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Communications Update. Louise Russell Marketing & Communications Officer Kavita Jeerh Project Assistant European Bioenergy Research Institute Aston University 8.10.13. Website. Project indicator: number of people reached by website (unique visitors) is 10,000
Communications Update Louise RussellMarketing & Communications Officer Kavita JeerhProject Assistant European Bioenergy Research InstituteAston University 8.10.13
Website Project indicator: number of people reached by website (unique visitors) is 10,000 As of 20.9.2013: Total of 5,320 visitors (4,068 unique) = 40% of website unique visitor target Since Karlsruhe:2,657 visits (1,813 unique) Average duration per visitor 3 minutes 4 seconds New visits: 66% Country of origin: UK – 33% Netherlands – 12% Germany – 11% France – 11% Belgium – 5% Other countries include America, India, Italy, Spain, Australia Average of 2.79 pages viewed. Most visited pages: Work packages, Netherlands BSC, Objectives, About and Electronic library www.bioenergy-nw.eu
Twitter @Bioenergy Europe 5,927 followers 4,047 tweets These figures have hardly grown since March, in fact the number of followers has actually declined (was 5987). All partners need to supply information for tweets to grow these numbers. Tweet content: Project news, partner news, awards, sector news, new technologies, developments etc. Send tweets to Louise Russell – maximum of 140 characters
LinkedIn Group established 53 members All BioenNW partners can join and post discussions on there – please dojoin. This could be a useful tool to link the BSN’s in each country. http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4257074&trk=vsrp_groups_res_name&trkInfo=VSRPsearchId%3A743963571380542448399%2CVSRPtargetId%3A4257074%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary
A reminder of whatis required? • A library of documents, contact points, websites, fact sheets, case studies information on natural resources, (type & location) so on, concerned with local bioenergy development of relevance to professional stakeholders such as regulators, technology providers & project developer, & to non-specialist stakeholders such as member of the public • Please continue to send through resources on a regular basis
Going forward BSC areas training has been organised for 16.10.2013 Actions for all partners: - Press releases: send to Louise (30 required for project) - Repository items: send to Kavita - Blog posts: 2 per partner per year – 2013 in timetable operational. A new timetable for 2014 will be circulated towards the end of 2013. - FAQs - Videos, event details, photographs etc:send to Louise - Follow on Twitter @BioenergyEurope - Join BioenNW LinkedIn group
Any Questions? Louise RussellMarketing & Communications Officer +44 (0)121 204 4637 l.a.russell1@aston.ac.uk Kavita Jeerh Project Assistant +44 (0)121 204 4321 k.jeerh@aston.ac.uk European Bioenergy Research Institute Aston University