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By: Zac , Molly, and Brian. Exodus. Connections: Family. Nathan: Pharaoh Orleanna: Moses, “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord deliverith him out of them all ”
By: Zac, Molly, and Brian Exodus
Connections: Family • Nathan: Pharaoh • Orleanna: Moses, “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord deliverith him out of them all” • Personal journeys: Adah to science, Rachel to wealth and independence, Leah to Africa and Anatole, Orleanna to solace
Continued • Why’d they leave? • Poisonwood: Ruth May, politics, and oppression • Bible: enslaved and oppressed • Wander in the desert walking once they leave without much belongings until they find their way/help
Connections: Villagers • Tata Ndu is god • He proclaims “Jesus is poison wood” which parallels God saying“I AM WHO I AM” 3:14 • He seems the only character certain of himself and most things
Connections: Events • Hunting scene with the burning of the bush: Moses and the burning bush, pg 413 • God is the religion of survival • Bible: “The angel of the LORD appeared to him in a burning fire from the midst of a bush. . .” 3:2-6
The Plagues • Nathan delivers a sermon about the ten plagues of Egypt; foreshadowing • Ruth May’s death: reverse death of the first born • She was the first “born” in Africa and the most precious of the daughters to both parents • “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt” 12:12
Continued • The fire ants: locusts • Rainstorm: “The sky groaned and cracked, and suddenly the shrill, cold needles of rain pierced our hands and the backs of our necks. A thunderstorm broke open ... the rain poured down on our heads” pg 373 • Malaria: flies/lice plagues • Water turned to blood: Nathan wanting to baptize the kids in the river “Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt…that they may become blood” 7:19