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Rethinking Risk Analysis. Tony Cox MORS Workshop April 13, 2009. How to better defend ourselves against terrorists? Top-level view. Elements of smart defense. Anticipate attacker actions, reactions What can they afford to do? When?
Rethinking Risk Analysis Tony Cox MORS Workshop April 13, 2009
How to better defend ourselves against terrorists?Top-level view
Elements of smart defense • Anticipate attacker actions, reactions • What can they afford to do? When? • What is their best response to our actions and defenses? • Allocate resources and countermeasures to protect targets and to deter attacks • Adapt to new information and intelligence • Reallocate effectively; hedge bets Risk scoring does not do these things very well How can we do better?
Other defenses • Secrecy and randomization • Deception, decoys, disinformation • Infiltration, counter-intelligence • Detect and interdict at attack-planning stage • Rapidly recognize, respond, contain • Preparation, excecution
Our focus: Attack-Defense Games • Defender allocates resources, countermeasures • Attacker decides what to do, given what the defender has done • Could iterate, several layers deep (chess) • Attacker and defender receive consequences • How can Defender minimize loss?
“Backward chaining” paradigm for defensive risk management • Envision:What might go wrong? • E.g., secure facility compromised or damaged • Analyze:How might it happen? How likely is it? • Identify alternative sets of sufficient conditions • Path sets, minimal path sets, dominant contributors • Recursive deepening (fault tree analysis) • Quantify relative probabilities, total probability • Assess:How bad are the consequences? • Manage risk: • Document it. • Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Consequence (?) • Request/allocate resources to reduce risks (biggest first)
TVC paradigm • Risk = TVC • Threat = relative probability of attack • Reflects attacker’s intent, capability, timing decisions • Budget and resource constraints? Opportunity costs? • Vulnerability = probability that attack succeeds, if attempted • Could there be partial degrees of success, based on consequences? • Consequence = defender’s loss from successful attack • Risk management: Allocate resources to defend biggest risks first (TVC prioritylist)
Why isn’t TVC used in chess? • Or any other game? • Or in other risk management settings where experts (or programs) compete for prizes?
Improvement: Focus on changes • Risk = TVC should not drive action. • Risk = (T)(V)(C) is more useful • Risk management decisions: Allocate resources to biggest risk reductions first
Improvement: Focus on changes • Risk = TVC should not drive action. • Risk = (T)(V)(C) is more useful • Requires a predictive (causal) risk model: action V T C • How do our actions affect attacker’s? • Risk management decisions: Allocate resources to biggest risk reductions first
Key Challenge 1How to usefully predict T, V, C for alternative interventions?
Key Challenge 1How to usefully predict T, V, C for alternative interventions?Expert elicitation?Modeling?
Key Challenge 2How to validate that predictions and recommendations are useful?
Attacker’s view: “Forward chaining” paradigm • If I prepare for (or launch) attack A now… • What will I learn? (Value of information) • What opportunities must I give up? What will I gain? • What risks will I incur? (Detection/interdiction) • What direct value will it produce? (Value of damage) • How to do it? • Plan attack (including preparation steps) • Top-down: Select approach, evaluate, iteratively improve • Simulate/predict results, improve/refine/test plan • What course of action is most valuable now? • Assuming optimal future actions
Receive consequences Make decisions http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2008homest/landsberg.pdf
Receive consequences C T V Attacker’s investment and plans Defender’s investments http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2008homest/landsberg.pdf
Minimax: Competing optimization Receive consequences C T V Attacker’s investment and plans Defender’s investments http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2008homest/landsberg.pdf
Paradigm clash • What happens when a forward-chaining attacker meets a population of backward-chaining (or TVC) defenders? • Concern: Attacker wins too much! • Do defenders have a better way to outsmart attackers? • “Outsmart” = anticipate and prepare for what the attacker will do next • Yes: Minimax, not risk-scoring
Technical challenges • Uncertainty about (T, V, C) for each target • Correlated uncertainties (across targets) • Attacker behaviors, selection of targets • Countermeasure effectiveness • Consequences of successful attacks • How to optimize sets (portfolios) of defenses? • Taking dependencies into account • How to optimize resource allocation across opportunities • For defender and attacker
How to treat uncertain (T, V, C)? • RAMCAP™: Treat T, V, C as random variables, use their expected values • BTRA: Use expert elicitation, Monte-Carlo simulation uncertainty analysis • Minimax optimization: Model the uncertainties about (T, V, C) in more detail • What must be resolved to determine (T, V, C)?
Facility A: Risk = ? “no snow” “snow”
Another example: E(T)E(V)E(C) may over- or under-estimate true risk, E(TVC) • E(T) = E(V) = E(C) = 0.5. What is E(T)E(V)E(C)? • Assume Pr(V = 1) = Pr(V = 0) = 0.5, so E(V) = 0.5 • Then E(T)E(V)E(C) = 0.125 • But, if T = C = V, then E(TVC) = 0.5 • If T = C = (1 - V), then TVC = 0. • Dependencies and correlations matter!
Lesson 2: No other summary measure works, either! (Need joint, not marginals)
Challenges • Threat depends on what the attacker knows about vulnerability and consequence… • and on how he uses that knowledge to select (and plan, and improve) attacks. • Threat depends on vulnerability and consequence • Positive correlation multiplication is wrong
How to treat uncertain (T, V, C)? • RAMCAP™: Treat T, V, C as random variables, use their expected values • Use Monte-Carlo uncertainty analysis
C T V Event tree, MC simulation http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2008homest/landsberg.pdf
Challenges • Threat depends on: • What the attacker knows about vulnerability and consequence… • How he uses that knowledge to choose, plan, and improve attacks. • Requires modeling planning/optimization • Threat depends on vulnerability and consequence • Positive correlation multiplication is wrong • Dependency is based on decision-making • Modeled by decision trees, not just event trees
How to meet these challenges? • Model the uncertainties about T, V, C • Simulate attacker decisions under uncertainty • Outsmart the attacker
How to treat uncertain (T, V, C)? • RAMCAP™: Treat T, V, C as random variables, use their expected values • Use Monte-Carlo uncertainty analysis • Alternative: Model uncertainty in more detail • Why is T uncertain? • Because V and C affect T in uncertain ways • Because V and C are uncertain • Develop decision tree or influence diagram • Model: Pr(T = 1 | V, C) = E(T | V, C) • Countermeasures (V, C, info.) T
Risk from an uninformed (“blind”) attacker = 0.4 “no snow” “snow”
Risk from a better-informed attacker, who needs E(V)C > 0.8 to attack: 0 “no snow” “snow”
Risk from an informed attacker, who needs VC > 0.8 to attack, is: 0.4 “no snow” “snow”
Risk from an adaptive attacker, who waits to attack until V = 1, is: risk = 1! “no snow” “snow”
Lessons • Risk (and threat) can be 0, 0.4, or 1, depending on what the attacker knows (or believes) about V and C • Not on what we know about the attacker, or about V and C • “Threat assessments” based on our knowledge can be misleading • A valid “threat assessment” requires considering the attacker’s whole decision. • Attacker’s own assessment: T = 0 or T = 1
Example: Misguided threat assessment • Assume that we know that: • Attacker attacks (T = 1) if and only if he knows that success probability = 1 (V = 1). (Else, T = 0.) • Common knowledge: True success probability = 0.5 • Does attack probability = 0? • Not necessarily! (Misleading inference) • Suppose attacker attacks if and only if he first gets inside help that makes V = 1. (Else, V = 0) • Pr(succeeds in getting inside help) = 0.5 = E(V) = V • Then T = Pr(attack) = 0.5, not 0 • Threat and vulnerability assessors needs trees, not numbers, to communicate essentials about adaptive attackers and future contingencies.
Threat = plan tree, not number • Threat depends on what attacker knows or believes about vulnerability and consequence… • and on how he will use that knowledge to improve attacks (“attack plan”) • What will he do next? • What is his whole decision tree? • How do threat and vulnerability co-evolve? • No number can tell us all this!
Which threat is greater, A or B? attack hazard rate B A time