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Sustainable Technologies for a Better World

Explore civil, environmental, and natural resources engineering for resource-efficient, safer operations in a green and sustainable environment. Research areas include minerals, water management, infrastructure, and urban planning.

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Sustainable Technologies for a Better World

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  1. Ulla Grönlund, Head of Dept. SBN

  2. Department ofCivil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering SBN

  3. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • Challenge-driven research, education and innovation • Energy / Raw materials • Environment • Food andWater • Health • Pandemics • Demographics • Safety Sustainable technologies for a sustainable environment

  4. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Beautiful Our research and coursesare aimed at making things better Resource efficient Safer operations Green environment Sustainable Stronger

  5. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Ores and Minerals Forest and Energy WaterWaste Management Civil Engineering Infrastructure Urban Planning Sustainable technologies for a sustainable environment

  6. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Building systems of concrete, steel and wood Soil and rock • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  7. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Urban planningBridges and tunnelsRoads and railwaysTraffic noise • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  8. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Urban planningSustainable travelSeasonal variations and cold climates • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  9. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Finding minerals in natureSustainable and environmentally friendly extraction of mineraland metal products • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  10. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering To provide our communities with good waterDealing with sewage and waste in a correct manner • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  11. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Community systems must be safe and serve for many years • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment

  12. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment Efficient and sustainable use of our natural resources

  13. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • Civil Engineering • InfrastructureUrban PlanningMiningWater SupplySafetySustainable Process TechnologyEnvironment Sustainable technologies for a sustainable environment

  14. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Architecture and waterArchitecture and Water (AWA) cover the research subjects Architecture, Sanitary Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Water Resources Engineering - Renewable Energy. Sanitary Engineering is focused on water supply and sewerage systemswith sustainability and the wise use of resources as focal points.Renewable energy includes systems for renewable energy andincreased use of renewable energy. The number of employees is 40.

  15. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Structural and Construction EngineeringStructural Engineering, Steel Structures, Timber Structures and Construction Engineering. Here we gather all of the institutions building process competencesfrom building, planning and design to construction.The number of employees is about 80 incl. Comp Lab.

  16. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Operation, Maintenance and AcousticsOperation and Maintenance Engineering graduate of availability, reliability and dependability with a view to increasing productivity. Acoustics research on vibration and noise that affect people with the aim to provide products and buildings that produce an attractive and harmless sound. The number of employees is 40.

  17. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Mining and Geotechnical EngineeringRock Mechanics and Rock Engineering is in charge of all education and research concerning rock mechanics, rock and mining engineering and rock aggregates.Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering are in charge of all education and research concerning Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. The number of employees is approximately 55

  18. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Geosciences and Environmental EngineeringResearch and education about how ores and other mineral resources are formed, how to find them and how to handle mining waste in a sustainable way. Waterand environmental issues as well as sustainable management of waste andresidue flows within communities are also important areas of theDivision of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering. The number of employees is approximately 55

  19. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Division of Sustainable Process Engineering (SPE)We strive to be a national leader and an internationally recognized research,education and innovation environment for the development of processes and products that contribute to sustainable development.We teach and research in the subjects of Chemical Technology, Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Gränsytors Chemistry, Process Metallurgy, Mineral Processing. The number of employees is approximately 50.

  20. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Green Technology Lab • Sustainable production of fuels, renewable materials / chemicals from forest biomass • Biorefinery technology - from the labs as innovation / pilot schemes to full scale, unique laboratorie-facilitetes/methods • Access to unique pilot and demonstration setups:CHEMREC • ETC • Ethanolpilot - LTU 1 of 3 owners • Membrane- and katalystequiptment at ETC and LTU

  21. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Minerals and Metals Research Centre Laboratory Effective and energy-efficient extraction of mineral and metal products from primary and secondary raw materials Mineral Processing for enrichmentGeometallurgiIron and steel productionMining of non-ferrous metals

  22. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Thin Films and Surface Science Laboratory Advanced equipment for basic characterization of thin films of zeolites and lubricants and mineral surfaces The laboratory is important for many of LTU's priority areas: Sustainable use of resourcesMaterial Science Mining Engineering and Metallurgy

  23. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Environmental and Waste Technology Lab

  24. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Comp Lab

  25. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Ice Laboratorium ICELAB

  26. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Architecture Lab

  27. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Acoustics Lab

  28. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering eMaintenance Lab Simulations of safety systems: Mining | Railway | Offshore | Automotive

  29. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • FireProtectionMaster’s 3,5 years • Master’sofengineeringprogrammes 5 years • Architecture • FireProtectionEngineer (Extension toMaster’s) • Sustainable Process Engineering • Natural Resources Engineering • Civil Engineering • HigherDiplomaProgrammes 2 years • Management in Building and Construction • Built Environment • Bachelor Programme in Mining and Geotechnical Engineering - Filipstad • Higher Education Diploma Programme in Mining and Geotechnical Industry - Filipstad • GemstoneTechnlogy • Master’s 2 years in English • Master Programme in Climate Sensitive Urban Planning and Building • Exploration and EnvironmentalGeosciences • Civil Engineering, withspecialization in mining • GeotechnicalEngineering

  30. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence Bio4Energy is a strategic centre with an emphasis on research that uses the forest as feedstock for the sustainable production of energy, newmaterials and biofuelswww.bio4energy.se

  31. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.camm.se

  32. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence http://cmis.project.ltu.se

  33. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.ltu.se/centres/crr

  34. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.hlrc.se

  35. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence http://jvtc.project.ltu.se

  36. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.ltu.se/centres/swebrec

  37. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.ltu.se/centres/lwe

  38. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering Centres of Excellence www.ltu.se/centres/arc

  39. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • In brief:23 research subjects, 55 professors, 190 PhDs • 14 programmes • 350 staff employees | 1/3 women, 43 % foreign born |People from 51 countries • 320 mkr turnover | 1/5 education, 4/5 research • Strong links to the community and businesses • International networks and partners

  40. Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering • Our partners: • JernkontoretSmurfit KappaChemrecSEKABDomsjöProcessum Biorefinery ABEnergitekniskt CentrumLKABBolidenALS ScandinaviaRagnsellsSSABTrafikverketSkanskaNCCSKL

  41. Our production 2011 895 students 790 fulltime students 24 PhD degrees 21 Lic. degrees 140 Scientific articles Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering

  42. Together we shape the future

  43. Together we shape the future SBN

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