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MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEEDENDURANCE BAHRAIN Handball Federation Technical Manager of Prof. Risto Buha
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE Introduction Handball is played in the recently outlined accelerated in mind the frequent movement of players up to speed in attack and defense, space and time and resources trying to optimally use. Winning teams prefer a quick game with as many attacks on the defense lined Short and positional attack with the intense movement of the ball and players. These high speed requirements of modern handball players seeking the appropriate anthropological profile which primarily characterize the dominant motor skills in the form of explosive power and speed, agility and speed endurance in particular. On the other hand, the training process is increasingly rationalized based on a situational methodology that is integrated to develop technical, tactical and physical potential players. Given the importance of certain motor skills for success in handball and speed qualities of modern handball, the goal of this paper is to give an overview of the basic methodological aspects of modeling speed endurance training, which largely determines the efficiency of the player.
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • Explanation Numerous studies have found that performing a large number of fast attack on the opponent's defense lined rezultatskoj contributes significantly to the success. Unequivocally proven to be the winning of the Fallen, and quality of non-performing teams are different than just the number of derivative counter-insurgency and protracted. In order to determine the structure of the attacks in relation to its duration, or presence of attacks on the disorganized defense against the attacks of position, we analyzed the first 60 games serbian men rukumetne league competition in 2003-04 season., And they recorded the following indicators:
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE In addition to players being involved in attacks and counter-insurgency continued, participate in the defense phase, to prevent enemy attacks of this kind, and often have positional attacks and just a continuation of rapid attack on the defense lined, it is evident that the top handball player needs to nearly 50 % moving from stage to stage an attack defense and vice versa, or make a maximum submaximal swimming. Trends that are made of high-intensity, excluding the movement in defense of situational positioning during the attack, are about 50 sections of the average length of 25 meters, a total of about 1250 meters. This information will be the starting point for modeling speed endurance training in weekly micro cycle in the competition between the men's handball.
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE Speed endurance training in anaerobic-aerobic mode, must be required to present the concept of competitive weekly micro cycles. It is about striking a week training to run in the afternoon. Delivered in a high intensity in the interval mode, so that the next load resting on the under-recovered the body. The prime micro cycles are carried out at least twice a week with a minimum interval of 2-3 days between workouts, and during a standard micro cycles, extreme cases can be done and only one of this type of training, usually on Wednesdays. It is important that the movement is performed maximal or submaximal swimming and do not allow full recovery of the organism, which can be achieved by control of basic physiological indicators of stress.
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE Note To achieve the required level of intensity(dynamic movement), all exercises must be conducted pronounced engagement with the aim to get as much stock ran at maximum speed. This requires good organization of training, a number of balls available and very good cooperation goalkeeper, who must as soon as the break tittup players would not be excessive. In the first part of training for the speed, due to something bigger pause between reps, and the final part of the endurance training.
INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) Stretching exercises, handball rugby. • PART PREPARATION (20 minutes) • Independent continuous movement of light intensity with the ball in the area around the playground, with occasional exercises with the ball (spred swinging, stretching, etc.). • MAIN PART OF TRAINING (50 minutes) COUNTERATTACK 1:1 • 1.Players are divided into two groups of 6 players, placed diagonally opposite corners of the field and divided into pairs (for 3 pairs on each side). Goalie added a short ball (the center) to the player who rushes to the opposite side of the counter-attack in which it prevents monitoring of its pair. After a shot, the player who kicked it becomes defensive and prevents the return of his money, which touches the line after golmanskogog space, receiving the ball from the second counter-keeper to the starting side. • length of main section duration of the number of repetitions 2X25 m 10-11 sec 10 pause between repspause after a series of 20-22 sec2 min
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • Counterattack to crossings Players are divided as to his previous practice. Added to the ball in pairs at a distance 5-6 meters, 10 meters from the opposite goal of modifying crossing, pass the ball touched the line and goalkeeper sixmeters. Goalkeeper throws the ball into the starting side of the counter-attack ("rekontra"), the player who made the crossing to leave the ball, a player who is committed to adding becomes defensive sprint trying to reach and stop the attacker. • length of main section duration of the number of repetitions 2X25 m 10-13 sec 10 pause between repspause after a series of 20-26 sec2 min
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • COUNTERATTACKED 2:1 Players are divided into two groups of 6 players, placed diagonally opposite corners of the field and divided into two triplets on each side. Mutually spaced 4-5 meters, and run the counter attack to the opposite goal. The player who was shot in the back becomes defense and prevent the other two gunmen who carried out a counter coupled to the Home Page. • length of main section duration of the number of repetitions 2X25 m 10-14 sec 10 pause between repspause after a series of 15-20 sec2 min
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • COUNTERATTACKED 2:2 Players are arranged in fours, which are divided into pairs. One group performed a few counter-attack in which prevents them from competing in the same pair of fours. After a shot, the attacking pair of becoming defensive and counterattack prevents the second pair to the Home Page. • length of main section duration of the number of repetitions 2X25 m 10-14 sec 10 pause between repspause after a series of 15-20 sec2 min
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • COUNTERATTACKED 4:4 - Players are divided into 3 groups of four. Four Central performed a counter on one side against the quadruplets that play individual defense between the goalkeeper area and space to 12 meters, after which it remains in the defense. Four defensive counter-moves in the opposite direction against the third of four. Four counter-attack which finished the task to prevent interference with the one that was in the center of defense. All players performed a counter-fours, which must cross the center to play with the ball, otherwise the score is not recognized. Each foursome must perform 15 counter-attack.
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE • FINAL PART (10 minutes) - Penalties and stretching exercises in pairs, especially the legs.
MODELLING TRAINING AND SPEED ENDURANCE Conclusion Starting from the importance of speed endurance for success' achievements in modern handball, is an example of modeling training for senior men's team, which aims to develop these abilities in conditions similar to the game. As a basic operator training were used variants of individual and group exercises to counter-attack which are an integral part of the handball game. All exercises are designed on the model of "counter-rekontra", then on the section of 2 X 25 meters with a change of direction of movement and actively prevent the defensive player. Dosage of the load was carried out according to objective indicators recorded at matches MSL. Modern tendencies of acceleration handball game, aided by the new rules impose high requirements for the development of speed endurance of players, which means that this capability in the near future be the only guarantee of succes