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The Tribulation . Unveiling the Great Whore. Rev. 17 . Warning!. Warning!. Do not believe a word that is spoken tonight, but go see for yourseves !. Getting our bearings . A. The STRUCTURE of the Book .
Warning! Do not believe a word that is spoken tonight, but go see for yourseves!
(Rev 1:10) I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
Keys to understanding the divisions of Revelation • The position of John at the time of the writing • It is by far more important to understand the when of the writings and not the where. • If a person does not get this key verse down the rest of the Book has no relevance NOTES
(Rev 1:19) Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
Keys to understanding the divisions of Revelation • The command give concerning the outline • Jesus tells John exactly how to outline the book and the subject matter in which to write. NOTES
Keys to understanding the divisions of Revelation • He tells John to write about the… • Past “the things which thou hast seen” • Present “the things which are” • Future “the things which shall be hereafter” NOTES
Keys to understanding the divisions of Revelation • In order to have 3 divisions in the book there must be 2 place that create those divisions, and make a transition to the next point of the outline. • These 2 place are seen when heaven opens. NOTES
DOOR # 1 (Rev 4:1) After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
DOOR # 2 (Rev 19:11) And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
The Past Chapters 1-3 Covers History from 90 AD - Rapture of the Church The Present Chapters 4-19 Covers the 7 year tribulation to the 2nd Coming of Christ The Future Chapters 20-22 Covers the 1,000 year region and beyond • “the things which thou hast • seen” • Church history • The Application • Historical • (7 church of Asia • Minor) • Inspirational • (to Churches and • Individuals) • Prophetical • (The 7 church ages from where Acts left off to the Rapture) • “the things which shall be hereafter” • Chapters 20-22 • The 1,000 year reign • The great white throne • The New Heaven and New earth • “the things which are” • Chapters 4-19 • The Lords Day • The Tribulation (and great tribulation) • The return of Christ with his Saints • The return is seen 4 times
The 4 accounts of the Tribulation • Rev. 4-6 (under the figure of Seals) • Rev. 7-11 (under the figure of Trumpets) • Rev. 12-14 (The work and ministry of the Antichrist • Rev. 15-19 (under the figure of vials)
The 4 accounts of the 2nd Coming of Christ • Rev. 6:12-17 • Rev.11-13-16 • Rev. 14: 14-20 • Rev. 19:11-21
Pergamos • Nimrod Commentary • After listing one name after the other in the midst of this genealogy in Genesis10, you come to Nimrod, all of a sudden God stops to give you a commentary on him. (Gen.10:8-10) • The same thing happens in the genealogy in I Chr 1:10 • The point: There is something God wants us to see about this man.
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Epithet (Slogan) • (Gen 10:9) He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. • “The mighty hunter BEFORE the Lord”(Gen 6:11)(Gen 13:13) H
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Epithet (Slogan) • (Gen 10:9) He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. • “The mighty hunter BEFORE the Lord”(Gen 6:11)(Gen 13:13) H
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Kingdom • (Gen 10:10) And the beginning of his KINGDOM was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. • This is the 1st mention of a “kingdom” in all the Bible. In which we find a king who’s name means rebellion, who is seeking to establish a world empire • The Theme of the bible is a battle over a kingdom • Satan’s pursuit of a kingdom that he lost (Ezk.28) • God’s pursuit to place his Son on the throne, on this Earth H
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Kingdom • (Gen 10:10) And the beginning of his kingdom was BABEL… • The 1st mention of Babel in the Bible • The Condemnation of Babel (Babylon) • From this point forward in the bible, Babylon will always stand for that which is in opposition to God and His people • Joshua 7 (Achan and the Babylonish garment) • Rev.17:5 H
Pergamos • The Worship at the Tower (Gen. 11:1-4) • Ecumenical Worship • To establish a world empire Nimrod would need to unify the people, both commercially and religiously. • (Gen 11:4) …let us build us a city and a tower… • The City would be the commercial symbol • The Tower would be the religious symbol • They are unified in their language • They are unified in the speech • They are unified in Leadership H
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Wife • She was Semiramis (the First), the high priestess of Babel religion. • When Nimrod died, the people of Babylon greatly mourned his death. Legend says that his body was cut into pieces, burnt, and sent to various areas. • Ralph Edward Woodraw, Babylon Mystery Religion • After Nimrod’s death, Semiramis claimed that he was now the sun god, and that she had conceived by a sun beam, having known no man. • She gives birth to a son whose name was Tammuz, who supposedly Nimrod, come back to life. H
Pergamos • Nimrod’s Wife • In this system, not only was the son worshipped, but so was the mother. • That is why in all ancient religions, they all have as part of their worship a mother and child. • Because God scattered the people all over the earth. (Gen.11:8) H
The Chinese had a mother goddess called Shingmoo, which means, “holy mother” She is pictured with her child in her arms, and rays of glory around her head. Encylopedia of Religions, Vol 2 p.398
In ancient Germany, she was the virgin Hertha, pictured with child under her.
In India, she was known as Indrani, also pictured with child in arms.
In Ephesus, she was known as Dianna. The temple in Ephesus dedicated to her was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Acts 19:27 says in reference to Dianna.. “Whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.” She was said to represent the generative powers of nature and so was pictured with many breast. A tower shaped crown, a symbol of the Tower of Babel adorned her head. Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion.
In Egypt, she was called Isis, and her son Osiris. (Osiris, however, was not only her son, but her husband.)
In Greece, she was known as Aphrodite, and her son Eros. (“Eros” is Greek word for romantic or sensual love)
In Phoenicia, the mother was known as Astarte, or Ashtar, and the son known as Baal. • In the book of Judges, when Israel fell into apostasy, “They forsook the Lord and served Baal and Ashtaroth.” (Judges 2:13) • (“Ashtaroth” or “Ashtoreth” was the name by which the goddess was know to the children of Israel..and sometimes the Son is referred to in the Bible as Baalim) • This happened repeatedly in Israel history. • Judges 10:6 I Sam 7:3,4;12:10 I Kings 11:5 II Kings 23:13 • Sometimes this goddess was referred to by the title “the queen of heaven” (Jer. 44:17-19)
In Rome, she was known as Venus, and her son Jupiter or sometimes referred to as Cupid.
Pergamos • The 2 most powerful men vying for the job was Maxentius and a very important man as far as Church history is concerned- Constantine • These men meet about 10 mile north of Rome in 312 A D • It is know as the battle of Milvian Bridge
Pergamos • Constantine supposedly has a vision in the sky of a cross, and hears a voice saying “In hoc signovinces” or in this sign you will conquer. • He says the sign of the cross that he saw was made up of the 1st two letters of the name “Christ” • The Greek “CHI” which looks like our letter “X” • The Greek “RHO” which is like our letter “P”
Pergamos • Constantine wins the battle and becomes the emperor of Rome • At this time Constantine claims to be a Christian! • All with the fact that almost every church historian writes about this time as his conversion to Christianity
Pergamos • In 313 AD he sends out an edict called the “Edict of Milan” • It grants Christian absolute religious liberty. • It restores property that was confiscated during the former persecutions • Pagan temples that were offensive to the Christians were destroyed
Pergamos • By 324 AD he is promising 20 pieces of Gold and a brand New white Baptismal robe for any one that would convert to Christianity • To him “convert” meant to be baptized • The 1st year in Rome 12,000 men were baptized (not including women or children)
Pergamos • What was really happening was that the “church” was being flooded with Paganism. • All of the traditions and holidays and worship of the pagans was brought into the Church. • The Church began to Christianize Pagan events