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Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform . Technology Platform – A new tool . For the 7th R&D Framework Programme, EU Commision has created a new tool, Technology Platform, characterised by Shared vision Long-term perspective (2030) Major challenges.
Technology Platform – A new tool For the 7th R&D Framework Programme, EU Commision has created a new tool, Technology Platform, characterised by • Shared vision • Long-term perspective (2030) • Major challenges
Key deliverables of a Technology Platform • Vision document (stage 1) • Shared Vision • Key Challenges • Strategic Objectives • Strategic Research Agenda, including plan for funding (stage 2) • Implementation (stage 3)
Technology Platforms – strong competition • Some 30 proposals for TP exist, all of them aiming at influencing the EU research programmes. • What is expected from the stakeholders? • Active participation • Commitment to the shared vision and support of the SRA and its implementation
EU Framework Programmes (FP) for Research and Development • Run in five years period • Several instruments for project funding • Now the 6th R&D FP (2002-2006), 17 bill. euros • Next the 7th R&D FP (2007-2013), proposed budget 73 bill.euros
Funding mechanisms FP72007-2013 73 B EUR Technology platforms (~ 32) TP National public funding Integrated projects TP Infrastructures FTP Basic research Industry funding TP etc. TP EIB, banks TP European ResearchCouncil TP Etc. Joint European Technology InitiativesJETI (5-6) Evaluation
Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) • CEI-Bois1, CEPF2 and CEPI3 have started a project to set up a Technology Platform for the forest-based sector. • Objectives of the project: • Organise the production of a vision document which includes e.g. common vision for the sector, challenges and strategic goals. • Mobilise key stakeholders to participate in the process. • Organise the development of the Strategic Research Agenda and other deliverables. • Planning the implementation stage. 1 European Confederation of Woodworking Industries 2 Confederation of European Forest Owners 3 Confederation of European Paper Industries
Why a technology platform? The sector • Is of a broad private and public interest. • Concerns all EU-countries. • Needs to interlink different parts of the forest-based sector. • Is characterised by long and complicated supply chains from tree to consumer. • Requires access to a multiplicity of competencies and experiences.
FTP aims at • Meeting the multifunctional demands on forest resources and their sustainable management. • Strengthening competitiveness. • Strengthening position as the global technology leader. • Promoting sustainability - a competitive advantage for the forest-based sector. • Carrying out more efficient R&D.
The European Forest-Based Sector Vision for 2030 The European forest-based sector plays a key role in a sustainable society. It comprises a competitive, knowledge-based industry that fosters the extended use of renewable forest resources. It strives to ensure its societal contribution in the context of a bio-based, customer-driven and globally competitive European economy.
Strategic objectives of the FTP • Meeting the multifunctional demands on forest resources and their sustainable management. • Enhancing availability and use of forest bio-mass for products and energy. • Development of intelligent and efficient manufacturing processes, including reduced energy consumption. • Development of innovative products for changing markets and customer needs.
Strategic objectives of the FTP • Establishing a more efficient innovation system, including a better-structured research community with higher efficiency. • Deepening the sector’s scientific basis, including taking advantage of emerging sciences. • Establishing education and training schemes that meet high requirements. • Improving communication with the public and policy makers.
Key benefits of FTP • Engages all key stakeholders and provides a forum for public-private dialogue and partnership. • Facilitates targeted investments in research and development. • Mobilizes and focuses existing research and development capabilities, thereby fostering a more efficient approach to innovation. • Stimulates coordination of European and national research agendas. • Supports the ongoing development of a relevant knowledge base for the sector. • Contributes to the overall growth of the EU economy.
Europe and FTP • Global strength – Europe in the lead • Political support necessary for FTP success • Improved cooperation between EU-countries • Coordination with national research agendas • Co-funding
Organisation High Level Group Advisory Committee Project Management ScientificCouncil National Support Groups Communication Implementation Education & training Strategic Research Agenda Funding, structure and coordination
Organisation High level group: • Björn Hägglund, chairman • Bo Borgström, CEI-Bois, chairman of the board • Giuseppe Fedrigoni, Cartiere Fedrigoni S.p.A • Tomasz Lucjan, Steico SA • Antti Sahi, MTK • Natalie Hufnagl, CEPF • Filip de Jaeger, CEI-Bois • Teresa Presas, CEPI • Lars Gädda, M-real • Yves Birot Advisory Committee: • Lars Gädda, M-real, chairman Scientific Council • Yves Birot, chairman Management • Claes-Göran Beckeman, SCA, project director • Kari Luukko, FFIF, project secretary
High Level Group (HLG) • Decision body of the FTP • Steers the activities of the platform. • The HLG comprises industry representatives through the confederations, chairmen of the Advisory Committee and of the Scientific Council, and EC representatives as observers.
Advisory Committee (AC) • Secure that the industrial stakeholders’ and forest owners’ views and needs are presented in the Vision document and Strategic research agenda in a meaningful way • Secure the interlink between national support groups and the project • Responsible for supervising and controlling the work of Project group • Reports to High level group
Scientific Council (SC) • Links the platform to the research society at large. • Plays a key role in defining future challenges and establishing the Strategic Research Agenda. • It’s members’ competencies reflect the core sciences and technologies in the sector as well as enabling technologies.
Chairman: • Professor Yves Birot, France • Forestry and forest sciences: • Dr. Risto Paivinen, Director of EFI (European Forest Institute), Finland. • Prof. Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza, University of Tuscia, Italy • Prof. Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz, Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland. • Wood science and technology: • Dr. Daniel Guinard, Chairman of INNOVAWOOD and Director General of the institute CTBA, Technical Center for Wood and Furniture, France. • Prof. Arno Frühwald, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst und Holzwirtschaft, Hamburg, Germany • Prof. Jostein Byhre Baardsen, Norsk Treteknisk Institutt, Norway • Pulp and paper science and technology: • Prof. Angeles Blanco, Dto. De Ingenieria Química, Facultad de Químicas, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain • Prof. Wolfgang Bauer, Institut für Papier-, Zellstoff- und Fasertechnik der Technischen Universität, Graz, Austria • Dr. Stefan Bohacek, Head of the pulp & paper research Institute, Slovakia • Bio-energy • Mr. Kevin Healion, Tipperary Institute, Ireland • Biotechnology: • Dr. Björn Sundberg, SLU, Umeå, Head of the Plant Science Center, Sweden • Information technology • Prof. Risto Ritala, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Scientific Council (SC): Composition
National Support Groups (NSG) • Secure that the key stakeholders are represented in the national group. • Formulate the member country’s views and comments to draft project documents. • Introduce and inform about the FTP in its country, e.g. contacts with the high level authorities, public financiers etc., and do active lobbying work • Coordinate national agendas
FTP’s National Support Groups • Established • Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom • Under establishment • Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia
Development of the SRA WHAT? European prioritisation by value chain WGs Bottom-up collection of research needs Putting together the SRA Finalising SRA Forestry NSG WHO? NSG Pulp and paper NSG SRA team NSG Project management team Wood products ……17 + Bioenergy Individuals via website Specialities and new businesses Structure Strategic objectives R&D themes RESULT Inputs R&D theme proposals SRA WHEN? June 15 Sept 15 Nov 9-10 Dec
Development matrix of Strategic Research Agenda IMPACT DIMENSIONS Consu- mers Society Environ- ment Energy Competi-tiveness VALUE CHAINS Forestry Pulp and paper products Wood products Bioenergy Specialities/ New businesses
(see the full list of group members on the website) SRA: European value chain working groupsLeaders and secretariats Forestry Leader: Dr. Risto Päivinen, EFI Co-leader: prof. Eduardo Rojas Briales, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Secretariat: Ms. Leena Roihuvuo, EFI Pulp and Paper Leader: Dr. Ilkka Kartovaara, StoraEnso, Finland Co-leader: prof. Angeles Blanco, University of Madrid, Spain Secretariat: Dr. Werner Förster, PTS, Germany Wood products Leader: Dr. Helmuth Neuner, Austria Co-leader: Mr. Matti Sihvonen, Finnforest, Finland Co-leader: prof. Daniel Guinard, CTBA, France Secretariat: Dr. Andreas Kleinschmit, CEI-Bois Bioenergy Leader: prof. Kai Sipilä, VTT, Finland Co-leader: Dr. Erik Ling, Sveaskog, Sweden Secretariat: Dr. Paterson McKeough, VTT, Finland Specialities/New businesses Leader: Dr. Haio Harms, Lenzing AG, Austria Co-leader: Dr. Antonio Pizzi, Professor of Industrial Chemistry, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France Secretariat: Dr. Peter Axegård, STFI-Packforsk
Impact Coordinators • Society – Niels Elers Koch, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Denmark • Energy – Markku Karlsson, UPM-Kymmene, Finland • Environment – Arno Frühwald, University of Hamburg, Germany • Competitiveness – Jukka Kilpeläinen, Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Finland • Consumers – Willem Emmen, SCA, the Netherlands
SRA writing team • Risto Päivinen, Forestry • Ilkka Kartovaara, Value Chain, Pulp & Paper • Andreas Kleinschmit, Value Chain, Wood Products • Paterson McKeough, Value Chain, Bioenergy • Klaus Niemelä, Value Chain, New Businesses • Birte Schmetjen, CEPF, representative of the Communications Group • Lennart Eriksson, project management
Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform SRA will be publicly presented on 9-10 November 2005 in the European Forest-based Sector Research Forum www.fbs-research.com
Forest-Based Sector Technology Platform Updated information on the FTP’s web-site: www.forestplatform.org
The European Forest-Based Sector Vision for 2030 The European forest-based sector plays a key role in a sustainable society. It comprises a competitive, knowledge-based industry that fosters the extended use of renewable forest resources. It strives to ensure its societal contribution in the context of a bio-based, customer-driven and globally competitive European economy.