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ICA Transport Sector Platform

ICA Member’s Meeting Paris, 17 May, 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). ICA Transport Sector Platform. Background. At the last Members meeting, JICA and EIB presented the Concept Note for the ICA Transport Sector Platform with some focus on

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ICA Transport Sector Platform

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  1. ICA Member’s Meeting Paris, 17 May, 2011 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ICA Transport Sector Platform

  2. Background At the last Members meeting, JICA and EIB presented the Concept Note for the ICA Transport Sector Platform with some focus on Promoting the One Stop Border Posts Development of OSBPs SourceBook The OSBP Sensitization Workshop: Lesson Learned from Africa Facilitation of Ports and Airports PPPs TA for facilitating private participation Support for improving aviation safety Establishment of a knowledge archive on the ICA website

  3. Promoting the OSBPs Development of OSBPSource Book Objective : The Study will aim to develop the OSBP Source Book which gives guidance for all the relevant stakeholders including government officials, RECs and DPs to implement OSBPs in Africa. Scope of the Study: Review and Analyze existing documents regarding the implementation of OSBPs Collect and Analyze further information necessary in order to complement existing documents Develop the OSBP Source Book Timeline: January 2011: Signing of the contract April 2011: Submission of the 1st draft OSBP Source Book Contents of the OSBP Source Book : Part1: OSBP Concept Part2: Critical issues for the Implementation of OSBPs Part3: Case Studies (Chirundu, EAC, Cinkansé)

  4. Promoting the OSBPs Part1: OSBP CONCEPT OSBP Concept and Applications Rationale and Projected benefit Overview of Agency Operating at Borders Review of Current Trends in Border Management and International Best Practice Part2: Critical Issues for the Implementation Traffic and Operation Baseline Survey Institutional Structure for Implementation and Sample Action Plan Legal Framework for OSBP Border Procedures Simplification and Harmonization Joint Inspection and OSBP Operations Physical Facilities and Traffic Flow ICT Applications Common Control Zone Management Tools for Implementation Part3: Case Studies (Chirundu, EAC, Cinkansé)

  5. Promoting the OSBPs The 1st Joint OSBP Sensitization Workshop: Lessons Learned from Africa, May 23rd-25th, Arusha, Tanzania Objectives: To introduce the EAC border control agencies, the RECs and ICPs to the Source Book highlights To create a forum for discussing experiences and lessons learned in OSBP implementation To discuss the way forward in implementing OSBPs in the EAC and elsewhere as well as ways for future information sharing Participants: More than 100 participants from Sub-Saharan Africa. Contents: How to Implement OSBPs: Lessons Learned from Africa Case Studies of OSBP Implementation (Chirundu, Cinkanse, EAC’s on-going Projects) Progress Toward Regional Strategic Plan for OSBP Implementation Contribution from Development Partners Refinement of Implementation Strategies Future Perspectives on OSBP Implementation

  6. Facilitation Ports/Airports PPP Study to Assess the Potential for Enhanced Private Participation in the Maritime and Air Transport Sector Objective : The Study will aim to identify targeted interventions which would facilitate private participation in key ports and airports across the African continent (Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa). Scope of the Study: Review the past experience of private sector involvement in the maritime and air transport sector Assess the investment climate, including supporting institutional and legal frameworks Analyze PPP candidate projects and necessary success ingredients. Hold the Dissemination Workshop Timeline: Jul. 2011: Signing of the contract Dec. 2011: Submission of the Final Report Dec. 2011: The Dissemination Workshop

  7. The Way Forward Promoting the OSBPs Further activities under consideration Facilitation of Ports and Airports PPPs Appoint consultants and ensure good progress on the study according to indicative timetable Following study completion, consider next steps in facilitation process Establishing knowledge archive ICA Secretariat sector-widely (Energy, Water, and Transport) working on structure and contents

  8. Thank you for your attention

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