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Terrance and Platus. Terrance Biography. Full Name: Publius Terentius Afer Born : 195 BC Birthplace : Carthage Died: 159 BC Place of Death: Greece From Slavery to success. A List of H is Works. Andria - 166 BC Hecyra (The Mother-in-Law) - 165 BC
Terrance Biography • Full Name: PubliusTerentiusAfer • Born: 195 BC • Birthplace: Carthage • Died: 159 BC • Place of Death: Greece • From Slavery to success
A List of His Works • Andria - 166 BC • Hecyra (The Mother-in-Law) - 165 BC • Heautontimoroumenos (The Self-Tormentor) - 163 BC • Eunuchus (The Eunuch) - 161 BC • Phormio - 161 BC • Adelphi (The Brothers) - 160 BC.
Famous Passage SIMO Meanwhile, three years ago, a certain woman from Andros removed hither into this neighborhood, driven by poverty and the neglect of her relations, of surpassing beauty and in the bloom of youth. SOSIA Ah! I'm afraid that this Andrian will bring some mischief. SIMO At first, in a modest way, she passed her life with thriftiness and in hardship, seeking a livelihood with her wool and loom. But after an admirer made advances, promising her a recompense, first one and then another; as the disposition of all mankind has a downward tendency from industry toward pleasure, she accepted their proposals, and then began to trade upon her beauty. Those who then were her admirers, by chance, as it often happens, took my son thither that he might be in their company. Forthwith I said to myself, " He is surely caught; he is smitten."9 In the morning I used to observe their servant-boys coming or going away; I used to make inquiry, "Here, my lad, tell me, will you, who had Chrysis yesterday?" for that was the name of the Andriantouching SOSIA on the arm . • SI.intereamulierquaedamabhinc triennium ex Androcommigravithucviciniae, 70 inopia et cognatorumneglegentiacoacta, egregia forma atqueaetateintegra. SO.ei, vereornequid Andria adportetmali! SI. primo haecpudicevitamparce ac duriteragebat, lana ac telavictumquaeritans; 75 sedpostquamamansaccessitpretiumpollicensunus et item alter, itautingeniumstomniumhominumablaboreproclive ad lubidinem, accepitcondicionem, de(h)incquaestumoccipit. qui tum illamamabant forte, itaut fit, filium 80 perduxereilluc, secumutunaesset, meum. egomet continuo mecum "certecaptusest: habet". observabam mane illorumservolosvenientisautabeuntis: rogitabam "heuspuer, dicsodes, quisheriChrysidemhabuit?" namAndriae 85 illi id eratnomen.
Famous Passage • ColaxMenandriest; in eaestparasitusColax, Et miles gloriosus; eas se non negat Personas transtulisse in Eunuchumsuam ex Graeca; sedeasfabulasfactaspriusLatinas scissesese id veropernegat. Quod sipersonisiisdemutialiis non licet, Qui magis licet currentes servos scribere, Bonasmatronasfacere, meretricesmalas, Parasitumedacem, gloriosummilitem, Puerumsupponi, falli per servumsenem, Amare, odisse, suspicari? DeniqueNullumestiam dictum, quod non dictum sit prius. Quareaequumestvoscognoscereatqueignoscere Quae veteresfactitaruntsifaciuntnovi. Date operam, et cum silentioanimadvertite, Utpernoscatis quid sibiEunuchusvelit. • That so it is, you will now be enabled to judge. The Colax is a Play of Meander's; in it there is Colax, a Parasite, and a braggart Captain: he does not deny that he has transferred these characters into his Eunuch from the Greek; but assuredly he does deny this, that he was aware that those pieces had been already translated into Latin. But if it is not permitted us to use the same characters as others, how can it any more be allowed to represent hurrying servants, to describe virtuous matrons, artful courtesans, the gluttonous parasite, the braggart captain, the infant palmed off, the old man cajoled by the servant, about love, hatred, suspicion? In fine, nothing is said now that has not been said before. Wherefore it is but just that you should know this, and make allowance, if the moderns do what the ancients used to do. Grant me your attention, and give heed in silence, that you may understand what the Eunuch means.
Review of Terrance’s Legacy • We have over six-hundred Terence manuscripts, some of great antiquity and accuracy, dating from many different periods of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Compared to Plautus whose plays survived medieval times on the slenderest of threads, the existence of so many copies of Terence's work is a remarkable tribute to his endurance as an artist. All in all, it is hard to find any age in which Terence's work has not been praised and imitated and his name not widely known, except our own, of course. On whom that will reflect more—Terence or us?—only the future can say. -Mark Damen
Biography • Full Name: Titus Maccius Plautus • Born: 254 • Place of Birth: 254 BC • Died: 184 BC • Place of Death: Rome • From Humble Beginnings to Timeless Fame
A List of His Works • While Plautus produced a wealth of plays, 52 are known, many have been partly or completely lost. • Plays surviving in their entirety: Amphitryon Asinaria Aulularia Bacchides Captivi Casina Cistellaria Curculio Epidicus Mercator Miles Gloriosus Mostellaria Persa Pseudolus Rudens Stichus Trinummus Truculentus
Famous Passage MENAECHMUS SOSICLESto himself . O ye immortal Gods! on what man ever have you conferred more blessings in one day, who hoped for less? I've been breakfasting, drinking, feasting with a mistress; and I've carried off this mantle, of which she shall no more be owner after this day. PENICULUS Isn't he now talking about me, and my share of the repast? I can't well hear what he says. MENAECHMUS SOSICLESto himself . She says that I secretly gave her this, and that I stole it away from my wife. When I perceived that she was mistaken, at once I began to assent, as though I really had had acquaintanceship with her. Whatever the woman said, the same said I. What need of many words? I was never entertained at less expense. PENICULUSapart . I'll accost the fellow; for I quite long to have a row. MEN. Pro di immortales, quoi hominiumquamuno die bonidedistis plus, qui minus speraverit? prandi, potavi, scortumaccubui, apstulihanc, quoiusheresnumquamerit post hunc diem. PEN.Nequeo quae loquitur exaudireclanculum; saturnunc loquitur de me et de parti mea. MEN.Aithancdedisse me sibi, atqueeammeaeuxorisurrupuisse. quoniamsentioerrare, extemplo, quasi res cum eaessetmihi, coepiadsentari: mulierquidquiddixerat, idem ego dicebam. quid multisverbis <opust>? minorenusquambenefuidispendio. PEN.Adibo ad hominem, namturbaregestio.
Review of his Legacy • Plautus' works have been adapted by many later playwrights. His Amphitryo was the basis for Giraudoux's Amphitryon 38. Menaechmi or The Menaechmus Twins inspired, among others, Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors and Rodgers' and Hart's The Boys from Syracuse. The Pot of Gold became Moliere's The Miser. And Pseudolus, Casina and several other plays were combined in Stephen Sondheim's A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. • -HUMANITIES I: GST 201-B
Bibliography • http://www.comp.dit.ie/dgordon/lectures/hum1/040310/040310hum.htm • http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0101%3Aact%3D3%3Ascene%3D2 • http://www.gutenberg.org/files/22188/22188-0.txt • http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/poetsplaywrightswriters/g/Terence.htm • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/587857/Terence • http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/romeancientrome/ig/Ancient-Rome/Terence--Latin-Poet.-3yA.htm • http://www.usu.edu/markdamen/ClasDram/chapters/143terence.htm • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/95/Tito_Maccio_Plauto.jpg/200px-Tito_Maccio_Plauto.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphitryon_(play)&h=238&w=200&sz=9&tbnid=PzjzV9VtrFG0UM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=76&prev=/search%3Fq%3Damphitryon%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=amphitryon&usg=__62JdFkX885zcleHOgUus-_tnUek=&docid=Wml09SHV79nhkM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=r7pEUcKPLKaYygGNp4GwBA&ved=0CFEQ9QEwBw&dur=284