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LHC Injectors Upgrade Workshop

LHC Injectors Upgrade Workshop. Montreux, 13-15 February 2019. LIU workshop in Montreux: Summary. G. Rumolo on behalf of the LIU project. LIU workshop: in LS2 and towards run3 and beyond. 3 pillars addressed in three sessions: Beam Dynamics and performance reach – Giovanni and Heiko

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LHC Injectors Upgrade Workshop

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  1. LHC Injectors Upgrade Workshop Montreux, 13-15 February 2019

  2. LIU workshop in Montreux:Summary G. Rumolo on behalf of the LIU project

  3. LIU workshop: in LS2 and towards run3 and beyond 3 pillars addressed in three sessions: • Beam Dynamics and performance reach – Giovanni and Heiko • Comprehensive status of the current reach, on the simulation tools needed for the restart and on the focus on critical path studies • Comprehensive detailed plan over 2019-2021 with priorities, milestones and timelines • General milestones to reach LIU performance by LS3 • LS2 system readiness and work execution – Julie and Brennan • Monitoring of LIU work progress and readiness for beam during LS2 – critical items • List systems which have been postponed to post LS2, spare situation, decabling campaign • Commissioning preparation and execution phases – Verena and Alex • Strategy well defined and endorsed by all machines • List of milestones and timelines • Commissioning time is limited – adequate ? What are the chronological priorities to ensure the LIU baseline targets?

  4. Beam dynamics session – Giovanni and Heiko Beam parameters requirements from HL-LHC – Rogelio Tomas Performance and reliability for ions from source to PS – Nicolo Biancacci Beam quality and reliability for Linac4, including strategy from its source – Alessandra Lombardi Acceleration on longitudinal emittance control in the PSB, after the LIU – Simon Albright Brightness and transverse emittance from the PSB – Fanouria Antoniou Transverse effects with twice brighter beam in the PS – Matthew Fraser PS intensity reach and longitudinal parameters after LIU – Alexandre Lasheen Transverse beam quality in the SPS – Hannes Bartosik Longitudinal beam quality and stability in the SPS – Elena Shaposhnikova Putting it all together: LIU performance reach – Giovanni Rumolo / Heiko Damerau

  5. LIU system readiness and shutdown execution – Julie and Brennan • Beyond LS2: spares, NCs and upgrades – Giovanni Rumolo • LS2 organisation and committee meeting – Miguel Jimenez • Linac4 connection – Simon Mataguez / Fernando Pedrosa • PSB – David Hay • PS – Fernando Pedrosa • SPS – David Mcfarlane • General Safety – Anne Funken • Overall shutdown planning – Julie Coupard • Readiness for installation dates, critical path and risks – Jonathan Meignan • Refurbishment of B269 for the consolidation of TT2 power converters – Valerie Montabonnet • SPS 200 MHz overall (power, LL, SW, beam obs, CCC integration) – Frank Gerigk • SPS beam dump overall (CE, kickers, infrastructure, status, concurrency) – Etienne Carlier • Beam intercepting devices – Francois-Xavier Nuiry • Session wrap-up – Julie Coupard / Brennan Goddard

  6. LIU commissioning – Verena and Alex H. Organisation of commissioning activities – Verena Kain Hardware commissioning across the injector complex – James Ridewood Readiness of RF equipment across the injector complex – Andy Butterworth Operating the injector complex after LS2 – Delphine Jacquet Linac4 and LBE commissioning – Bettina Mikulec Timeline and requirements for beam commissioning in the SPS – Kevin Li Timeline and requirements for beam commissioning in the PS – Frank Tecker Timeline and requirements for beam commissioning in the PSB – Gian Piero Di Giovanni Timeline and requirements for beam commissioning across the ion chain – Reyes Alemany Session 3 wrap-up – Verena Kain / Alexander Huschauer

  7. LIU beam parameters reach: protons Linac4 Linac2 PSB PS SPS Protons Intensity By end 2024 In year 2020 with: - L4-PSB connection - H-charge exchange injection - 2 GeV PSB operation and PS injection Brightness (studied with BCMS) Linac3 LEIR PS SPS Ions 2021 with slip stacking commissioning

  8. LIU beam parameters reach: protons Remaining main milestones • Validation of Linac4 beam quality, reproducibility and reliability with 25 mA (time is short, long. painting has low priority -> work ongoing to assess impact of non-readiness on pre-LS2 beams) • Validation of PSB injection, large ez PSB-PS transfer and general ex,y preservation along injector chain • Reduction of SPS losses at injection plateau (low ez transfer) • Understanding and controlling SPS horizontal and longitudinal instabilities

  9. Menu of beams for HL-LHC Back-up

  10. LIU beam parameters reach: protonsBaseline vs alternative scenarios To be checked: for higher number of bunches, check impact on heat load increase, injectors protection devices/beam dump, beam dynamics instabilities, bunch configuration impact on injectors operation Main messages for injectors: • Operational flexibility for bunch configuration remains important • Scenarios with shorter fill lengths (e.g. alternative, ultimate) would impact injector FT operation and increase dependence on injectors availability

  11. Parameter sensitivity of HL-LHC • 2% luminosity loss of nominal can be caused by • 0.13 ∙ 1011 p/b less at constant brightness • 0.4 mm larger emittanceat constant intensity • 14 minutes turn around time • b* increase by 8 cm • 1% efficiency reduction HL-LHC Request with2% luminosity change Injectors

  12. Parameter sensitivity of HL-LHC • 2% luminosity loss of nominal can be caused by • 0.13 ∙ 1011 p/b less at constant brightness • 0.4 mm larger emittanceat constant intensity • 14 minutes turn around time • b* increase by 8 cm • 1% efficiency reduction Trade off performance with speed to serve LHC? HL-LHC Request with2% luminosity change Injectors

  13. HL-LHC bunch-by-bunch requirements and sensitivity matrix to 2% integrated luminosity change Main message for the injectors • Sensitivity to beam parameters and turnaround time • Balance between exact baseline parameters tuning and effective integrated Luminosity gain • Operational efficiency to minimise turnaround time • Bunch-by-bunch stability as today  Additional requirements on Linac4 reproducibility, PS beam loading compensation during bunch splitting, mitigation of losses/blow-up on flat bottoms, mitigation of intra-train incoherent loss/blow-up effects (e.g. e-cloud)

  14. Highlights (1): PS Intensity reach Intensity per bunch at PS extraction Multi-harmonic feedbacks 40 MHz RF as Landau system LIU baseline Suspected feedback saturation Optimization 2017 Finemet dipole-mode coupled-bunch feedback Reach with C10-86/96 coupled-bunch feedback (2005)* *Intensities >1.3 ∙ 1011 p/b were delivered <2016, but not with sufficient quality for LHC • LIU target intensity reached at nominal el = 0.35 eVs • Large transverse emittance: ~5 mm • Excellent transmission of ~98% even at highest intensities • Transverse stability • Careful tune and chromaticity adjustment • Transverse damper • No e-cloud observed, but what about lower transverse emittances and 72b?

  15. Highlights (2): SPS transverse • Horizontal instability Nb > 1.8 ∙ 1011 p/b • Cured by either chromaticity, octupolesor combination at present intensities Octupole strength (LOF knob) Chromaticity (QPH knob) 

  16. Highlights (2): SPS transverse • Horizontal instability Nb > 1.8 ∙ 1011 p/b • Cured by either chromaticity, octupolesor combination at present intensities • Coherent tune shift at 26 GeV will be on the order of DQy ~ 0.04 withLIU intensities • Wide tune acceptance of dampershown with beam in 2018 • Implications on working point choiceto be studied in simulations • Electron cloud • Mini scrubbing run in 2018 demonstrated emittance growth reduction to 10-15%at around 2 ∙ 1011 p/b • 4 x 48 b, 1.35 x 1011 ppb

  17. LIU beam parameters reach: Ionsmitigations to baseline beam parameters Main message Increasing further intensity in LEIR is not attractive (PS and SPS can’t swallow it) – stay with baseline Baseline is slip-staking in 2021, with all taken associated risks Mitigation is the demonstrated 75ns operation

  18. LIU beam parameters reach: ions Remaining main milestones • Re-establishment of pre-LS2 performance throughout injector chain, in particular Fixed Frequency acceleration in SPS with upgraded 200 MHz RF system and new LLRF • Preparation of both nominal (4-bunch, 100 ns) and mitigation schemes (3-bunch, 75 ns) • Understanding of longitudinal instabilities in SPS and definition of strategy to cope with them (800 MHz, ez blow up) • Commissioning of momentum slip stacking in SPS as from September 2021 aiming at HL-LHC operation in November 2021

  19. Highlights: Linac3 and LEIR Pb source and Linac3 • Source autopilot • Continuous support during LHC run • 30 uA golden value for LIU reached LEIR • Improved accumulation and reduced losses in LEIR • Careful tuning and understanding • RF capture with frequency modulation • Elimination of tune ripple • Improved reliability • Automatic tools and optimizers • Improved beam instrumentation LEIR record intensities • Linac3/LEIR ready to operationally deliver LIU target parameters LIU target pre-LS1

  20. Global for ions • Achievements • 4 bunches spaced by 100 ns at PS-SPS • Multiple injections (9) into the SPS • Single bunch parameters above LIU target • 55% of LIU target achieved

  21. Global for ions • Alternative • 3 bunches with 75 ns spacing • Single bunch parameters 15% above target! • 70% of LIU target achieved • Achievements • 4 bunches spaced by 100 ns at PS-SPS • Multiple injections (9) into the SPS • Single bunch parameters above LIU target • 55% of LIU target achieved

  22. Global for ions 50 ns spacing • Challenges • Longitudinal instabilities SPS  Beam studies in 2018 • Slip stacking: 100 ns  50 ns spacing in SPS  LLRF upgrade LIU goal 75 ns spacing Slip stackingin SPS 100 ns spacing 100 ns spacing Bunch length, 5.1 ∙ 108 ions/b Post LS2 (Pb-Pb) 4 bunches from PS

  23. LS2 and restart after LS2 • Individual System Tests during shutdown period • Hardware commissioning/cold check out including new equipment • Stand-alone beam commissioning • Beam commissioning steps outlined andadded to check lists • Injectors restart in 2020-21 (Commissioning Coordination & Working Groups)

  24. LS2 execution and system readiness main messages • General Safety: • Safety files for different Safety Packages being completed • Pre-visits with HSE unit on-going, to identify and correct electrical non-conformities, prior to tunnel installation • Project documentation: • To complete ECRs, thus integration, thus 3D models from design office (lifecycle issues with some ‘older’ drawings’) – LIU resolving urgent needs • To update FS with use-casesfor numbers of cycles for SPS scrapers – STI with OP in Comm. WG • By end LS2: To complete spares inventory

  25. LS2 execution and system readiness main messages Run3: To follow-up and document post-LS2 upgrades list at the defined checkpoints

  26. LS2 execution and system readiness main messages Planning related items: • Daily work progress follow-up is working great – excellent communication channel between facility coordinators and LIU machine coordinators/activity leaders – LIU TC treating issues (technical, multi projects, multi-injectors…) • Ad-hoc meetings between LIU and equipment management continue • Early communication of schedule changes is crucial to optimise schedule contingency • e.g. launch analysis of possibilities (especially EN-EL) in case CE finishes earlier • Very interesting tools developed by EN/ACE to identify possible high critical path activities and risks (both resources and readiness for installation) – analysis and tool development to continue with equipment groups, incl. needed resources levelling strategy – EN/ACE with equipment groups (case study on-going with BE/BI)

  27. LS2 execution and system readiness main messages • Consolidation of TT2 power converters in building 269: • Include electrical circuits in layout DB • RF Upgrade: critical part of schedule in 2nd half 2020 when all put back together prior to and during commissioning - key phase to prepare and plan. Monitor availability of RF SW to allow on-time OP layers • SPS Beam Dump: MKDV switch delay in prototype validation, reliability run with modified version week 9, deadline end May 2019 – done • Beam Intercepting Devices: • Continue close follow-up of TIDVG production - no schedule margin – MME dependent

  28. Session 3 – Commissioning • Overall strategy and organisation of all commissioning period well defined • IST, HW, cold check out commissioning plan: • Integration of LIU hardware in progress • Per-machine: by end 2019 deliver detailed plans, with defined operational aspects • Cross-machine vision to be included (shared resources, common zones, standardised policies and procedures) • Stand-alone beam commissioning detailed for all machines from LHC requiring PROBE in March 2021 and elaborated backwards along the chain (from SPS to PSB) including requirements from upstream machines • Should include all FT physics beams (beyond stand-alone period) and Lead to 2020-21 injector schedule • Cross-machine vision being included • Linac4 and LBE commissioning first in line, test bed for global coordination and procedures

  29. Session 3 – Operational efficiency Commissioning of RF systems crucial (with and without beam) following beam requirements and to be well integrated with operation Overall improvement of operational efficiency during commissioning and routine operation, several aspects to work on (including sequence and cycle generations) Optimisation should be BEAM rather than MACHINE centric Manpower needed for preparation and restart of injectors Ramp up of LIU intensity will be in 2021 for ions, up to 2024 for protons

  30. Post LIU workshop LIU executive committee meeting: 21st February: first preliminary discussion on LIU workshop outcomes and next steps 5th March: Summary from session chairs 7th March: Resulting list of actions presented by LIU machine coordinators. Discussed and approved. 21st March: actions available on LIU EDMS – followed up by each LIU machine Joint Leader Team 27th March: results presented to LIU/HL-LHC Executive Committee

  31. Action lists – EDMS file

  32. Conclusions Efficient and fruitful Workshop Thanks to the 105 participants, who actively contributed to the success of the workshop – all committed and strongly engaged Important 1.5 y ahead of us Action plans in place and closely followed-up by the LIU machines Joint Leaders teams


  34. SPARES

  35. Aims of the LHC Injectors Upgrade project Proton beam properties @LHC injection Pb ion beam properties @LHC injection • Performance: • Deliver beam parameters at LHC injection matching the requested HL-LHC target for protons and heavy ions • Define and deploy means to overcome performance limitations in all injectors • Sustainability/availability: • Ensure and improve injectors’ availability/reliability for the HL-LHC operation by upgrading sensitive/ageing equipment, improve radioprotection and services (in synergy with CONS)

  36. Goals of the LHC Injectors Upgrade project • 160 MeV H- charge exchange injection • Acceleration to 2 GeV with new main power supply and new RF systems • Main RF system (200 MHz) upgrade • Longitudinal impedance reduction & partial a-C coating • New beam dump and protection devices • Acceleration of H- to 160 MeV • Nominal 40 mA within 0.4 mm, Run 3 target 25 mA within 0.3 mm • 2 GeVinjection • New RF equipment including broad-band feedback Linac4

  37. LIU Project timeline Much activities performed, some completed, and partial equipment installation already done prior to LS2 (recommendation of CSR2015) LS2 We are here Mainly LIU work Run 2 LS3 Run 3 Proton Runs Technical Stops Long Shutdowns Beam Commissioning Run 2 (past): Beam studies; Equipment specification, design, prototyping, procurement, testing, installation and commissioning; Cabling / decabling; Surface work (CE, racks); Linac4 commissioning LS2: LBE run, Linac4 to PSB connection, installation of all LIU equipment in all injectors Run 3: Recovery of pre-LS2 beams + LIU beam commissioning through the injectors (HL-LHC ions end 2021)

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