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NIS Co-Chair report (2005 – 2006). 1) ICDD products and programs advertising: Lectures at the various meetings for industrial users Mariupol, Ukraine, October 2005 (>150 participants) St. Petersburg, Russia, February 2006 (>100 participants).
1) ICDD products and programs advertising: • Lectures at the various meetings for industrial users • Mariupol, Ukraine, October 2005 (>150 participants) • St. Petersburg, Russia, February 2006 (>100 participants) - 3rd XRD Clinic at Moscow State University (July 2005)
1) ICDD products and programs advertising: • Lecture and exhibition at the crystallographic meeting: • L’viv, Ukraine,September 2005
1) ICDD GiA Workshop in Novosibirsk (18.10-20.10 2005 ) : 66 participants attended the Workshop. Among them, 20 came from different regions of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Omsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and 46 participants from Novosibirsk academic institutes and State University.
On October 17, a meeting was organized with the ICDD grantees and scientists involved in the ICDD GiA program at Moscow State University. This meeting was attended by 14 people.
Questions concerning GiA Program discussed with participants1. The program for pattern preparation must be redone. We need:- Windows based program;- all procedures like form filling, checking and form creation must be compiled in one program;- new form for peak list must be elaborated to include peak height and integral intensities, additional indexes set for modulated and composite structures.- codens list must be corrected (for DOS version).2. GiA submission and reports via Internet:- corrected list of submitted materials is not corrected on the site,- switching between pages often results in a loss of data,- possibility to add more than one Instrument parameter form,- it would be useful to add extended help (screen tips) option in the submission process.3. Pattern submission must be done via internet with a confirmation of acceptance.4. ICDD should give recommendations for:- RIR calculation in a case when a structure of the submitted material is known;- a use of data with non-constant step-length (TOF or GADDS, for instance).Great success was achieved by combining GiA with substantial scientific programs. This was the case at Novosibirsk and this model should be used for subsequent ICDD sponsored meetings with GiA components.
SinTheta – new distributor for the ICDD in Russia: • Software development (in Russian)
Plans for 2006/2007 1) Advertising ICDD products at different meetings and conferences in NIS: in Chernogolovka (June 2006) etc. 2) Recommend active powder diffractionists for the ICDD membership. 3) Facilitate Grant-in-Aid proposals from Russian scientific institutes. 4) Train diffractionists from various institutes. 5) 4th XRD clinic in Russia at MSU (July 2006 for industrial companies). 6) GiA workshop in Summer- Fall 2007.