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Puglia - Apulia “The heel of Italy’s boot”

Puglia - Apulia “The heel of Italy’s boot”. www.regione.puglia.it. BARI OUR CITY. Bari is the administrative seat of Apulia and with its 328,458 inhabitants is the biggest and most important economic city in the region.

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Puglia - Apulia “The heel of Italy’s boot”

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  1. Puglia - Apulia “The heel of Italy’s boot” www.regione.puglia.it

  2. BARI OUR CITY Bari is the administrative seat of Apulia and with its 328,458 inhabitants is the biggest and most important economic city in the region. The second largest city in southern Italy, it has a major port, international airport highly respected university. It has a beautiful old town called “Bari vecchia”.

  3. THE HISTORY OF BARI Even if its origins are not clearly defined excavations in the old town have uncovered the ruins of an ancient and well organised village, with fences and tombs dating back to the Bronze Age.

  4. THE HISTORY OF BARI Roman municipium The ancient Roman Traiana road Santa Scolastica scaves The ancient Roman Traiana road Roman “municipium” from 326 B.C., after supporting Rome against the Samnites, Bari is supposed to have been a stronghold on the “ Via Traiana” one of the main Roman roads of that period. In 181 B.C. the historian Tito Livio, confirmed its strategic importance against pirates and tells of fortified walls surrounding the town.

  5. THE HISTORY OF BARI 9th century Bari today Bari in the past Its geographical position made Bari a preferential route for the Arab expansion. It was occupied and became the seat of a small emirate until 871 when it became part of the Eastern Empire again. In that period the smart people from Bari (Baresi) learned from the Arabs anything which proved to be useful. They developed trade and skilled activities, exchanging different currencies and using different measures. They adopted Arab clothes and became good at embroidery; they produced cotton and played cards. Many artists were influenced by Arab civilisation , as shown in some decorations of the Cathedral. Hints of Arab customs are also in peoples’ names and in the local dialects. The Emirate in Bari finished around 871 when it was conquered by the eastern emperor Basilio and by the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Ludovico.

  6. THE HISTORY OF BARI St. Nicholas 9 th century When Byzantines arrived in 876, Bari was at its hight: a bridge between the East and the West. It was the seat of “Catapano” (governor of the Byzantine Empire) and of the fleet of the Eastern Empire. The seat of ”Catapano” Mother’s earth

  7. THE HISTORY OF BARI 9 th century Figs (ficus carica) “Cartellate” (small baskets) But what still remains of all this? Apart from some rare and ancient scrolls, ruins of churches, the ruins of old buildings, such as inside San Nicola and the Cathedral, the toponymy of the old town and some traditional festivals and foods (sweets like “cartellate” , from the Greek kartelàs, small baskets), are the strongest witnesses of the ancient past.

  8. THE HISTORY OF BARI 9 th century Pomegranates (Punica granatum) Almond fruits (Prunus amydgalus) “Baresi” surnames are of Byzantine origin (Anaclerio, Basile,, Catapano, Calò, Romanazzi, Polisenso, Zema) as some terms of the local idiom like : Uàskr (sunroof) from òstraka (tiles); Séte (pomegranate); Chiacùne (dried figs); Amìnue (almond); Kekkevàsce (owl); Vastàse (porter); Kelùmme (early figs); and so many others.

  9. THE HISTORY OF BARI 11 th century Bishop St. Nicholas in a picture St. Nicholas St. Nicholas’ procession In 1071 Byzantine rule ended and the Norman rule began with Robert the Guiscard . On 9 May 1087, Saint Nicholas’ relics (the bishop from Myra in Turkey) were stolen by some Baresi seamen and brought to Bari. This event is celebrated with a picturesque parade every year. For pilgrims from Eastern Europe the Basilica is an important destination.

  10. THE HISTORY OF BARI 12 th century The Basilica of St. Nicholas The Basilica of St. Nicholas (inside) Under the Normans, between 1089 and 1197, the Basilica of San Nicholas was built. It still remains a historical landmark and one of the most magnificent examples of the Apulian Romanesque style. Today the Saint’s relics are kept in the crypt of the Basilica; he is also worshipped among Orthodox Christians, especially coming from Russia. The Basilica is a meeting place for Christians, and every day there are religious services following the Orthodox Church rite in the crypt.

  11. THE HISTORY OF BARI 12 th century Panoramic view of the cathedral St. Sabino The cathedral of St. Sabino At the end of the XII century the Cathedral of Saint Sabino was started, in Apulian Romanesque style. Its façade is quite simple with a marvellous rose window and monstrous creatures.

  12. THE HISTORY OF BARI 12 th century After the Normans there was the German conquest and Bari was under Frederic II enjoying one of its most splendid periods, when the Norman- German castle was built on preexisting Norman forts. The Norman-German castle Panoramic view of the Norman-German castle

  13. THE HISTORY OF BARI 19 th century The typical straight streets Corso Vittorio Emanuele Following the Angevin, the Aragons and the Spanish until the French arrived, Bari was repeatedly rebuilt inside the triangle peninsula of the old town. In 1813 Gioacchino Murat (one of Napoleon’s generals) founded the new town with its typical straight streets, extending the size of the city.

  14. THE HISTORY OF BARI 20th century Petruzzelli Theatre The Apulian aqueduct building Population started to increase and at the early 1990s it reached 100.000 inhabitants. In a few years the Piccinni Theatre and the Petruzzelli Theatre were built, together with the elegant Apulian aqueduct building.

  15. THE HISTORY OF BARI 20th century The Chamber of Commerce The main University In the same period The Chamber of Commerce and of the main University were built.

  16. THE HISTORY OF BARI 20th century The fair The seafront In the 20s and 30s the long seafront (Lungomare) and the fair (Fiera del Levante) were built and Bari was seen as the “gateway to the East” as in the European Union.

  17. We are here I.I.S.S. “VIVANTE” - Bari (Italy) The school is a short distance from the railway station, on the seafront at Piazza Diaz n.10 Phone-fax +390805540560 www.vivante.it/info/wherevivante.it

  18. HISTORY OF SCHOOL The business technical Institute “Cesare Vivante” was founded in 1886 as the Royal Advanced school of commerce, under the sponsorship of Bari’s Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Agricolture and Industry. It was the first Institute in Apulia dealing with trade and commerce. In recent years “Vivante” has widened its horizons introducing new practical courses preparing students for the challenges of work or further education.

  19. OUR AIMS Nowadays the business technical Institute “Vivante” offers students attending courses the best teaching and facilities. It stresses the importance of learning valuable knowledge and skills which will be vital for the students when they enter the world of work.

  20. Vivante school courses 1/2 In the first two years students study the following subjects: Italian, History, English, French or German, Mathematics, Chemistry, Natural Science, Law, Business Studies, Word Processing, Gym and Religious Education. At the end of these two years students can either attend the I.G.E.A. courses or choose the MERCURIO ones. I.G.E.A. (Law and Business Studies) Students can acquire skills in business matters and develop analysis, synthesis, and language competence to be used in planning. Moreover, they will get a good knowledge of business management to be able to analyse the relationships between companies and the field they work in. Subjects are: Italian, History, English, French or German, Mathematics, Law, Business Studies, Gym and Religious Education.

  21. Vivante school courses 2/2 MERCURIO This course is characterized by the use of laboratories. It aims at specializing in accountancy and computer science through a wide and systematic knowledge of the business management. Subjects are: Italian, History, English, Mathematics, Law, Business Studies, Informatics, Gym and Religious Education. ITER This course aims at training tourist agents who operate in the sectors of production, trade and tourist services. It is different from other courses because it deepens the study of foreign languages and subjects concerning tourism as business, law, art, history and geography. Subjects are: Italian, History, English, French or German, Mathematics, Law, Business Studies, Art, Geography, Gym and Religious Education SIRIO Sirio is an evening course for workers and/or young adults who want to get a Secondary School diploma. There are 5 days of lessons a week with the possibility of getting the diploma in a shorter time thanks to “crediti formativi”.


  23. LABS AND FACILITIES library • chemistry labs • 10 multimedia labs • (CAD// ECDL lab • foreign languages lab • Linux lab) Special facilities for technical planning Topography photogrammetry Science museum

  24. VIVANTE European ACTIVITIES ITALY-GERMANY TWINNING 2006 Etwinning 1st prizeLanzarote Camp study – April 2006 ITALY-SWEDEN TWINNING 2006 ITALY-SWEDEN TWINNING 2006 Partners in pattern Crop circles challenge! Crop circles challenge

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