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Rethinking HA/DR A Business Continuity IT Primer

Rethinking HA/DR A Business Continuity IT Primer. Market Indicators Show Attention to Business Continuity is Rising*. 59% of CIOs surveyed have increased spending for and focus on Business Continuity Initiatives

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Rethinking HA/DR A Business Continuity IT Primer

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  1. Rethinking HA/DRA Business Continuity IT Primer

  2. Market Indicators Show Attention to Business Continuity is Rising* • 59% of CIOs surveyed have increased spending for and focus on Business Continuity Initiatives • In 1H 2005, finance and manufacturing organizations lost 16% and 9% respectively of annual revenues due to downtime • Only 26% of all organizations have calculated the cost of downtime • 66% of enterprises don’t test their disaster recovery plan yearly • 70% of firms who could not access their data within 3-5 days after the SF earthquake & NY WT went out of business • Current practice focuses only on compliance with Disaster Recovery requirements *Based on Financial Times paper, “Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery”, June 2005, Symantec customer research, EMS reports Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  3. Industry Terms • Disaster – any unplanned event that significantly impacts business functions • Significant Impact – i.e. Risk of Bankruptcy • Loss of market share • Exposure to litigation / legal action • Revenue loss • Disaster Recovery – Activities and programs designed to return the compute power of an organization to an acceptable condition. 1) The ability to respond to an interruption in services by implementing a disaster recovery plan to restore an organization's critical business applications Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  4. Industry Terms • Business Continuity Management – A holistic management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten an organization and provides a framework for building resilience with the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  5. The Balancing Act Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  6. Dialing in Availability SECONDS MINUTES HOURS DAYS RECOVERY TIME RECOVERY POINT Manually rebuild servers Automated server provisioning (Provisioning Manager) Wide-area clustering (Cluster Server) application Tape backup (NetBackup) Asynchronous replication (Volume Replicator) Synchronous replication (Storage Foundation or Volume Replicator) data Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  7. DR Site Local Datacenter HA/DR Problems 2001-2006 Duplication is Very Expensive Hardware Failure Data Loss Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  8. DR Site Local Datacenter HA/DR Solutions Circa 2001-2006 Proliferation of Two Node Clusters Data Replication Tape Backup Maturation of Company’s Disaster Recover Strategies Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  9. DR Site Local Datacenter HA/DR Solutions Circa 2001-2006 Proliferation of Two Node Clusters Data Replication Tape Backup Low RPO and RTO Tapes were difficult to recover Maturation of Company’s Disaster Recover Strategies Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  10. DR Site Local Datacenter HA/DR Solutions Circa 2001-2006 Proliferation of Two Node Clusters Data Replication Tape Backup Poor Server Utilization Complicated Management Low RPO and RTO Tapes were difficult to recover Maturation of Company’s Disaster Recover Strategies Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  11. DR Site Local Datacenter HA/DR Solutions Circa 2001-2006 Proliferation of Two Node Clusters Data Replication Tape Backup Poor Server Utilization Complicated Management Low RPO and RTO Tapes were difficult to recover Data at DR site, but application still down Maturation of Company’s Disaster Recover Strategies Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  12. Changes in IT and Impact on HA/DR Everything is Mission Critical Scale of IT (Larger Data Centers) Human Impact Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  13. Changes in IT and Impact on HA/DR Everything is Mission Critical Scale of IT (Larger Data Centers) Human Impact Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  14. Databases Middleware Applications Network Storage Servers Virtual Machines Data Center Complexity 91 93 94 95 77 97 98 89 96 88 84 86 85 76 83 82 81 80 79 87 78 92 75 90 99 63 100+ 66 67 68 69 71 65 73 70 64 72 62 61 60 74 58 57 56 55 59 54 TOOLS REQUIRED 36 37 20 40 41 8 13 19 35 0 21 34 29 32 39 30 31 23 24 25 22 27 28 26 1 33 2 51 4 46 47 48 53 50 3 45 49 44 38 42 17 52 15 14 43 12 11 10 16 18 9 7 6 5 Data Protection Storage Management Server Management Application Performance NetWorker Galaxy ArcServe Media Mirror DiskXtender EmailXtender TSM SAM-FS Data Migrator RSS NearStore BrightStor Mobile Backup ECC AppIQ Creekpath HiCommand TPM SAN Copy MirrorView RepliStor TrueCopy DoubleTake PPRC SRDF MPIO Sun SRM ReiserFS SAN Navigator Aperi ShadowImage InstantImage SnapView Shadow Copy FlashCopy TimeFinder Ext3 SANFS PowerPath ServiceGuard Sun Cluster MSCS HA-CMP TrueCluster IBM TPM / TIO BMC HP OpenView CA Jumpstart Opsware Bladelogic Tivoli Data Protector EDM NT Backup OnTap NetVault LiveVault SyncSort Retrospect Ultrabac Tapeware DLM DLM LVM SVM ASM MDUX SVC LDM OCFS DFM UFS ZFS JFS GPFS Altiris ClusterFrame Polyserve GeoSpan Qlusters SteelEye Kickstart N1 Grid HP UDC ADS, SMS Marimba AppManager OEM Patrol Foglight DBArtisan DGI Topaz CCMS PAC Optane Silk TheGuard eHealth Vantage PathFinder Introscope JProbe Sitraka MOM Performasure Tivoli Patrol Corefirst Appsight Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  15. Manage Data Center Complexity Built in management tools: Location, Platform, Physical or Virtual Same tools across every platform Centralized Management Powerful Reporting Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  16. HA/DR for Virtualization Increased need for Production Level HA/DR for business critical applications Taking Virtualization to another level: Mixed Physical and Virtual Environments Management of Physical and Virtual Data Centers Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  17. Virtualization Means Even More Platforms • vPars • nPars • Virtual Machines • Secure Resource Partitions • Zones • Containers • LPARs • Micro-Partitions Application Availability, Disaster Recovery, Server Provisioning, Config Management Storage Management Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  18. vPars • nPars • Virtual Machines • Secure Resource Partitions • Zones • Containers • LPARs • Micro-Partitions Symantec HA/DR Solutions Application Availability, Disaster Recovery, Server Provisioning Storage Management Symantec Solutions for Server Virtualization Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  19. Changes in IT and Impact on HA/DR Everything is Mission Critical Scale of IT (Larger Data Centers) Human Impact Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  20. Interdependent web of applications, databases, services Changes to one application impacts another Configuration drift in clustered environments preventing proper failover The Human Impact “80% of mission critical application downtime is caused by people and process issues (versus technology issues).” Leading IT Analyst Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  21. Proactive HA/DR through Configuration Management • Identifying problems • Proactively determine the impact of a change • Tracking changes over time DISCOVERY DEPENDENCY MAPPING CHANGE CONTROL Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  22. Prod SG FD SG Non Disruptive Testing Secondary Site Primary Site Never Tested DR Plan 78% Testing Impacts Production Testing is Inconvenient Snapshot Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  23. Changes in IT and Impact on HA/DR Everything is Mission Critical Scale of IT (Larger Data Centers) Human Impact Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  24. Everything is Mission Critical Government Regulations End User Expectations Importance of IT in the Business Expectations are no downtime or data loss, however be mindful of costs! Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  25. Making HA/DR Work and Affordable Backup for All Employees Larger Clusters Increase Server Utilization Remote Office Data Center Server and Storage Tiering Zero Data Loss That’s Affordable Tier One Tier Two Presentation Identifier Goes Here Tier One

  26. Dual Use DR Sites Production Site Test/Dev Site LOCAL CLUSTER WIDE-AREA CLUSTER -Site Outage- Test/Dev Servers Reprovisioned • Architecture graphic? • Intuit example? MIRRORING REPLICATION Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  27. Customer Reference • 200+ SAP applications • SFHA for SAP using Global Cluster Option to failover primary site to DR site • DR site with 200+ test/dev servers • Repurpose all test/dev servers in a few hours • Includes OS, SAP application and all patches “We interviewed our SAP administrators and learned exactly what they do to configure new installations. Then we created a script with Provisioning Manager that matches that process.”  Tim Eisler; W.W. Grainger, Inc. Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  28. Business Continuity Solutions from Symantec Plan Design and implement Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Requirements and Strategies Protect Protect against security threats and avoid outages by proactively monitoring configurations and doing regular testing Business Continuity Respond • Ensure that service delivery objectives are met • through data protection, replication, clustering, and data recovery Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  29. Business Continuity Solutions from Symantec Plan Business Continuity Management Services Data Center Foundation Services Protect Protect against security threats and avoid outages by proactively monitoring configurations and doing regular testing Business Continuity Respond • Ensure that service delivery objectives are met • through data protection, replication, clustering, and data recovery Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  30. Business Continuity Solutions from Symantec Plan Business Continuity Management Services Data Center Foundation Services Protect Symantec Enterprise Security Products Configuration Manager Veritas Cluster Server – Fire Drill Testing Business Continuity Respond • Ensure that service delivery objectives are met • through data protection, replication, clustering, and data recovery Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  31. Business Continuity Solutions from Symantec Plan Business Continuity Management Services Data Center Foundation Services Protect Symantec Enterprise Security Products Configuration Manager Veritas Cluster Server – Fire Drill Testing Business Continuity Respond • Data Protection: Net Backup, Backup Exec • Clustering: Veritas Cluster Server • Replication: Veritas Volume Replicator • Provisioning: Veritas Provisioning Manager Presentation Identifier Goes Here

  32. Rethinking HA/DR Webcast Serieswww.symantec.com/hadr_series Presentation Identifier Goes Here

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