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What the Data Tell Us About Shortages of Mathematics and Science Teachers

What the Data Tell Us About Shortages of Mathematics and Science Teachers. Richard M. Ingersoll Professor of Education and Sociology University of Pennsylvania and Consortium for Policy Research in Education. The Sources of Data.

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What the Data Tell Us About Shortages of Mathematics and Science Teachers

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  1. What the Data Tell Us About Shortages of Mathematics and Science Teachers Richard M. IngersollProfessor of Education and SociologyUniversity of Pennsylvania and Consortium for Policy Research in Education

  2. The Sources of Data 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey with the 2000-01 Teacher Follow-up Survey (SASS/TFS) 1999-2000 Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) 2000-2001 Baccalaureate and Beyond Survey (B&B)

  3. Percent Secondary Schools with Vacancies and with Difficulties Filling those Teaching Vacancies, by Field (1999-2000). Source: 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey

  4. Ratio of the Teacher Supply Pipeline to Retirement Leavers, by Field (1999-2000) Sources: 2000-01 B&B; 2000-2001 TFS; 1999-2000 IPEDS

  5. Ratio of the Teacher Supply Pipeline to Retirement Leavers and Ratio of Pipeline to All Leavers, by Field (1999-2000) Sources: 2000-01 B&B; 2000-2001 TFS; 1999-2000 IPEDS

  6. Percent Annual Teacher Turnover, by Field and by Year Source: Teacher Followup Survey

  7. Numbers of Math and Science Teachers in Transition Before and After 1999-2000 School Year Hires 64,540 Math/Science Teaching Force 405,536 Turnover 68,145 Source: 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey and 2000-2001 Teacher Followup Survey

  8. Percent Annual Public School Teacher Turnover, by Selected School Characteristics (2000-2001) 15 11 16 19 22 26 Source: 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey and 2000-2001 Teacher Followup Survey

  9. Percent Teachers Giving Various Reasons for Their Turnover, by Field (2000-2001) Source: 2000-2001 Teacher Followup Survey

  10. Of Those School Teachers Who Moved From or Left Their School, Percent Reporting Various Sources of Dissatisfaction, by Field (2000-2001) Percent Source: 2000-2001 Teacher Followup Survey

  11. Percent Turnover After First Year of Beginning Teachers, According to Amount of Induction Support They Received (2000-2001) No Induction 41 Some Induction (4 Components) 27 Full Induction (7Components) 18 Smith, T. & Ingersoll, R. 2004 "What are the Effects of Induction and Mentoring on Beginning Teacher Turnover?" American Educational Research Journal. 41: 3: 681-714.http://www.gse.upenn.edu/faculty_research/Effects-of-Induction-and-Mentoring-RMI-Fall-2004.pdf

  12. For Further Information, Copies of Articles, Reports, etc.: • www.gse.upenn.edu/faculty/ingersoll.html • and a recent book: Who Controls Teachers’ Work? Power and Accountability in America’s Schools. from Harvard University Presswww.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/INGWHO.html

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