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Review for Test on Middle Ages, Medieval Times, Islam, and the Renaissance

Learn about Charlemagne, feudal system, knights, guilds, sacraments, plague, Crusades, reconquista, Dante Alighieri's literary work, and more.

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Review for Test on Middle Ages, Medieval Times, Islam, and the Renaissance

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  1. Review for Test on Middle Ages, Medieval Times, Islam, and the Renaissance

  2. What did Charlemagne do to create peace in northern europe?

  3. United many Germanic Tribes under his Tribe (the Franks) and put down revolts from the old Roman Empire. He set up a system of government uniting an otherwise warlike culture.

  4. Who crowned Charlemagne?

  5. Pope Leo III on Christmas Day in the year 800.

  6. What did the Pope’s crowning of Charlemagne show?

  7. It demonstrated Papal Supremacy, showing that the Pope had authority (or power) over both religious and secular aspects of life. It showed the belief that God’s will was higher than any man’s might.

  8. What is the feudal system?

  9. A form of government (hierarchy) consisting of the Lord and Vassal relationship. The highest person in this system is the King/Queen and the lowest person would be a peasant/serf. This system was originally designed as a way for Medieval people to defend themselves.

  10. What are a peasants responsibilities to their lord?

  11. The peasant agrees to work the land (fief) of the Lord’s manor or estate in return for protection, food, and housing.

  12. What must a Noble/knight give to their lord under a feudal contract?

  13. The Knight agrees to fight for the higher Lord (baron, duke, king, etc.) and offer them council at any time in return for combined defense. This means all of the knights agree to protect each other’s lands.

  14. What is a Knight?

  15. A knight is a mounted warrior who is also a Noble. Peasants did not begin to fight in disputes until around the start of the Hundred Years War. At this point, peasants comprised of the foot soldiers, while nobility still rode on horseback.

  16. What is chivalry?

  17. The code of conduct for knights

  18. What is jousting?

  19. Jousting is the major form of entertainment in the Middle Ages and Medieval time. Jousting also was used to settle disputes amongst Nobles. For entertainment, the lances (13-14 foot long spears) were blunted so it would not likely kill the other participant.

  20. What was a woman’s role on a manor?

  21. To run the estate. She made sure everything rand smoothly and was often literate. She did all of the record keeping and made sure everything was taken care of. The woman needed to do this because her husband (knight) would often be away fighting, giving council, or training for war.

  22. What are the three levels of workers in a guild?

  23. Apprentice- A Trainee who was unpaid and spent his time learning the aspects of the trade Journeyman- A paid employee who was good enough to start to produce his own work Master- A person who could create all of his own work and take on apprentices. This person was highly skilled and able to produce “masterpieces”

  24. What are Sacraments?

  25. The seven sacraments are the main pillars of the Christian (catholic) faith. In Medieval times, it was believed that a person needed to achieve 6 out of 7 of the sacraments in order to go to heaven.

  26. What is an illumination?

  27. An artistic decoration of books usually done by monks called Scribes.

  28. What did Johann Gutenberg do?

  29. Created a printing revolution in Europe by using movable type and the Printing press. This allowed for information to be more readily available and travel faster than ever before.

  30. What is Vernacular?

  31. Vernacular is common, everyday speech. Writings and printings in vernacular allowed more people access to information that was previously only in Greek and Latin.

  32. What epidemic killed many people during the Middle Ages and Medieval times?

  33. The bubonic plague. This plague was spread by rats and flees. It was incurable and caused dramatic religious and secular reactions. Flagellants went from town to town to try and beat the sin (the thought of the cause) from the area, while others used confinement to try to stop the spread.

  34. What were the crusades?

  35. The crusades were an attempt for European Christians to drive Muslims out of the Holy Land (Jerusalem) and the Middle East

  36. In order to stop Fighting between knights, What did the pope require knights to do? (or better yet, not do?)

  37. The Pope required all knights to stop their fighting from Friday to Sunday, futher demonstrating his Papal Supremacy.

  38. What pope called for the first crusade?

  39. Pope Urban II. He promised French Knights eternal life if they died in the Holy Land, and said they could keep the spoils of war if they succeeded.

  40. Which crusade was the only successful one and what did the Christian knights achieve?

  41. The first crusade was the only successful one and the knights briefly captured Jerusalem from the Muslims. Later, the city was lost again and the rest of the crusades had no success in re-taking Jerusalem

  42. What is the Reconquista?

  43. Spanish for “re-conquest,” The Reconquista was the war after the failed crusades to drive the Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). This was successful and re-established the Catholic presence in the area.

  44. What book did Dante Alighieri write?

  45. The Divine Comedy. This book took readers on a proposed journey through heaven, purgatory, and hell. It criticized popes and other powerful political figures of the time.

  46. How did William the conqueror gain power after 1066?

  47. After the Battle of Hastings, William became the king of England and forced every vassal to first swear allegiance to himself. This made everyone directly a vassal to the king and him the supreme ruler.

  48. Why did King john sign the magna carta in 1215?

  49. To appease rebellious nobles angered over his abuse of power as king.

  50. English king Edward I changed parliament by doing what?

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