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Mastering AC Steady-State Analysis Using Phasors

Learn how phasors and complex numbers simplify AC circuit analysis, converting differential equations into simple problems. Explore the relationships between voltage, current, impedance, and circuit elements in steady state and transition. No need for differential equation solving!

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Mastering AC Steady-State Analysis Using Phasors

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  1. Lecture 18. System Response II • Phasors • Complex numbers • LCR Oscillator circuit: An example • Transient and Steady States

  2. Introduction • Any steady-state voltage or current in a linear circuit with a sinusoidal source is also a sinusoid • This is a consequence of the nature of particular solutions for sinusoidal forcing functions • All steady-state voltages and currents have the same frequency as the source. • In order to find a steady-state voltage or current, all we need to know is its magnitude and its phase relative to the source (we already know its frequency) • Usually, an AC steady-state voltage or current is given by the particular solution to a differential equation

  3. The Good News! • We do not have to find this differential equation from the circuit, nor do we have to solve it • Instead, we use the concepts of phasorsand complex impedances • Phasors and complex impedances convert problems involving differential equations into simple circuit analysis problems

  4. Phasors • Recall that a phasor is a complex number that represents the magnitude and phase of a sinusoidal voltage or current x(t) = XM cos(ωt+θ) ↔ X = XMθ Time domain Frequency Domain • For AC steady-state analysis, this is all we need---we already know the frequency of any voltage or current

  5. Phasors & Complex Numbers • Phasor (frequency domain) is a complex number: • X = zq = x + jy • Sinusoid is a time function: • x(t) = z cos(wt + q) • x is the real part • y is the imaginary part • z is the magnitude • q is the phase imaginary axis y z q real axis x

  6. More Complex Numbers • Polar Coordinates: A = z q • Rectangular Coordinates: A = x + jy imaginary axis y z q real axis x

  7. Examples Find the time domain representations of X = -1 + j2 V = 104V - j60V A = -1mA - j3mA

  8. Impedance • AC steady-state analysis using phasors allows us to express the relationship between current and voltage using a formula that looks like Ohm’s law: V = IZ • Z is called impedance(units of ohms, W) • Impedance is (often) a complex number, but is not technically a phasor • Impedance depends on frequency, ω

  9. Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements • Phasors allow us to express current-voltage relationships for inductors and capacitors much like we express the current-voltage relationship for a resistor • A complex exponential is the mathematical tool needed to obtain this relationship

  10. I-V Relationship for a Resistor + i(t) v(t) R –

  11. I-V Relationship for a Capacitor + i(t) v(t) C –

  12. I-V Relationship for an Inductor + i(t) v(t) L – EEE 202

  13. Impedance Summary

  14. Class Examples • P8-1, 8-4, P8-7, P8-5 • Remember: sin(ωt) = cos(ωt–90°)

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