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Modified Thomas Test for Pelvis and Hip Stretching

Learn how to properly perform the Modified Thomas Test to stretch the pelvis and hip muscles effectively. This technique involves various movements and positions to target specific muscles and improve flexibility. It can help with common issues like knee injuries, tight hip flexors, and muscle imbalances. Follow the step-by-step instructions to ensure correct execution and maximize the benefits of this stretching exercise.

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Modified Thomas Test for Pelvis and Hip Stretching

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Modified Thomas Test Knee to chest Help them down This rotates pelvis posteriorly

  2. Iliopsoas Push knee to table- should be able to make it! Stretching the right iliopsoas b/c right femur carried posterior

  3. Rectus Femoris Attached to patella, so common in knee injury Push ankle under table

  4. Tensor Fascia Lata Push knee medial

  5. RIGHT! Tensor Fascia Lata WRONG! This stretches gluteus med & mini Like psoas stretch w/ hip leaned into bench Maintain posterior pelvic tilt, externally rotate leg to be stretched, translate pelvis towards leg to be stretched

  6. Hamstring Turn foot in= biceps femoris Turn foot out= semitendinosus & semimembranosus

  7. Quadratus Lumborum Push up at 12th rib level & lift leg up

  8. Quadratus Lumborum Have them hang arm to lift up rib cage Let the leg fall He’s stretching his left side

  9. Roll pelvis up= 12 o’ clock= innoms posterior Pelvic Tilt Arch back= 6 o’clock= innoms anterior

  10. Core Stability Evaluation Lift up & hamstring contracts= weak gluteus Start to sway= weak abdominals Can’t lift up= tight rectus femoris

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