIV and AIDS M&E framework and capacity-building tool for the Education Sector: next steps Jenelle Babb UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean

  2. Project Phases This project aims to build the capacity of the education sector in the Caribbean in programme monitoring and evaluation for a comprehensive response to HIV and AIDS. The work will be carried out in four phases over the period 2009 to 2012: • development of a generic HIV&AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation framework and capacity building tool for the education sector’s response programme; • testing of the generic framework and capacity building tool in selected Caribbean countries, with revision as appropriate; • training of a cohort of programme managers in the Education sector in the Caribbean in the use of the generic framework and capacity building tool; and • reproduction and dissemination of the final generic framework and capacity building tool.

  3. Phase I Development of a generic HIV&AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation framework and capacity building tool for the education sector’s response programme: • June 2009-October, 2010 • led by EDC Inc on behalf of the UNESCO Kingston Cluster Office for the Caribbean • Principal activities include a desk review, stakeholder consultation through questionnaire/ interviews etc.; drafting of both framework and tool and a stakeholder workshop for consensus building etc. • Outputs will include a draft generic M&E framework and a draft capacity building tool

  4. Phase II Testing of the generic framework and capacity building tool in selected Caribbean countries, with revision as appropriate: • January 2011- September 2011 (proposed) - Activities will involve: • Consultancy services for lead technical expert • Pre-roll-out orientation workshop in two pilot countries (1 ½ -day national workshop per pilot country) • Post-testing national stakeholder meeting to report findings • Pilot report presented with recommendations for revision of both framework and tool; report finalized • Revision and finalization of framework and tool

  5. Phases III & IV III. Training a cohort of programme managers in the Education sector in the Caribbean in the use of the generic framework and capacity building tool. IV. Reproduction and dissemination of the final generic framework and capacity building tool. • January – April, 2012 (proposed) • Activity: 2 ½ day sub-regional orientation workshop involving three-person country teams to be trained in adapting the tool for use at country level

  6. After this workshop… • Revision of the current draft framework to incorporate stakeholder feedback • Circulate revised draft to workshop participants/country representatives for final feedback • draft accompanying capacity-building tool/resource based on stakeholder input • Circulate first draft of capacity-building tool for feedback • Finalize approach for testing both items at country level

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