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SureM Co., Ltd. Dec 14, 2015

16 years of experience in messaging business. Messaging Solution Introduction. SureM Co., Ltd. Dec 14, 2015. Content. Messaging System Introduction Network configuration Messaging system S/W configuration Messaging process key features System & service management Company Introduction

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SureM Co., Ltd. Dec 14, 2015

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  1. 16 years of experience in messaging business Messaging Solution Introduction SureM Co., Ltd. Dec 14, 2015

  2. Content • Messaging System Introduction • Network configuration • Messaging system S/W configuration • Messaging process key features • System & service management • Company Introduction • Company overview • Milestones and Awards • Financial statement • Organization chart • Major clients • Overview • Proposal purpose and directions • Advantages of SureM • Messaging Service Introduction • Range of services • Service coverage • Service details • Message delivery tools Ⅴ. Appendix • X-Messenger Introduction

  3. Overview • Proposal Purpose and Directions • Advantages of SureM

  4. Highly stable customized G/W implementation and support 16 years of accumulated Know-How Business partnership • Redundant system • Customization • 24hr technical support • Know-how in messaging systems • 16 years of experience in messaging solutions • Marketing consulting • Customized tool offer and support 1. Proposal Purpose and directions Ⅰ. Overview We are offering you a system, combining 16 years of accumulated experience in messaging service system implementation and support. In addition, at your request we can provide marketing, technical consulting as business partner to further expand your business. Proposal Purpose and directions System implementation and support as long-term stable business partners

  5. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.1. Externally recognized and financially strong company • Financial Stability • 15 consecutive years of profitable business and steady growth(CAGR : 26%) • More than 10% net profit rate / no debt or liabilities. Sales Net profit <In millions KRW> <In millions KRW> • 2) A variety of awards for 15 years: more than 10 times awarded. • 2014: 15 Annual Technical Innovation award / HiSeoul Brand Company • Seoul Mayor, Small and Medium Business Administration, Ministry of Industry and Energy, Information and Communication Ministry awards etc

  6. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.2. Efficient system with proven stability in a variety of services • 16 years of accumulated expertise in messaging • Focused on messaging services and related technologies 16 years since its establishment in 2000 • Providing Intl SMS service to more than 220 countries • Stable established connections with mobile carriers in more than 220 countries • Over 4000 domestic and foreign corporate clients / 500,000 individual subscribers • The largest domestic SMS G/Wsystem (see SMS G/W case study) Intl SMS clients Samsung BCcard Standard Chartered Public Institutions Insprit Naver LINE KakaotalkChatOn MypeopleFacebook Major G/W users

  7. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview ※ SMS G/W system case study: the largest SMS G/W system in South Korea.

  8. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.3. Leading international SMS messaging technology • Support of local languages (Domestic only) • SMS/LMS can be sent in the language of the country you choose • English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc. language support is available all over the world • International standard SMPP protocol support • Industry-standard protocol used worldwide in the field of mobile messaging • In conjunction with several providers providing the service • The first company to launch LMS service • Chinese LMS service opened in 2013 • LMS feature available for China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia etc • Constant coverage expansion • A variety of codes and languages [LMS screenshot]

  9. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.4. Customized server / system Offering G/W server and operating system customized to our client’s request Providing support for any development environment Supported programming languages Supported OS Supported DB Windows MS-SQL Java Linux Oracle C, C++ Unix DB2 Delphi etc My-Sql C# etc etc

  10. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.5. A variety of operational know-how accumulated over 10 years in business 10-year of accumulated DB / routing management know-how = high transmission success rate • Country numbering DB accumulation • Recipient number check to prevent failure due to wrong number • Success rate check in the DB • Routing according to success rate per country / carrier • Real-time monitoring system: in case of failure  alarm management enables immediate response • Auto-routing : If the rate of retransmission attempts exceeds a certain level, automatically changing network Systematic network management service for non-stop service • Dual service system • Including the IDC, established unified redundant system • Automatic alarm system • Alarm system per destination / Notification to account manager and tech support • Quality monitoring • Quality monitoring through regular network tests • Routing change based on monitoring results

  11. 2. Advantages of SureM Ⅰ. Overview 2.6. Help Desk support 24/7 • Support available in many ways • Phone, Skype, e-mail, online 1:1 consulting • Customer line for off-hours (+82 2 1588 4640) • 24/7 customer support • Immediate response in case on system failure • Tel : +82 2 1588 4640 /Skype : surem_international /wechat : eunhwa90 • Remote technical support • Our technical staff can help you solve any technical issues by remote access to your PC

  12. II. Messaging Service Introduction • Range of services • Service coverage • Service details • Message delivery tools

  13. 1. Range of services II. Messaging Service Introduction 1) Korea South messaging services • SMS service • - Transmitting short messages to mobile phone users • LMS service • - Transmitting long messages to mobile phone users • MMS service (Composing MMS pictures / Mobile maps) • Transmission of pictures, multimedia, URL-links, mobile maps etc. • ACS service (ACS : Auto Calling Service) • Automatically dialing the customer's phone number in association with DB and Web servers • MO service • - Receiving response messages from phone users • Personal authentification service • Basic authentification : a one-time password issued to a mobile phone • Advanced authentification : checking user identity with mobile carrier

  14. 1. Range of services II. Messaging Service Introduction 2) International messaging service • 2 Way SMS service (Inbound / Outbound SMS) • - Sending SMS to 227 countries (Foreign language support) • Concatenated SMS andMMS service • MMS and Concatenated SMS service to 200+ countries • Mobile verification service • Phone number validity check by sending a verification SMS • ACS service • Automatically dialing the customer's telephone number in association with the DB and Web servers • Number look-up service (status check) • Checking phone number details in central DB (subscriber information) • Japanese international messaging service • - International messaging to Japan in any language • Chinese international messaging service • 2-way SMS service between China and Korea

  15. 2. Service coverage II. Messaging Service Introduction • TOP in Korea! SMS delivery to 227 countries (see country list) • The largest direct connection network in Korea • Send messages in different languages to different countries North America 16 countries 67carriers Europe 45 countries 269carriers Asia 44 countries 271 carriers Middle East 9 countries 38 carriers South America 30 countries 114 carriers Africa 54 countries 218 carriers Oceania 22 countries 47 carriers

  16. 2. Service coverage II. Messaging Service Introduction Ensuring the best quality of service through direct connections in more than 50 countries

  17. 2. Service coverage II. Messaging Service Introduction Local languages supported English, Japanese, Chinese, Arab etcMessages can be sent in any language in the world.

  18. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction • 1) SMS verification service • : Verification code sent via SMS, allows to check validity of the phone number [2341] OOが送信した認証番号です。 [SMS with code] [Carrier] [Verification request] [Code generation(DB)] [SureM] • Example : Check the validity of phone number • Method : Send one-time password through SMS; • Let Web users or smart phone users to type in one time password received by SMS

  19. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 2) International Concatenated messages transmission ■ The first to launch international LMS service in Korea and rapidly expanding 200+ countries coverage (Chinese SMS) (Japanese LMS) (Indonesia LMS - ENG) (Chinese LMS)

  20. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 3) International MMS service ■ International MMS delivery (currently China only) • Expanding the coverage, provided per request

  21. Mobile map service MMS combination service 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 4) MMS service New service – mobile maps via MMS and picture combination feature • Description: Sending mobile map to your clients • Advantage: You may send text messages along with the map picture (up to 2000 bytes) • Benefit : Customer satisfaction (convenient notification service) [Mobile map MMS sample] • Description : Add text or barcode to the image • Advantage : Use barcodes for events, offers, coupons • Benefit : No need to send a separate SMS with event info [Coupon MMS sample]

  22. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 5) MMS creation tool : image Editor • Easy to use, even for amateurs • New image can be created with pictures provided free of charge 1min Time to create a new image Main features (for amateurs) • Various free images • Text editor • Emoticons/stickers • Pre-view • Maps • Barcodes/QR-codes

  23. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 6) ACS service (International Auto-Calling Service) - Service allowing to transform written text into speech [2341] Your code for OO application [Code generation (DB)] [Code delivery] [ACS request] [Carrier] [SureM] • Examples : Delivering verification codes • Method : Let Web users or smart phone users to type in one time password received by ACS

  24. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 6) ACS service (International Auto-Calling Service) ■ Combining SMS and ACS guarantees higher subscription rate! • ■ Use cases : Solution when SMS can not be delivered • Used in cases when customer can not be reached via SMS • Poor network area • Certain foreign carriers, not supporting SMS verification •  Using ACS instead of SMS • No more customer complaints on verification issue • ■ Advantage • User aspect : multi-lingual support (pre-recorded language can be selected) • Client aspect : ACS delivery report • - Client can check if the phone call was accepted or not

  25. 3. Service details II. Messaging Service Introduction 7) Subscriber check [Look-up Service] • Provides mobile number information from the central DB of all mobile subscribers • Country, mobile carrier, number portability, roaming status • - Filter virtual numbers and unavailable numbers before sending SMS • Client sends look-up service request (mobile number) • SureM sends look-up request to the service provider • Service provider receives the requested number from SureM • Searches for the information in the central DB • Service provider sends the results to SureM • SureM simplifies the result adapting to the client's request / forwards the result

  26. 4. Message delivery tools II. Messaging Service Introduction 1) Web interface : supported in 5 languages Japanese : jp.surem.net/ English : www.SureM.net

  27. 4. Message delivery tools II. Messaging Service Introduction 1) Web interface : supported in 5 languages French : fr.surem.net Russian : ru.surem.net Chinese: cn.surem.net

  28. 4. Message delivery tools II. Messaging Service Introduction 2) Message transmission via interconnection : various modules • Preferred modules available for interconnection with client DB • - Customer DB integration • - Can be integrated with the current DB, without any separate programs • - Implementation of dedicated interface • Interface sample source provided • Supported OS, DB, programming environment Transmission module support ASP, PHP, Delphi, VB, JAVA, C++ DB-exe (Window, Linux) 등 [ Client messagingsystem ] [ SureM G/W system] [ Client ]

  29. III. Messaging System Introduction • Network configuration • Messaging system S/W configuration • Messaging process key features • System & service management

  30. III. Messaging System Introduction 1. Network configuration 1) Network Diagram - Dual system, dual IDC, diversified international routes support - Dual IDC: Located in Seoul area, including redundant configuration system. - International routing through various channels Korean carriers (SKT, KT, LGU+ Active System IDC #1 Korean transit operators Client’s messaging system Dual IDC Foreign SMS provider A Foreign SMS provider B Foreign SMS provider C Standby System IDC #2 :

  31. Management Module Integration Module G/W Module DB Module 2. Messaging system S/W configuration III. Messaging System Introduction 1) S/W configuration 1) Service system consists of management module, G/W module and DB module 2) Connecting client, mobile operator and international gateway via systemintegration module S/W Configuration Details Messaging G/W System Client Integration • Server Management • Access Authority • Statistics • Recovering error and wireless monitoring • Gateway Integration • Mobile Operator • Integration • Client Integration 3 Mobile Operators Integration • Transmission Table • Back-up Table • Statistics Table • Web-integrated transmission Table • SMS Transmission • Data Verification • SMS delivery status International Gateway Integration

  32. 3. Messaging process key features III. Messaging System Introduction 1) Messaging transfer details overview SureM applied 15 years of know-how to creating the system we use today, constantly improving technological performance. Transmission efficiency Customer care • Prioritizing transmission flow • Pre-processing mobile numbers (NPDB) • SMS / Concatenated messages differentiation (length check) • Monthly and daily flow capacity • Customizable capacity limits • Different capacity depending on industry Error and failure prevention SPAM filtering • Duplicated transmission prevention • Night transmission disable function • Retransmission of failed messages • Monitoring of transmission and results • Preliminary check of URL-links • Content filtering (4 languages) • Sender ID blacklisting feature • OPT-out service & opt-out register

  33. 3. Messaging process key features III. Messaging System Introduction 2) Transmission efficiency Priority management SMS transmission ② ③ urgent A_Agent A_Agent Queue ④ ① 긴급 Sent by priority B_Agent urgent B_Agent Queue C_Agent urgent C_Agent Queue SMS G/W system D_Agent urgent D_Agent Queue ① High-priority messages : No queuing, transmitted first without delay ② Providing queue data per each Agent ③ Agent’sSMS G/Wsystem transmission ④ SMS G/W internal priority management

  34. 3. Messaging process key features III. Messaging System Introduction 3) Proper customer care Daily/monthly capacity setting Carrier [SMS G/Wtransmission Agent 1] Digicel NAT COM Daily/monthlycapacity setting [SMS G/Wtransmission Agent 2]

  35. 3. Messaging process key features III. Messaging System Introduction 4) Error and failure prevention Duplicated transmission prevention #. 1 Step duplication check - Duplication check in the internal server, before transmitting the message to carrier#. 2 Step duplication check by carrier - Before transmission to recipient  duplication check by carrier server Carrier 1 server 2 STEP log Carrier 2 server 1 STEP duplication check 2 STEP Relay server Carrier 3 server 2 STEP

  36. 3. Messaging process key features III. Messaging System Introduction 5) OPT-out feature OPT-out service & opt-out register OPT-out request OPT-out request OPT-out YES OPT-out YES Client’s Agent Server OPT-out server

  37. III. Messaging System Introduction 4. System & service management System monitoring and failure prevention thanks to 5 year-running - Full system management (server and routing) Service management scheme SureM operation management system Alarm in case of system failure Operation Management Server Failure alarm [E-mail] [Web interface] [SMS] Carrier Dispatch server Transmission server DB Service system [Main features] [Main components] Comprehensive management of available resources, expanded simply by adding management elements • #. Server • CPU • Memory • HDD 용량 • Process • Server Up time • Port • #. Route • Network connection check • Ping Time • Server and route monitoring • Real-time check of each server and route condition • Traffic management and data generation #. Traffic monitoring and data generation

  38. III. Messaging System Introduction 4. System & service management 1) System and traffic flow management Process and transmission Resource management • CPU (customized) • MEM (customized) • DISK (customized) • PROCESS Name or Port Monitoring (customized) • Network Ping (customized) • Reset alarm (customized) • Transmission delay alarm (customized) • No delivery report alarm (customized) Traffic statistics Client management • Daily/monthly reports : full delivery details and causes of failure description • Transmission log : full delivery details and causes of failure description • Service usage history • Delivery history per mobile carrier • Usage history of services : full usage details and causes of failure description • Usage history per user ID • Statistical graphs and analysis • Disposition • DB lock monitoring • Duplication monitoring • Success rate notification • Error code alarm • Data flow monitoring • Capacity limit alarm • DR delay alarm • Intranet delay alarm • Failure rate monitoring

  39. III. Messaging System Introduction 4. System & service management 2) Real-time monitoring through application - Monitoring of traffic in real-time - Periodical check of quality of the current network and provider Monitoring scheme Installed app verification Client server SureM Int’l SMS provider Feedback and history log = delivery status, time check #. Based on the result, system check is performed.

  40. III. Messaging System Introduction 4. System & service management 3) System failure detection and alarm notification - Real-time traffic monitoring  alarm in case of system lapse Failure alarm servise Client server SureM Int’l SMS provider Recipient No DR No DR Alarm - Client- SureM

  41. IV. Company Introduction • Company overview • Milestones and Awards • Financial statement • Organization chart • Major clients

  42. IV. Company introduction 1. Company overview “Technology-based Mobile Service Provider” Officially recognized venture company Sustained growth /Solid financial structure • Received "Prime Minister" Award in September 2014 • Selected as 'The Excellent Company Brand of Seoul' • Profit increase for 15 years • A net profit of 10% rise for 3 years • Debt-free company Stable Existing Business /Launch a new Business Constant technical development and competitiveness • 4000 domestic & foreign companies / 500 thousand individual customers • Leader of Int'l SMS Market • Launch a new business (IP camera) • Develop SMPP Standard protocol • Develop exclusive smart phone apps • Skilled technical professionals - 50% of the total employees

  43. IV. Company introduction 2. Milestones and Awards(1) Company Established Total 55 employees March 2000 CEO: Youn Joo Lim Main Awards • 02. 2015 A selected enterprise by Hi-seoul for continuous contract renewal 09. 2014 Received "Prime Minister" Award in September 2014 02. 2014 Selected as ' The Excellent Company Brand of Seoul' 12. 2013 Acquired certification in venture company from technology Guarantees fund 03. 2013 Selected as a promising company by the small & Medium- sized Business Administration 10. 2011 Provided Mobile Verification Service through ACS to Samsung Electronics 06. 2011 Selected as ' Technology Innovation Company'(Inno-Biz) 11. 2006 Provided MS OUTLOOK MOBILE SERVICE (OMS) 01. 2005 Provided international SMS/MMS to more than 200 countries 11. 2003 Provided international SMS/MMS to more than 160 countries • ※ OMS (Outlook Messenger Service) • - Sending SMS from Microsoft Outlook. • - Korea, China, India service coverage

  44. 2. Milestones and Awards(2) IV. Company introduction 2005/2007 Small and Medium Business Administration awards • October 2007 • Korea E-business award • (Ministry of Commerce) • January 2005 • 2004 Communication business award • September 2004 • Venture company Award • Seoul Mayor Award • February 2014 • HiSeoulBrand company • March 2015 • Best Seoul taxpayerSeoul City Hall • September 2014 • SME TechnologyInnovation award • February 2009 • Korea Digital Innovation award(ETRI)

  45. 3.Financial statement IV. Company introduction • 15 consecutive years of profitable business and steady growth/ • More than 10% net profit rate • No debt or liabilities. <In millions KRW> Sales Net profit

  46. 4. Organization chart IV. Company introduction “Technical professional – 50% of staff. Making SureM leader in latest technologies” C.E.O Operation Division Business Planning Division Research Team Domestic Sales Team Int’l Sales Team Technical Team Research Team 1 Research Team 1 Research Team 1 Planning Team Legal Team Support Team

  47. 5. Major clients IV. Company introduction “Number 1 in Int’l SMS market!: 4000 corporate and over 500 000 individual subscribers” Domestic Domestic Public organizations Foreign Mobile apps LINE

  48. Ⅴ. Annex: X-Messenger introduction

  49. V. Annex 1. X-Messenger Introduction • X-Messenger? • - PC-based SMS / MMS transfer program using Excel data • Up to one million simultaneous transmissions • Message combination feature • Easy and convenient interface created for the customers • 2) X-Messenger features • MMS delivery (2000byte, +image) • Reservation delivery (Manually managed by customer) • Bulk delivery (send messages to thousands of numbers at the same time) • Delivery result available in real-time (Number, content, delivery status ) • Message combination feature • Message templates (classified by industry) • Checking numbers for duplication • Multiple users for one ID

  50. V. Annex 1. X-Messenger Introduction 5 7 6 [ X – messenger active screen ] X-messenger Main Features 5 6 7

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