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Award Details. Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's AwardValue: $17,500 for one year, non-renewableDeadline: January 4th, 2012Departments may have deadlines as early as December 14th please check!. Description. Purpose of the award is to support research
1. University of Regina CIHR Workshop
2. Award Details Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Award
Value: $17,500 for one year, non-renewable
Deadline: January 4th, 2012
Departments may have deadlines as early as December 14th – please check!
3. Description
Purpose of the award is to support research in a health related field and to ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified people to meet the needs of Canada’s knowledge economy
This includes biomedical, clinical, health services and policy and social, cultural, environmental and population health
Biomedical - Research with the goal of understanding normal and abnormal human functioning, at the molecular, cellular, organ system and whole body levels, including development of tools and techniques to be applied for this purpose; developing new therapies or devices that improve health or the quality of life of individuals, up to the point where they are tested on human subjects. Studies on human subjects that do not have a diagnostic or therapeutic orientation.
Clinical - Research with the goal of improving the diagnosis, and treatment (including rehabilitation and palliation), of disease and injury; and improving the health and quality of life of individuals as they pass through normal life stages. Research on, or for the treatment of, patients
Health Services - Research with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals and the health care system, through changes to practice and policy. Health services research is a multidisciplinary field of scientific investigation that studies how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviours affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health care, and, ultimately, Canadians' health and well-being.
Social, Cultural, Environmental and Population health - esearch with the goal of improving the health of the Canadian population, or of defined sub-populations, through a better understanding of the ways in which social, cultural, environmental, occupational and economic factors determine health statusBiomedical - Research with the goal of understanding normal and abnormal human functioning, at the molecular, cellular, organ system and whole body levels, including development of tools and techniques to be applied for this purpose; developing new therapies or devices that improve health or the quality of life of individuals, up to the point where they are tested on human subjects. Studies on human subjects that do not have a diagnostic or therapeutic orientation.
Clinical - Research with the goal of improving the diagnosis, and treatment (including rehabilitation and palliation), of disease and injury; and improving the health and quality of life of individuals as they pass through normal life stages. Research on, or for the treatment of, patients
Health Services - Research with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals and the health care system, through changes to practice and policy. Health services research is a multidisciplinary field of scientific investigation that studies how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviours affect access to health care, the quality and cost of health care, and, ultimately, Canadians' health and well-being.
Social, Cultural, Environmental and Population health - esearch with the goal of improving the health of the Canadian population, or of defined sub-populations, through a better understanding of the ways in which social, cultural, environmental, occupational and economic factors determine health status
4. Eligibility must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
Must be a ‘trainee’
Must be seeking support for the first graduate degree
Must be enrolled in the last year of an undergraduate program, or have completed no more than 10 months of a Master’s program (as of Feb 1/12)
Must be engaged in full time training
May not have already held a SSHRC or NSERC at the same level, or applied in the same year Trainee – a person who is enhancing their research skills through actual involvement in research and works under the supervision of an independent researcher
-two months of part time study is considered as one month of full time study
-full time training is considered a minimum of 30 hours/week dedicated to research and course workTrainee – a person who is enhancing their research skills through actual involvement in research and works under the supervision of an independent researcher
-two months of part time study is considered as one month of full time study
-full time training is considered a minimum of 30 hours/week dedicated to research and course work
5. Conditions of Funding Award must be accepted within 15 business days of the date of the offer
Candidates must be registered full time while receiving the award
Must be supervised by a researcher who holds research funds
Awards must begin within 6 months of the offer, and must begin September 1 or January 1
6. Evaluation Criteria Achievements and Activities – look at 1) Research experience and achievement (summer research projects, awards, publications, presentations), the impact and importance of the research performed, where the candidate’s name is on the author list, previous funding; 2) Academic Performance – grades obtained, types of courses taken, course load, how avg compares to class average
Characteristics and Abilities – look at research proposal, overall application presentation, sponsor’s assessments, innovative ideas, potential for impact of your research
Research Training Environment – assess training module to see if the training program seems to fit the candidate’s training expectations, assess the intellectual challenge and excitement of the research proposed, access to spaceAchievements and Activities – look at 1) Research experience and achievement (summer research projects, awards, publications, presentations), the impact and importance of the research performed, where the candidate’s name is on the author list, previous funding; 2) Academic Performance – grades obtained, types of courses taken, course load, how avg compares to class average
Characteristics and Abilities – look at research proposal, overall application presentation, sponsor’s assessments, innovative ideas, potential for impact of your research
Research Training Environment – assess training module to see if the training program seems to fit the candidate’s training expectations, assess the intellectual challenge and excitement of the research proposed, access to space
7. http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/39382.html
8. Where to Apply If attending university:
Apply to the university that you are registered at in Fall 2011. For the University of Regina, the deadline date is January 4, 2012
If not attending university:
Apply directly to CIHR by February 1, 2012
9. Application Checklist Identify participants / supervisors
Identify sponsors
Attach: 1) CV; 2) Contributions Details – consists of Activities and Contributions, Interruptions and Delays, Patents and Intellectual Property Rights, and Publications List; 3) Proof of Canadian citizenship or PR document
Enter degree information
10. Application Checklist Enter project information
Attach Training Expectations and Research Project Summary
Attach transcripts and citizenship info
Apply to Priority Announcements, if applicable
Secure signatures from supervisor and FGSR, scan and upload Signature page
Preview application material
Consent and submit application
11. Application Instructions
13. Identify supervisor only if currently enrolled in a Master’s program. Do not include if you are a 4th year undergraduate, or you will be applying to a different programIdentify supervisor only if currently enrolled in a Master’s program. Do not include if you are a 4th year undergraduate, or you will be applying to a different program
15. -Sponsors should be the candidate’s two most recent research supervisors or someone who has had the opportunity to assess the candidate’s potential-Sponsors should be the candidate’s two most recent research supervisors or someone who has had the opportunity to assess the candidate’s potential
16. -Allow sponsors sufficient notice to prepare reference letter
-Reference letters should talk about activities and research potential-Allow sponsors sufficient notice to prepare reference letter
-Reference letters should talk about activities and research potential
19. Common CV
20. - Be sure to check if CIHR has specific requirements
- READ THE INSTRUCTIONS - Be sure to check if CIHR has specific requirements
22. Contributions DetailsActivities and Contributions
Maximum 1 page
Includes both academic and non-academic achievements and their impacts
Examples: supervisory experience, committee membership, guest speaker presentations, research reports and development, leadership roles, Committee membership
For peer review committees, specify the year(s), the subject(s), and the funding organization
For thesis examination committees, indicate the author, title of thesis, and university
Consulting/contract activities
Research development
Research or technical reports
Supervisory experience (e.g. training of students)
Technology transfers (specify the nature of the activity and the target audience)
Involvement in public, private, or non-profit sector activities
Policy papers
Presentations as guest speaker (public or invited lectures)
Editorships (specify if editor-in-chief or member of the editorial team)
Evaluation of articles for scientific, literary or artistic journals (specify title of journal and the number of articles evaluated)
Knowledge translation/Dissemination activities
Trainees might also mention development of a graduate seminar program, journal club or similar activity.
Committee membership
For peer review committees, specify the year(s), the subject(s), and the funding organization
For thesis examination committees, indicate the author, title of thesis, and university
Consulting/contract activities
Research development
Research or technical reports
Supervisory experience (e.g. training of students)
Technology transfers (specify the nature of the activity and the target audience)
Involvement in public, private, or non-profit sector activities
Policy papers
Presentations as guest speaker (public or invited lectures)
Editorships (specify if editor-in-chief or member of the editorial team)
Evaluation of articles for scientific, literary or artistic journals (specify title of journal and the number of articles evaluated)
Knowledge translation/Dissemination activities
Trainees might also mention development of a graduate seminar program, journal club or similar activity.
24. Contributions DetailsInterruptions and Delays
Maximum 1 page – If applicable
Describe any factors that may have interrupted or delayed research, academic career, training, etc. (eg: parental leave, etc
May include the start and end dates of the delay, brief explanation of the absence and the impact areas
25. Contributions DetailsPatents and Intellectual Property Rights Maximum of 1 page – if applicable
Includes information regarding patents and intellectual property rights for technology transfer, products and services
Do not include publications in this section Descriptions might include the title, patents or intellectual property rights number and date, country(ies) of issue, the name of the inventors, as well as relevance or impact of the stated item.Descriptions might include the title, patents or intellectual property rights number and date, country(ies) of issue, the name of the inventors, as well as relevance or impact of the stated item.
26. Contributions DetailsPublications List No page limit
List the most pertinent items to the application
Does not need to be a complete list
Use the complete bibliographic notes for all entries
27. The order for the publication listThe order for the publication list
28. Contributions DetailsTitles and Contributions
For current master’s students with a supervisor listed on the application:
The supervisor must upload their publications and contributions list
29. Enter Degree Information
30. Project Information and Supporting Documents Project title – max 640 characters
Lay title – max 200 characters
Abstract – max 2000 charactersProject title – max 640 characters
Lay title – max 200 characters
Abstract – max 2000 characters
31. Rationale: gives the reviewers a broader perspective of the applicant that does not have definite plans for their Master’s degree at the time of applicationRationale: gives the reviewers a broader perspective of the applicant that does not have definite plans for their Master’s degree at the time of application
34. The following details and/or instructions must be printed on the first page of the document (they can be copied and pasted from this page and printed in smaller font, however they must be legible).
Select the appropriate text to be attached:
Master's, Doctoral Research Award Candidates: Provide an overview describing how the training you expect to acquire will contribute to your productivity and to the research goals you hope to achieve.
The following details and/or instructions must be printed on the first page of the document (they can be copied and pasted from this page and printed in smaller font, however they must be legible).
Select the appropriate text to be attached:
Master's, Doctoral Research Award Candidates: Provide an overview describing how the training you expect to acquire will contribute to your productivity and to the research goals you hope to achieve.
35. Training Expectations Attachment Maximum 2 pages
Provide an overview describing how the training you expect to acquire will contribute to your productivity and to your research goals
At the top of each page, write your name, the title ‘Training Expectation’ and your project title
Margins must be 2cm (3/4 inch) minimum
Use 12 point font, black, six lines per inch, no condensed spacing
36. Training Expectations Attachment The following details and/or instructions must be printed on the first page of the document (they can be copied and pasted from this page and printed in smaller font, however they must be legible).
“Master's, Doctoral Research Award Candidates: Provide an overview describing how the training you expect to acquire will contribute to your productivity and to the research goals you hope to achieve.”
38. Research Proposal Summary Maximum 1 page (including references)
Margins must be 2cm (3/4 inch) minimum
12 point font (references may be in smaller font)
Include your name at the top of the page, then the title ‘Research Proposal Summary’, and your project title.
39. Research Proposal Summary The following details and/or instructions must be printed on the page of the summary (they can be copied and pasted from this page and printed in smaller font, however they must be legible).
Text to be attached:
“Project Title
Summary of the research project. Include the specific hypothesis of the research and describe the candidate's role on the project. This summary should be written in general scientific language.”
40. Research Proposal Summary
Undergrad students – describe the research-based Masters’ program to which you have applied or intend to apply.
Master’s students – may complete summary in conjunction with your supervisor; include specific hypothesis of the research and describe your role on the project Undergrad – part of this information may be taken from the university academic calendar descriptionUndergrad – part of this information may be taken from the university academic calendar description
41. Attach Transcripts & Citizenship Transcripts – must be official copies, must include U of R transcripts even if this is your first semester, certified foreign transcripts can be requested at FGSR, ALL other transcripts must be official
Other attachments – must include proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residence (birth certificate, passport, certificate of Canadian citizenship, valid Indian status card)Transcripts – must be official copies, must include U of R transcripts even if this is your first semester, certified foreign transcripts can be requested at FGSR, ALL other transcripts must be official
Other attachments – must include proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent residence (birth certificate, passport, certificate of Canadian citizenship, valid Indian status card)
42. Priority Announcements
43. http://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/viewOpportunityDetails.do?progCd=10216&org=CIHR Respirology (SHOPP) must be held in Saskatchewan, is in partnership with the Lung Association of SK – research must be in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, see Lung Association of SK website for info on their research prioritiesRespirology (SHOPP) must be held in Saskatchewan, is in partnership with the Lung Association of SK – research must be in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, see Lung Association of SK website for info on their research priorities
44. Signature Pages
45. Signature Pages If candidate has not been accepted into a Master’s program, no signatures are required
Master’s students must have supervisor signIf candidate has not been accepted into a Master’s program, no signatures are required
Master’s students must have supervisor sign
46. Signature Pages
47. Organization Plan Check if your department has an earlier deadline date
Order transcripts from all universities
Create common CV
Begin online application
Request sponsor letters
Prepare required documents
Revise and proofread!!!
Upload required documents
Final proofread and submission
TAKE THE XMAS BREAK INTO ACCOUNT!!!!!! Revise and Proofread – get numerous people to look over your proposal before submitting – watch for grammar, clarity and spelling. Each person that reads your application will add a little something, making your submission better each time. Revise and Proofread – get numerous people to look over your proposal before submitting – watch for grammar, clarity and spelling. Each person that reads your application will add a little something, making your submission better each time.