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Clusters Mapping
1. Support to Enterprise Competitiveness and Export Promotion in the Republic of Serbia 9th July PMG
Progress Overview
2. Clusters Mapping & Development 2nd Tranche qualitative mapping (component 2.7) started week 25 (21-25th June)
Cluster road-map development/strategic action planning (component 3.2) started week 25
Cluster initiatives (component 3.3) started in advance (due to RSEDP 2 grant scheme).
Cluster Open House & Workshop completed (components 1.1, 5.5) 21-22nd June
Clusters Network in process of being formed (component 5.5). SCoC meeting 8th July
3. Geographical focus of 2nd tranche mapping
4. Progress to date on 2nd Tranche Mapping
5. Question: Regional support to clusters? Kragujevac RDA comparatively experienced in cluster support
Believe they can support several initiatives (wine producers, textile, furniture manufacturers)
Clusters development v. Development of a cluster
Support to RDAs on multi-sector, regional initiatives v. Support to a number of single cluster initiatives?
6. Progress on action planning with Software & Embedded Cluster Meetings with:
Cluster manager
Key stakeholders (incl. SIEPA, SCoC, Ministries, Donors)
Individual cluster members
to discuss sector issues, institutional support, company & cluster goals
7. Key issues
Complexity of eco-system that the cluster wants to create, and management capacity
Cluster’s main goals v. individual company goals
Prioritization of goals, and action plan with SMART objectives and near-term results
Finding projects, fostering innovation, capacity building
Formation of regional IT clusters taking place and interaction with them?
8. Cluster initiative: Product testing STE Professor Mauricio Frota
Focus on Software & Embedded and Automotive Components sectors and quality infrastructure needs
EMC testing is a priority for Embedded systems
Automotive sector testing needs still unclear
Looking at laboratory infrastructure in Serbia
Kvalitet Nis appears to have potential for electromagnetic compatibility testing though ownership appear to be an obstacle
Similar problems likely to arise with other labs
9. Cluster Open House 21st July
10. Cluster Workshop 22nd July 8 grantee cluster (minus Flower Cluster & Royal Vacation) plus Dundjer construction cluster
MoERD and SCoC
Cluster professionals from Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria
Presentations on 1st tranche mapping, MoERD cluster support, POLUS programme
Break-out groups & discussion on clusters’ common needs
Goal: To set up association!
11. Clusters networking at Serbian Chamber of Commerce
12. Cluster network initiative Clusters unanimously support association
Serbian Chamber of Commerce offers roof to to-be-formed association
Questions about the best form for the association
Working Group formed to consider how to form
Application for RSEDP 2 grant scheme not impossible though a challenge
SECEP could provide immediate expert advice to founding clusters and facilitate action plan for grant application
13. Support organization review (clusters and supply chains)
Support Organization Review (component 2.8 and 4.1) ) for clusters and supply chains continuing
Need to understand capacities and know-how of BSOs to support cluster and supply chain development initiatives
Collaboration with ICIP
Mobilization of expert for BSO review report (planned for week 28-31)
Mobilization of expert for EFQM Workshop (Component 1.6), and EFQM assessments of 5-7 RDAs (planned for weeks 28 – 29) incl. Zajecar, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Kragujevac, Uzice, Leskovac, Vranje
14. Supply Chain Development
15. BSO review will integrate information from: SECEP Cluster & Supply Chain Development team interactions with clusters and SMEs
2nd tranche mapping cluster development STE visits to institutions and SMEs
EFQM assessments of 7 RDAs
BSO review STE visits to remaining institutions
16. Survey results on BSOs support 21 companies interviewed participating SECEP-SSDP
17. Support received from BSOs
18. Support received from 18
19. Type of support
20. Support satisfaction
21. Supply Chain Development Assessment Phase 1 (component 4.7) in final stages (74, 93% achieved). Completion expected in July (though 2 in question?)
2nd SSDP Workshop (component 4.10), in preparation (Lean Manufacturing)
2nd Meet the Buyer Event. Multi-sector. In preparation.
22. Business review 1 results after 66 assessmentsSECEP- SSDP
23. Highest, lowest and average score (1000 is maximum)
24. Average scores by EFQM criteria(100 maximum) 24
25. Collaboration with RSEDP 2 SECEP participated in meeting with RSEDP STEs and ready for in-field collaboration on development of cluster & SME support initiatives
SECEP participated in MoERD presentation to clusters on 24th June
SECEP STEs already discussing grant funded projects with clusters eg. Software & Embedded
26. Coming soon (July – August)! Start of road-mapping support to AC Serbia in week 28 (starting 12th July).
Completion of road-mapping for Software & Embedded and AC Serbia planned for late August.
Completion of 2nd tranche cluster mapping in August.
Completion of BSO review planned for August.
Supply chain mapping (based on statistical data).
Commence drafting of recommendations for remaining 4 cluster initiatives.