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What is Generally Agreed Upon?

What is Generally Agreed Upon?. The earliest hominids are all from Africa The first to move out of Africa was H. erectus (ca. 1.7 mya) H. erectus found its was to Asia and Europe relatively quickly. Modern Human Origins: Eve or Everywhere?.

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What is Generally Agreed Upon?

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  1. What is Generally Agreed Upon? The earliest hominids are all from Africa The first to move out of Africa was H. erectus (ca. 1.7 mya) H. erectus found its was to Asia and Europe relatively quickly

  2. Modern Human Origins:Eve or Everywhere? From which ancient population is modern humanity (H. sapiens) descended? Two main theories today address this: Multiregional Evolution, or Regional Continuity Model Out of Africa, Mitochondrial Evem Recent African Origin, or Complete Replacement Model

  3. Complete Replacement • Associated with Allan Wilson, Rebecca Cann, and Mark Stoneking • Been around since 1987 • Based on tracking mutations and modern genetic diversity in mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) of 147 individuals from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Guinea The Basics of Each Model Regional Continuity Associated today with Milford Wolpoff Been around since 1930’s, originating with Franz Weidenrich Based on morphology of ancient modern Old World people

  4. Complete Replacement • Great diversity in mtDNA exists in modern Africans compared to other populations suggesting this is the root of the human tree • Molecular clock suggests a timeframe of perhaps 200,000 years back to a few common ancestors of all modern humans The Particulars of Each Model Regional Continuity Continuance of physical traits from regional populations of H. erectus to Homo sapiens. Examples: Australian aboriginals and Indonesian H. erectus have similar row and other traits Modern east Asians and Asian H. erectus commonly share shoveled incisors, absence of third molars, and flat faces Archaeology suggests a timeframe of 1.6-1.7 mya to begin the process

  5. Complete Replacement • Modern traits appeared once (in Africa) and recently • Carriers of modern traits moved out and replaced archaic humans • Predicts all modern traits will be seen in Africa first • No transitional forms should be seen The Implications of Each Model Regional Continuity Modern traits (e.g. huge forehead. Rounded skull, chin) arise at the same time everywhere Gene flow between populations keep them from diverging too much Predicts modern traits should occur in a mosaic Transitional forms should be seen in each region

  6. Complete Replacement • Achaeologically consisten • Recognizes genetic evidence • Lacks a parsimonious explanation of trait continuity • Consistent with a polytypic, single species concept • Little gene flow required • No taxonomic change required The Bottom Line of Each Model Regional Continuity Archaeologically inconsistent Ignores genetic evidence Explains morphological continuity parsimoniously Has been used to support dangerous ideas about race Requires lots of gene flow Implies need for total taxonomic simplification

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