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Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST)

The VMAST is an alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards, providing research-supported simplifications to existing online SOL test items. It is available for students with disabilities pursuing a Standard or Modified Standard Diploma.

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Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST)

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  1. Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) Virginia Department of Education Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement (Revised Summer 2014)

  2. What is the VMAST? • An alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards in which research-based supports and simplifications are applied to existing online Standards of Learning (SOL) test items • “Modified” does not mean that the content is modified. Items are based on grade level content • Maintains test constructs, but is less difficult than the SOL assessments • Is 20% shorter than SOL assessments

  3. VMASTSupports and Simplifications • Reduce answer options from 4 to 3 • Simpler structure or vocabulary • Add precise language for clarification • Reduce number of variables, or simplify digits in mathematics problems • Divide item into discrete steps

  4. VMASTSupports and Simplifications • Highlight, color code or box important information • Provide strategies – reminders, hints, formulas • Provide additional instructions • Provide interactive tools • Add/alter graphics • Present items near relevant sections of short reading passages

  5. Important Information The Virginia Modified Achievement Standard Test (VMAST) is only available for: • Algebra I and End-of Course (EOC) Reading to students with disabilities eligible to use credit accommodations for the Standard Diploma • Grade 8 mathematics and reading for students with disabilities pursuing a Modified Standard Diploma. The Modified Standard Diploma is available only to students who entered the 9th grade for the first time prior to the 2013-2014 school year. Supt. Memo #117-14 (April 25, 2014)

  6. Important Information Students with Disabilities Pursuing a Standard Diploma with Credit Accommodations* • Beginning summer 2014, EOC Reading VMAST and Algebra I VMAST is available as a credit accommodation for eligible students with disabilities. • Students must pass the course and score 374 or below on the corresponding SOL test following two attempts • A passing score of 400 is needed to earn verified credit for EOC reading and Algebra I. • IEP teams must determine eligibility based on the VMAST participation criteria *Guidelines for Standard Diploma Credit Accommodations for Students with Disabilities available at http://doe.virginia.gov/instruction/graduation/credit_accommodations.shtml Supt. Memo #117-14 (April 25, 2014)

  7. Important Information Students with Disabilities Pursuing a Modified Standard Diploma • Although the Modified Standard Diploma is being phased out, student with disabilities who entered the 9th grade for the first time prior may continue to pursue this diploma. • Grade 8 VMAST mathematics test and the Grade 8 VMAST reading test is available for students pursing the Modified Standard Diploma • Passing scores of 400 are needed on the VMAST grade 8 mathematics test and grade 8 reading test to fulfill the Modified Standard Diploma numeracy and literacy certification requirements. • IEP teams must determine eligibility based on the VMAST participation criteria Supt. Memo #117-14 (April 25, 2014)

  8. VMAST Participation Criteria Form

  9. VMAST Participation Criteria Introductory Statement Students participating in the VMAST are expected to learn grade-level content; however, they may require additional time and a variety of instructional and assessment supports. Students participating in VMAST do not receive a modified curriculum; the achievement expectations are modified and difficulty is reduced by including tools and supports that allow participating students to access and demonstrate knowledge of grade level content. Eligibility for VMAST must be determined separately for reading and mathematics.

  10. VMAST Participation Criteria Required Components: • The student has a current IEP with grade-level content goals. • Student’s disability precludes him or her from achieving and progressing commensurate with grade-level expectations • Student achievement and progress is evaluated using multiple, objective sources of evidence. • Student’s daily instruction and assessment modifications are clearly documented.

  11. VMAST Participation Criteria Qualifying Questions: 1. Does the student need significant instructional supports to access grade level Standards of Learning and show progress? 2. Does the student need modified classroom assessments in order to demonstrate knowledge of grade level content? 3. Is the student not expected to achieve grade-level proficiency within the year? All criteria must be met and supporting documentation provided.

  12. Does the student need significant instructional modifications to access grade level Standards of Learning and show progress?

  13. Does the student need modified classroom assessments in order to demonstrate knowledge of grade level content?

  14. Is the student not expected to achieve grade-level proficiency within the year?

  15. A Starting Point for IEP Teams... GATHER IMPORTANT STUDENT INFORMATION • Student Grade Level or Course Enrollment • Diploma Option • Instructional Content (Grade Level or Alternative Curriculum) • Disability • Learner Characteristics • Accommodations • Instructional Supports and/or Strategies Provided • Timeframe Expected for Learning Instructional Content • Assessment Performance

  16. Critical Questions to Guide Assessment Considerations 1. Is the student instructed in grade level content? If the student is instructed in grade level content, then the IEP team must consider participation in the SOL assessment. 2. Can the student participate in the standard administration of the SOL assessment or are accommodations appropriate? If the student’s disability impacts test accessibility, then the IEP team must consider appropriate accommodations.

  17. Critical Questions to Guide Assessment Considerations 3. Can the student demonstrate knowledge and skill through assessments in the multiple choice format? If there is an indication that the student’s disability prevents the demonstration of knowledge and skills in a multiple choice format even with accommodations, then the IEP team must consider the VGLA or the VSEP as appropriate. 4. Does the student show the need for extensive supports (beyond accommodations) in classroom instruction and assessments? If the student needs extensive supports, then the IEP team should consider participation in the VMAST. The IEP team must answer “Yes” to each qualifying question and provide supporting documentation.

  18. Student Profile #1 - Mary • Student Grade Level – 11th • Content Area/Course Considered - Algebra I (Student passed course) • Diploma Option: Standard Diploma with Credit Accommodations • Instructional Content – Grade Level Curriculum • Disability – Learning Disability in the areas of Mathematics • Learner Characteristics – Cooperative, completes assignments, poor decoding, but above average comprehension; difficulty with multi-step directions, poor visual memory. • Accommodations –Read-aloud/audio • Instructional supports and/or strategies provided – Extended time, manipulatives, repetition, one-to-one instruction. Computer-based Remediation program; Highlighting, Cue Cards. • Timeframe Expected for Learning – More than one year needed • Assessment Performance – Failed Algebra I SOL test two times with a scores of 359 and 370.

  19. Student Profile #1 - Mary Should the IEP team consider the VMAST Algebra I test for Mary? YES NO Rationale: Mary’s profile states that she passed Algebra I, but failed the Algebra I SOL test two times with scores of 359 and 370. The IEP team met recently and determined that Mary met the eligibility requirements for a Standard Diploma with Credit Accommodations. Mary’s current IEP documents this decision. Next Steps: TheIEP team should prepare a packet of documentation to include instructional supports and strategies provided, graded classroom assessments in which accommodations have been provided, records from teachers showing Mary’s progress in the content area. Standards-based IEP goals will also be needed. √

  20. MaryContent Area/Course Considered – Algebra I Section I: Brief Overview of Student’s Disability Mary was found eligible for special education services as a student with Learning Disabilities in reading and mathematics in grade 4. Specific areas of weakness include visual-spatial processing, visual memory, and processing speed. Evaluations of academic achievement conducted in March 2012 included the Basic Reading Inventory which measures reading and listening skills. This inventory indicated that Mary’s overall reading skills were at the 6th grade level with a specific weakness in decoding skills. Scores from the 8th Grade Algebra Readiness test indicated below grade level performance as follows: Number and Number Sense (5th grade level), Measurement and Geometry (6th grade level), Probability and Statistics, Patterns, Functions, and Algebra (4th grade level).

  21. MaryContent Area/Course Considered – Algebra I Section I: Impact of disability on classroom performance Mary shows weaknesses in general concepts, number sense, and in the interpretation of graphs and diagrams and other pictures. Mary also has difficulty attending to operational signs and the sequencing of steps in complex operations and frequently demonstrates computation errors and the incorrect application of the correct steps needed in problem-solving. A number of instructional accommodations such as extra time, highlighting, and color-coding were provided by her teacher and an after-school tutor. Although Mary struggled throughout the course, she earned a passing final grade.

  22. MaryContent Area/Course Considered – Algebra I Section II: Qualifying Questions and Supporting Documentation 1. Does the student need significant instructional supports to access grade-level Standards of Learning (SOL) and show progress? Yes No 2. Does the student need modified classroom assessments in order to demonstrate knowledge of grade level or course content? Yes No 3. Is the student not expected to achieve grade level proficiency within the year? Yes No

  23. MaryContent Area/Course Considered – Algebra I Section III: Justification Statement Mary’s learning disability in mathematics has presented significant challenges as Mary engaged in the Algebra I curriculum. Algebra I includes concepts such as solving equations and working with algebraic expressions, polynomials, square roots and cubes. Mary’s mastery of these concepts appears to be negatively impacted by her weakness in visual- spatial processing, visual memory and processing speed. Her learning is further hampered by difficulties with sequencing and in applying operational signs. It appears, however that Mary benefits from individualized supports such as highlighting, underlining, and cues which focus her attention on critical information needed in problem solving. Additional supports are needed in the testing environment to provide Mary with the opportunity to demonstrate her knowledge and skill. Based on this information the IEP team has determined that Mary is eligible for participation in the Algebra I VMAST.

  24. Resources VMAST Resources available at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/testing/alternative_assessments/index.shtml Standard Diploma with Credit Accommodation Resources available at http://doe.virginia.gov/instruction/graduation/credit_accommodations.shtml Modified Standard Diploma Resources available at http://doe.virginia.gov/instruction/graduation/modified_standard.shtml

  25. Questions Virginia Department of Education Division of Student Assessment and School Improvement (804) 225-2102 Student_Assessment@doe.virginia.gov

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