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Band Pass Systems, Phasors and Complex Representation of Systems. KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES. I. Phasors (complex envelope) representation for sinusoidal signal narrow band signal. II. Complex Representation of Linear Modulated Signals & Bandpass System.
Band Pass Systems, Phasors and Complex Representation of Systems KEY LEARNING OBJECTIVES • I. Phasors (complex envelope) representation for • sinusoidal signal • narrow band signal • II. Complex Representation of Linear Modulated Signals & Bandpass • System • Phasors and Complex Representation are useful for analyzing • baseband component of a signal • eliminates high frequency carrier components
2W X(f) -f0 -W -f0 - f0 +W f0 -W f0 f0 +W • h(t) is aBandpass System,, that passes signals with frequency components in • the neighborhood of some frequency, f0 • H(f)= 1 for | f – f0 | ≤ W otherwise H(f)≈ 0 • bandpass system h(t) passes a bandpass signal x(t) X(f) X(f) H(f) I. Phasors for monochromatic & narrow band signals • x(t) is a narrowband signal (aka bandpass signal) if • X(f) ≠ 0 in some small neighborhood of f0 ,a high frequency • X(f)≡ 0 for | f – f0 | ≥ W where W < f0 • f0is usually referred to as center frequency, but need not be • center frequency or in signal bandwidth at all
Consider LTI system driven by input x(t) H(f) Y(f) X(f) • output determined by multiplying X & frequency response of • system computed at input frequency, f0 • input & output frequencies are same output phasor gives output • signal • determine the phasor for sinusoida1 signal and narrowband signal • capture phase and magnitude of base band signal • ignore effects of the carrier
I Aexp(jθ) xq(t) 2πf0 R x(t) 1. determination of phasor,X for sinusoidal input signal x(t) • x(t) = Acos(2πf0 t + θ) • xq(t) =Asin(2πf0 t + θ) • quadrature component shifted 90o from x(t) (i) define a signal z(t) as a vector rotating with angular frequency 2πf0 z(t) = Aexp(j(2πf0t + θ)) = Acos(2πf0t + θ) + jAsin(2πf0t + θ) = x(t) + jxq(t) • (ii) obtain phasorX from z(t) by eliminating 2πf0 rotation • - rotate z(t) at an angular frequency = 2πf0 in opposite direction • - equivalent to multiplying z(t) by exp(2πf0t) • X = z(t) exp(-j2πf0t ) = Aexp(j(2πf0t + θ))exp(-j2πf0t ) • = Aexp(jθ)
x(t) = Acos(2πf0t + θ) = Acos(θ)cos(2πf0t)+ Asin(θ)sin(2πf0t) sin(θ)[δ(f+f0) - δ(f-f0)] X(f) = cos(θ)[δ(f–f0 ) + δ(f+f0)] - j [cos(θ)δ(f–f0 ) + jsin(θ)δ(f–f0 )] Z(f) = (2) determine Z(f) = F[z(t)] z(t) = Aexp(j(2πf0t + θ)) = Aexp(jθ)exp(j2πf0t ) since F[exp(j2παt)] = {δ(f-α)} Z(f) = Aexp(jθ)δ(f – f0 ) (ii) then shift Z(f) by f0 X = Aexp(jθ) 1a. determine Frequency Domain equivalent of z(t) and X (i) obtain Z(f), using either or two methods (1) determine X(f) = F[x(t)], delete negative frequencies & multiply by 2
2. determine phasor for a narrowband signal, x(t) based on definition of z(t) in sinusoid case: z(t) = x(t) + jxq(t) find Z(f) by deleting negative frequencies of X(f) & multiply result by 2 Z(f) = 2u-1(f)X(f) z(t) = we know that F[u-1(t)] = by duality = u-1(f) by convolution let then z(t) = z(t) is known as theanalytic signal or pre-envelope of x(t) • find z(t) using IFT find signal whose Fourier transform = u-1(f)
(i) sinusoid case z(t) x(t) = Acos(2πf0 t+θ) xq(t)= Asin(2πf0 t+θ) = x(t) + jxq(t) z(t)= x(t) + j (ii) narrowband case phase shift x(t) by for positive frequencies phase shift x(t) by for negative frequencies Hilbert Transform of x(t) is given by pre-envelope for two types of signals
determine phasor, xl(t)of bandpass signal x(t) • xl(t) = low pass representation of x(t) • determined by shifting spectrum of z(t) left by f0 A X(f) f Z(f) 2A f0 f0 f f0 Xl(f) 2A f Xl(f) = Z(f + f0) = 2u-1(f + f0)X(f + f0) xl(t) = z(t)exp(-j2πf0t) • xl(t)is a low pass signal • Xl(f)≡ 0 for all | f | ≥ W • phasor for band pass signal
ˆ x ( t ) rewrite in terms of quadrature & in-phase components z(t)= • z(t) = xl(t)exp(j2πf0t) • = [xc(t) + jxs(t)]exp(j2πf0t) • = xc(t)cos(2πf0t) - xs(t)sin(2πf0t) + j[xc(t)sin(2πf0t)+xs(t)cos(2πf0t)] equate real & imaginary parts of z(t) and xl(t) ˆ x ( t ) x(t) = Re{z(t)} = xc(t)cos(2πf0t) - xs(t)sin(2πf0t) = Im{z(t)} = xc(t)sin(2πf0t)+xs(t)cos(2πf0t) Generallyxl(t)is complex signal with real (in phase) & imaginary (quadrature) components xl(t) = xc(t) + jxs(t) bandpass to lowpass transform describes relationship of x(t) & in terms of xc(t)&xs(t)
define envelope of xl(t) as V(t) = define phase of xl(t) as I Θ(t) = xl(t) then xl(t) = V(t)exp( jΘ(t) ) V(t) = Θ(t) R V(t) & Θ(t) are slowly time varying • monochromatic phasor has constant amplitude & phase • bandpass signal’s phase & envelope vary slowly with time vector • representation moves on a curve in the complex plane Define xl(t) in terms of phase & envelope
II. Complex Representation of Linear Modulated Signals & Bandpass System canonical representation of anybandpass signal, s(t) has 2 components s(t) = sI(t)cos(2πfct) - sQ(t)sin(2πfct) • sI(t) = in-phase component of s(t) • sQ(t) = quadrature component of s(t) • properties of sI(t) & sQ(t) • are real valued functions • are orthogonal to each other • are uniquely defined in terms of the baseband signalm(t) • two components can be used to synthesize modulated signals(t)
circuit used to synthesizes(t) from sI(t) & sQ(t) sI(t) sQ(t) cos(2fct) s(t) oscillator 90o sin(2fct) circuits used to analyzesI(t) & sQ(t)based on s(t), sI(t) LPF 2cos(2fct) oscillator s(t) 90o -2sin(2fct) sQ(t) LPF
1. Complex Envelope ofa Band-Pass Signals(t) is given as s̃̃(t) = sI(t) + jsQ(t) s̃̃(t) preserves information content of s(t), except for fc(t) • s̃̃(t)e(2πfct)= [sI(t) + jsQ(t)] [cos(2πfct) + jsin(2πfct)] • = sI(t)cos(2πfct) - sQ(t)sin(2πfct) + j[sI(t)sin(2πfct)+sQ(t)cos(2πfct)] real imag then, • s(t) = Re{s̃̃(t)e(2πfct)} • = sI(t)cos(2πfct) - sQ(t)sin(2πfct)
x(t) h(t) y(t) x̃̃(t) h̃̃(t) 2ỹ(t) 2. Consider a narrowband linear band-pass system • system is narrowband if bandwidth W << fc, the system’s center • frequency • input x(t) is modulated by carrier, fc • output = y(t) canonical representation of system’s impulse response given by: h(t) =hI(t)cos(2πfct) - hQ(t)sin(2πfct) use equivalent complex baseband model to simplify analysis • impulse response given by h̃̃(t) = hI(t) + jhQ(t)
y(t) = [xI()cos(2πfc )-xQ(t)sin(2πfc )]· [hI(t-)cos(2πfct-)-hQ(t-)sin(2πfct-)]d y(t) = = xI(t) hI(t-) cos(2πfct)cos(2πfct-)d + xQ(t) hQ(t-) sin(2πfct)sin(2πfct-)d - xI(t)hQ(t-)cos(2πfct)sin(2πfct-) d - xQ(t)hI(t-)cos(2πfct-)sin(2πfct) d 2.1 Passband Analysis of LTI System
y(t) + xQ(t) hQ(t-) ½[ cos() - cos(4πfc t-) ] d = xI(t) hI(t-) ½[ cos() + cos(4πfc t-) ] d - - xI(t)hQ(t-)½[ sin(4πfc t) + sin() ] d xQ(t)hI(t-)½[ sin(4πfc t) - sin() ] d Passband Analysis of LTI System (continued)
complex input & output are complex envelopes of bandpass systems • input & output x̃̃(t)= xI(t) + jxQ(t) is the complex envelope of x(t) ỹ(t) = yI(t) + jyQ(t) is the complex envelope of y(t) ỹ(t) = = 2.2 Equivalent Complex Baseband Model • complex envelopes are related by complex convolution = [xI(t) + jxQ(t)][hI(t-λ) + jhQ(t-λ)]dλ = hI(t-λ)xI(t) - hQ(t-λ)xQ(t) + j[xQ(t)hI(t-λ) + hQ(t-λ)xI(t)]dλ
Passband signalsare readily determined from ỹ(t) and x̃̃(t) x(t) = Re{x̃̃(t)exp(2πfct)} y(t) = Re{ỹ(t)exp(2πfct)} Impulse response of band-pass system given by h(t) = Re{h̃̃(t)exp(2πfct)} = Re{ (hI(t) + jhQ(t))(cos(2πfct) + jsin(2πfct) )} = hI(t)cos(2πfct) - hQ(t) sin(2πfct) Equivalent Notation for complex baseband model ( ‘’ = convolution) ỹ(t) =½(x̃̃(t)h̃̃(t)) = ½(h̃̃(t) x̃̃(t)) • ½ factor added to maintain equivalence between real & complex models • fcis omitted from complex baseband model simplifies analysis • without loss of information
phasor representing phase & magnitude of x(t) = complex envelope: x exp(jx) = xcos(x) + jx sin(x) x = magnitude x = argument (phase of x(t)) Appendix: More on Complex Envelope - viewed as an extension of phasor for a real harmonic signal x(t) x(t) = x cos(2f0t + x) t R • assume x 0 and phase is 0 x < 2, then: (i) exp(j(2f0t+x )) = cos(2f0t +x) + jsin(2f0t +x) (ii) x(t) = Re[x( cos(2f0t +x) + jsin(2f0t +x) )] t R = Re [x exp(j(2f0t + x))] t R = Re [x exp(jx)exp(j2f0t )] t R
derive complex envelope for any real continuous signal, x(t) assumex(t) = Re [xe(t)exp(j2f0t )] t R where xe(t)= x exp(jx), X(f) = F[xcos(2f0t+ x)] = xexp(jx)(f-f0) + xexp(-jx)(f+f0) = xexp(jx)(f-f0) f R x̃̃p(f) = xe(t) = xexp(jx) F-1[x̃̃e(f) ] i. Take Fourier Transform of x(t) ii. suppress negative frequencies & multiply by 2 iii. shift left by f0to obtain frequency signal x̃̃e(f) = xexp(jx)(f0) f R iv. take Inverse Fourier Transform
e.g. Pure Harmonic signal given by x(t) = cos(2f1t + x) t R = exp(j)(f-f1) x̃̃p(f) x̃̃e(f) = exp(j)(f-f1+f0) • where x 0 • 0 x < 2 i. FT yields X(f) = ½ exp(jx)(f-f1) + ½ exp(-jx)(f+f1) ii. iii. iv xe(t) = exp(j)exp(2j(f1-f0))t t R • if f1 = f0 complex envelope = phasor • if |f1-f0| << f0 xe varies slowly compared to exp(2jf0t)
If x(t) = real, continuous function, & F(x) has no delta function at f = 0 pre-envelope (aka analytical) of x is complex valued signal xp with complex-envelope of x with respect to frequency f0 is signal xe F[x̃̃p]= x̃̃p(f) = 2X(f)1(f) f R x̃̃e(f) = x̃̃p(f+f0) = 2X(f+f0) 1(f+f0) f R xe(t)= F-1[ x̃̃e(f)]
Complex Envelope for let x(t) = real, band-pass, band-limitedsignal • fc = center frequency & W = bandwidth • where W < fc, are positive real numbers (W << fc x(t) is narrowband) • X(f) = 0 for | f | < fc-W and | f | > fc+W f R X(f) W W 0 -fc 0 fc ˆ x ( f ) p 0 fc • xe = complex envelope with respect to f0 • contains only low frequencies • f0 R+ xeis not uniquely defined 0 xp = analytical