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统一产权,整体运营 Uniform Title, Uniform Management

重 庆 · 财 富 购 物 中 心 CHONGQING FORTUNE MALL. ︱. ︱. ︱. 开发项目名称:重庆财富中心 Name of development: Chongqing Fortune Plaza. 统一产权,整体运营 Uniform Title, Uniform Management. 中 国 · 重 庆 CHINA · CHONGQING. 1997 年,重庆成为中国最年轻的直辖市。

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统一产权,整体运营 Uniform Title, Uniform Management

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  1. 重 庆 ·财 富 购 物 中 心 CHONGQING FORTUNE MALL ︱ ︱ ︱ 开发项目名称:重庆财富中心 Name of development: Chongqing Fortune Plaza 统一产权,整体运营 Uniform Title, Uniform Management

  2. 中 国 · 重 庆CHINA · CHONGQING 1997年,重庆成为中国最年轻的直辖市。 The year of 1997 witnessed Chongqing became the youngest municipality under the direct leadership of the central government. 2007年,重庆成为继上海浦东新区、天津滨海新区后的第三个国家综合配套改革试验区。 In 2007, Chongqing became the 3rd State Comprehensive Reform and Experimental Area after Shanghai Pudong New Area and Tianjin Binhai New Area.

  3. 重庆定位:我国重要的中心城市,国家历史文化名城,长江上游地区的经济中心,国家重要的现代制造业基地,综合交通枢纽,城乡统筹的特大型城市。重庆定位:我国重要的中心城市,国家历史文化名城,长江上游地区的经济中心,国家重要的现代制造业基地,综合交通枢纽,城乡统筹的特大型城市。 Positioning of Chongqing: A key city of China, State Famous City with Long History and Splendid Civilization, Economic Center on the Upper Reach of Yangtze River, a key modern manufacture base in China, a comprehensive transportation hub, and a super-city integrating the urban and rural development. 重庆目标:加快建设成为西部地区的重要增长极、长江上游地区的经济中心、城乡统筹的直辖市,在西部地区率先实现全面建设小康社会的目标。 Target of Chongqing: Accelerating construction to become the important growth point in Western China; turning itself into the economic center on the upper reach of Yangtze River; building the city into the municipality under the direct leadership of the central government integrating the urban and rural development and accomplish the goal of building a well-off society in advance in Western China.

  4. 面积、人口及经济发展 AREA, POPULATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH ●总面积8.24万平方公里 Overall area: 82.4 thousand square kilometers ●人口3,100万 Total population: about 31 million ●城市人口730万人(包括流动人口60万) Urban population: 7.3 million (including 600,000 migrant population) ● 2007年GDP达到4111.82亿元,增长15.6%,增长 率位列全国第三 In 2007, Chongqing’s GDP has reached 411 billion Yuan odd, annual increment is 15.6% which is No.3 in terms of increase rate around China. ● 2007年城市居民人均可支配收入13715元,西部 城市第二 In 2007,the disposable income of urban residents is 13,715 Yuan, ranking 2nd in Western China.

  5. 消费 CONSUMPTION • 2007年,全市实现消费品零售总额1661.23亿元 ,同比增长18.4%; In 2007, Chongqing’s total volume of Consumer Goods Sales has reached 166 billion, the annual growth rate is 18.4% compared with same period of last year; • 全年城市市场实现消费品零售额1218.66亿元,同比增长19.4%;农村消费品市场实现消费品零售额442.57亿元,同比增长15.7%。 In 2007, total volume of Consumer Goods Sales of urban area reached 121.8 billion, the annual growth rate is 19.4% compared with same period of last year, while rural area achieved 44.2 billion, the growth rate is 15.7%.

  6. 重庆北部新区CHONGQING NEW NORTH ZONE(NNZ) ● 重庆向北发展 Overall development of CQ city is northward. ● 北部新区2001年成立的国家级开 区,规划面积136.6平方公里,规 划人口65万 NNZ was established as the state- level development zone with a planned area of 136.6 square kilometers and a planned population of 650,000 NNZ

  7. 北部新区三大定位Positioning of NNZ 现代产业基地、都市发达经济圈核心增长极和都市风貌展示区。 Modern Industry Base, Key Growth Point in the Urban Developed Economic Circle, Display Area of the Urban Scenery.

  8. 重庆财富中心区位图 location of Chongqing Fortune Center

  9. 重庆财富中心地段 5 大特征 5 ADVANTAGES OF CHONGQING FORTUNE CENTER • ● 城市高尚住宅区 High-end residential area • 重庆最成熟的高档住宅区,集合了众多国内一线品牌开发企业的大型楼盘。 • Located in the most mature high-end residential area, a huge residential complex combining many domestic frontier • brand enterprises. • ● 新行政中心 New administrative center • 区域内市级机关、国家级单位等众多,定位重庆政治新中心。 • Home to many municipal and state organs which turn the area into the new Chongqing political center. • ● 新产业经济区 New industry area • 开创重庆北部高新产业经济奇迹。 • Creating economic miracle in the NNZ. • ● 涉外商务区 Foreign-related area • 重庆领事馆区、写字楼群、星级酒店群。 • Chongqing Consulate Area is around, office buildings and star hotels are gathered here. • ● 都市风貌展示区 Display area of urban scenery • 城市规划科学合理,道路交通体系发达,周边公园、市政设施完善。 • With rational and scientific urban planning, the area has a developed transportation system. Nearby parks and • infrastructure are quite complete.

  10. 项目概述 PROJECT PROFILE 位于重庆市北部新区高新园,占地32公顷,建设规模80万平方米,涵盖高档商业、甲级写字楼,五星级酒店、高级公寓等,融居住、办公、购物、休闲娱乐、文化艺术活动于一体的生态型国际化涉外商务区。 Chongqing Fortune Plazacovers a site area of 32 hectares, which integrates a Grade A office tower, high quality apartments, hotel group, a shopping mall, leisure and entertainment facilities with GFA of 800,000 square meters. It will become a Foreign Related Business Center with multi functions and effective space, a business hub of Chongqing’s New North Zone and Chongqing’s new-type consumption center.

  11. N 项目总平面规划 PROJECT LAYOUT 重庆使馆区 Consulate Area 酒店组团 Hotel complex 博士创业园 Doctors’ Garden 财富大道 Fortune Avenue 中心湖区休闲区 Central Lake amusement area 公寓 Residential 写字楼Office 写字及商业楼综合体 Office and Retail complex ★ 商业二期Retail phase II 写字楼Office




  15. 商业: 19.6万平方米 RETIAL: 196,000SQM • 大型购物中心 Shopping Mall : 138,000平方米(sqm) –在建 (Under construction) • 餐饮娱乐中心 (商业二期) Entertainment (PII): 52,000平方米(sqm) –设计中 (In the stage of design) • 餐饮酒吧街 F & B: 3,000平方米(sqm) –在建 (Under construction)

  16. 公寓:28万平方米 RESIDENTIAL: 280,000SQM • 一期板式公寓(Slab building):132,000平方米(sqm) –已完工 (Completed) • 一期塔式公寓(Tower building):78,000平方米(sqm) –已完工 (Completed) • 二期花园公寓(Low rise slab building):65,600平方米(sqm) –已完工 (Completed) • 会所(Club House):2, 000平方米(sqm) –已完工 (Completed) • 幼儿园(Kid Garden):2,400平方米(sqm) –已完工 (Completed)

  17. 酒店组团:约10万平方米 HOTEL COMPLEX: 100 ,000SQM • 五星级酒店 : 54,500平方米 (设计中) 5 star hotel: 54,500 sqm (In the stage of design) • 三星级酒店:22,000平方米(在建) 3 star hotel:22,000 sqm (Under construction) • 有限服务式公寓:23,500平方米(在建) Limited serviced apartment:23,500sqm (Under construction)

  18. 写字楼:23.6万平方米 OFFICE BUILDINGS:236 ,000SQM • 财富大厦Fortune Tower A:60,000平方米–设计中 (In the stage of design) • 商务大厦Commercial Tower:33,000平方米 –在建 (Under construction) • 博士创业园 Doctors’ Garden:140,000平方米–已完工 (Completed) • 总部基地 Office Park:6,400平方米–在建 (Under construction)

  19. 湖滨风情区 Around lake amusement area 商业规划RETAIL LAYOUT 写字楼Office “L”型购物中心 L-shape Fortune Mall 写字楼Office 商业二期Entertainment (PII)

  20. 重庆财富购物中心市场定位MARKET POSITIONING (FORTUNE MALL) 以周边3~5公里范围为核心,辐射北部新区,为在该区域工作、居住人群提供一个 最佳的集购物、餐饮、休闲娱乐为一体的消费场所,成为北部新区商业的领导者。 中高档商业(15%高端,40%中高端,45%中端),随市场不断提升。 Be a leading shopping mall in NNZ. Be part of the local community and be a good retail service provider. Planned service radius is about 5 kilo. It aims to provide the best shopping and entertainment environment for those who work and live in this area. It is a mid-to-high level shopping mall when we start,will grow with the market. The planned product mix is 15%(high end products),40%(mid-to-high products),45%(mid-level products). Core Customer Group are individuals, couples and families with high consumption capability. Normally they live in this region, having high income and limited shopping time, but they DO enjoy high quality shopping experience and trendy stuff.

  21. 商业信息汇总RETAIL SUMMARY

  22. 财富购物中心面积信息RETAIL SUMMARY - AREA • 总建筑面积: 138,000平方米; • 车位建筑面积:38,413.4平方米(841个); • 商业建筑面积:92,213平方米; • 商业套内面积:56,638平方米; • 使用率:61.9%; • Total G.F.A.: 138,000 (sqm) • Car parking G.F.A.: 38,413.4 SQM(841 units); • Retail G.F.A.: 92,213 (sqm); • Retail N.L.A.: 56,638 (sqm); • Efficiency rate: 61.9%;

  23. 店铺数量SHOP SUMMARY

  24. 主力店KEY ANCHORS’ SPACE • 百货主力店,从L1层到L4层,建筑面积21,185 平方米,套内面积13,130平方米; Department store, L1 to L4, G.F.A. 21,185 sqm,indoor area 13,130 sqm; • 次主力店(北侧),从L1层到L3层,建筑面积 4,874平方米,套内面积2,832平方米; Sub-anchor (North), L1 to L3, G.F.A. 4,874 sqm; indoor area 2,832 sqm; • 次主力店(东南角),从L1层到L2层,建筑面积 3,769平方米,套内面积2,134平方米; Sub-anchor (South-east corner), L1 to L2, G.F.A. 3,769 sqm; indoor area 2,134 sqm; • 配套超市, B1层南侧,建筑面积12,094平方 米,套内面积8,099平方米; Supermarket, south part of B1, G.F.A. 12,094 sqm; indoor area 8,099 sqm; • 7厅电影院, L3层,建筑面积5,027平 • 方米,套内面积3,528平方米; • Movie center with 7 halls, L3, G.F.A. • 5,027 sqm,indoor area 3,528 sqm; • 咖啡、健康餐饮,L1东北角,建筑面 • 积6,968.43平方米,套内面积4,150.95 • 平方米; • Coffee and healthy food, north-east • corner of L1, G.F.A. 2,729.85 sqm, • indoor area 4,150.95 sqm; • 高档餐饮, L4层,建筑面积3,575平 • 方米,套内面积2,855平方米; • Fine dining, L4, G.F.A. 3,575 sqm, • indoor area 2,855 sqm;

  25. 楼层平面图(地上1层)FLOOR PLAN F1 • 次主力店(北侧) ; • Semi-anchor (North); • 咖啡、健康餐饮; • Coffee and healthy food; • 百货主力店; • Department store; • 次主力店(东南角) ; • Semi-anchor (South-east corner);

  26. 楼层平面图(地上2层)FLOOR PLAN F2 • 次主力店(北侧) ; • Semi-anchor (North); • 百货主力店; • Department store; • 次主力店(东南角) ; • Semi-anchor (South-east corner);

  27. 楼层平面图(地上3层)FLOOR PLAN F3 • 次主力店(北侧) ; • Semi-anchor (North); • 7厅电影院; • Movie center with 7 halls; • 百货主力店; • Department store; • 次主力店(东南角) ; • Semi-anchor (South-east corner);

  28. 楼层平面图(地上4层) FLOOR PLAN F4 • 百货主力店; • Department store; • 高档餐饮; • Fine dining;

  29. 楼层平面图(LG层)FLOOR PLAN LG 健身中心,高档KTV,大型餐饮,超市,运动城,水疗中心; Gym club,Fine KTV,Mega F&B, Supermarket,Sports city , SPA;

  30. 楼层平面图(地下1层)FLOOR PLAN B1 健身中心,高档KTV,大型餐饮,超市,运动城,水疗中心; Gym club,Fine KTV,Mega F&B, Supermarket,Sports city , SPA;



  33. JFB GYQ

  34. 谢 谢 ! Thank you !

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