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“The Ministry of the Thunders” part 21 “The Church in Omega”. REVELATION 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet ,
“The Ministry of the Thunders” part 21 “The Church in Omega”
REVELATION 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, REVELATION 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia;
REVELATION 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. REVELATION 4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
THE.SIXFOLD.PURPOSE.OF.GABRIEL'S.VISIT.TO.DANIEL_61-0730E 129 That's when that City will be anointed. That's when the New Jerusalem will be anointed. And all the nations of the City... Over in Revelations the 22nd chapter, it said the gates shall not be closed by night, 'cause there'll be no night there. And all the kings of the earth shall bring their honor and glory into this City. Its walls will be jasper and sardis stone, twelve manner of stones;
and twelve gates shall be one solid pearl on each gate. There shall be no need of a candle in there. There won't be no more sunlight, for the Lamb that's in the midst of the City shall be the Light. And He shall lead His people into Everlasting Life. There will be two trees standing one on either side of the river, and they for the healing of the nation. That's that anointed One that'll come, the Holy City descending from God out of heaven coming to the earth.
THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_60-1204M 181 …"I am Alpha and Omega (A to Z, the whole--that Greek alphabet.), the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, He that was, which is, and shall come, the Root and Offspring of David." He's God.
I Timothy 3:16, "Without contradiction great is the mystery of godliness: For God was manifested in flesh, seen of angels, believed on in the world, received up into glory." God, not a third person or a prophet, but God Himself made manifest in human form. Now, this is a revelation, remember.
THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_60-1204M 225And Christ on earth was an Eagle. When He died, He was a Priest, so that made Him a Lamb. Is that right? And when He comes again, He's King, so He'll be a Lion, the Lion of the tribe of Juda. Amen. He is a Eagle, a Lamb, and a Lion; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Prophet, Priest, and King; He that was, which is, and shall come, the Almighty; Alpha and Omega, from the beginning to the end, the eternal God.
THE.PATMOS.VISION_60-1204E 145 …"I'm Alpha and Omega." The first of all revelations. …Just a little later we watch Him in His sevenfold Personage, watch what He is then. See? "I am the Beginning and the End. I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. I was before there was a first; and after there's no more last, I'll still be there," in other words, "The First and the Last."
QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_61-0112 576-409 Well, then, He was to look upon as Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, Jasper and Sardius stone. See what I mean? Now, the coming of--of Christ drawing near at hand, then the message that Elijah was supposed to preach in the last days, if there is a repeat of history...
Just like the morning star heralds the coming there, the evening star heralds the coming of a new day, another day. This is the coming of the sun then that heralds the--the going of the--of the sun that we have had and the coming of a new sun (See?) a new age, a new time to come in.
QUEEN.OF.SHEBA_61-0119E E-58 …But in the evening time it shall be light. Now, what kind of a light would it give? If that was the first sunlight that shined on the eastern people, which is S-o-n of God, and He did the things He did there on that day on Alpha, He does the same thing at Omega. As Reuben and Jasper... Benjamin, and... or--or, Sardis stone--both Benjamin and Reuben, first and last. Now, He's the rainbow in all the church ages.
IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN_65-0418M 308 He is the One Who opened those Seals. He is those Seals, for the whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was opened. What is the opening of Seals then? Revealing Christ.
309 And the very seven Angels, which represented the Seven Churches all completed, and we couldn't even see It. They did, they took the picture, not us. And there He is, standing there, Supreme Judge; showing that He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. What identification! Quickening Power did that to us. Quickening Power lets us see His coming. Quickening Power snatched us from death to Life.
WHAT.IS.THE.ATTRACTION.ON.THE.MOUNTAIN_65-0725E 141There was that circle coming up from the earth, like a mist forming. When It did, It went plumb up into the mountain, begin to circle on westward, from the way It come. Science found It after a while, thirty miles high and twenty-five miles across, just exactly in the circle of the pyramid.
142 …standing there, turned the picture to the right, and there is Jesus as He was in the Seven Church Ages, the white wig on, showing Supreme Deity. He's Alpha and Omega; He's the First and the Last; He is the Supreme Judge of all Eternity, standing there, confirm the Message of this hour.
Alpha – 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 – Omega 0 – Nothing Between – 8 Two Eternal Numbers 33-53 A.D. – Alpha 1963 A.D. – Now – Omega
“Numbers Have Meaning” 0 = Eternal 1 = God 2 = Witness 3 = Perfection 4 = Foundation 5 = Ministry/Grace/Faith 6 = Man
7 = Completion 8 = Double Portion/Eternity 9 = Life Cycle 10 = Law 11 = True Worship 12 = Discipleship 13 = Beast 17 = New Life
20 = War 22 = The Eye/Mind 24 = Elder 30 = Maturity 40 = Judgment/Generation 50 = Jubilee 70 = Gathering 120 = Judgment
WHEN.THEIR.EYES.WERE.OPENED.THEY.KNEW. HIM_TULARE.CA _64-0212 108 …Malachi 4, God promised to send the anointing again and "restore the Faith of the children back to the fathers again." And it's exactly what God promised, Joel. How will it be done? We find out that Jesus said, in Luke 17:26 to 30.
IS.YOUR.LIFE.WORTHY.OF.THE.GOSPEL63-0630 6 …Life magazine has It, the May issue, May the 17th, I believe it is. That right? May the 17th, issue. 7 It's a mysterious cloud. The cloud is twenty-six miles high and thirty miles across.
“May 17, 1963 – Life Magazine – Cloud” “Cloud – 26 Miles High” “Cloud – 30 Miles Across” “Luke 17:26-30”
LUKE 17:26And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. LUKE 17:27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
LUKE 17:28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; LUKE 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. LUKE 17:30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
TO.WHOM.SHALL.WE.GO_60-0604 E-40In Him is the only place that you can go where you can see Him. The only place that you'll ever be able to understand Him, is when you get in Him. You have to come into Him to understand it. If not, you'll just wonder and beat your head around. You'll guess, and It'll be a puzzle to you; you'll never understand it.
THE.FIRST.SEAL_JEFF.IN MONDAY_63-0318 141-1 {160} Left the Father's throne to take His own throne... He now has come forth from His intercessory work to claim His own throne, His redeemed subjects. That's what He come forth from the throne to do.
The Angel of the Lord was dealing with my heart in 2006. His thoughts to me were about how we had so many things dislocated in the second coming message. I remember he very plainly said to me, “Everything that you believed was backwards. If you want to understand the light of this age you have to turn it around.” He said, “It is like a mirror when you look into it. That image in the mirror is exactly backward or opposite.”
I went to the mirror and stood there a few minutes looking. If I raised my right hand it was my left hand in the mirror. If I closed my right eye it was my left eye in the mirror. The scar on my right cheek was on my left cheek in the mirror. Everything was opposite or backward. This is what Paul meant when he talked of looking through a glass darkly. The image was opposite of the reality. He said to me, “You have to turn everything around and you’ll see it clearly.”
I thought I had to leave here to receive a glorified body. I come here to receive my glorified body. I thought I had to leave here to receive my understanding. I come here to receive my understanding. I thought I would be resurrected after I left here. I come here for my resurrection. I thought I had to leave here to live in a millennium. I come here to receive my millennium. I thought I would leave here and sit in the Throne of God with Christ. I come here to sit in the Throne.
I thought I had to leave here for my rewards. I come here for my rewards. I thought I had to leave here for the wedding supper. I come here to eat and drink the wedding supper. I thought I had to fly into the sky and leave here for the rapture. I come here to receive my rapture. We had it all backwards to the truth. But no more, I am no longer looking into a mirror and gazing at a dark image to understand myself. I’m looking face to face at the reality and my revelation is no longer backward. Here is where we receive all things. Arise and Shine for the Light has come!