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The Education System

The Education System. Culture Corner. 阅读前词汇处理. that must be done; required by the rules. officially join in. Education is compulsory for children in most countries. Children usually enroll in the American education system at the age of five to eight. a number of.

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The Education System

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  1. The Education System Culture Corner

  2. 阅读前词汇处理 that must be done; required by the rules officially join in Education is compulsory for children in most countries. Children usually enroll in the American education system at the age of five to eight.

  3. a number of an official paper stating that you have completed a course of study or passed an examination Students take a range of subjects at school. General Certificate of Education

  4. the skill or work of a carpenter particular teaching or relating to the skills you need to do a particular job UK education system offers vocational courses, such as carpentry, to prepare students for a specific career.

  5. Split Reading: Read the education system in the UK or the USA; complete the corresponding diagram on your handout.

  6. 信息差阅读 • 读不同文章,完成各自学案上的图表; (用英文提取信息、获取信息的能力) • 角色扮演,借助学案图表向同伴介绍“自己国家”的教育体制,帮助同伴完成另一份图表; (“信息差”创造了交流的真实需求) • 检验学生阅读及复述效果; • 完成另一份教育体制材料的阅读

  7. Stage 1: Kindergarten At the age of _________, many children go to ___________and learn__________________. Stage 5: Higher Education Most students enter university at ____________. At university, students study for ___________, which lasts _____________. After a degree, a student can continue their study by taking an ____________. Stage 2: Primary At the age of ___________, children go to ________________, starting their _______________________. At this stage, students learn __________________. UK Education System Stage 4: Further Education Students have two choices here. Students who pass ________________ at GCSE can study _________for another _________________. Good __________ are needed to _____________. Students may also go to ________ and study _________, like __________, preparing themselves for __________. Most of these courses take about ____________. Stage 3: Secondary At ________, students enter _________. At the age of _______, they take the ______ or _____. Students take ________GCSEs________ subjects that always include ___________________ ______________________.

  8. Stage 1: Kindergarten At the age of __________, American children start school. The first year at school is called ___________. At this stage, children are taught to _________________. Stage 5: Graduate school Students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree can continue their education by ______________________. The first is a _____________, usually a _________ highly specialized __________. Afterwards, students can also _______________________ if they want. Stage 2: Elementary Elementary school usually consists of ______, referred to as ______. It often provides classes _________ and most classes are ______. ______ is required upon the completion of elementary school. USA Education System Stage 4: Undergraduate School Undergraduate schools offer either _____________________________ or ______________________________. Students who complete ______________________________ can continue their education at a _________________________ and eventually ____________ Stage 3: Secondary education Secondary education covers _________ and consists of ______. Middle school includes _____and is a ____. High school includes _____. During high school, students are give _______ and are encouraged to _________. A ______________________ is awarded upon completion of the twelfth grade.

  9. Information Exchange Time Suppose you are a student from the UK or the USA. Tell your partner the education system in “your country”. Your partner should finish the other diagram on the handout.

  10. Stage 1: Kindergarten 4 or 5 years kindergarten Stage 5: Graduate school develop basic skills through creative play and social interaction pursuing one or two types of degrees Stage 2: Elementary master’s degree 5 years of education two-year degree first through fifth grades in a specific field USA Education System in one or two classrooms throughout the school day pursue a doctor’s degree with the same teacher Basic reading, writing and math proficiency Stage 4: Undergraduate School Stage 3: Secondary education a two-year degree (associate degree) a total of seven years Middle School and High School a four-year degree (bachelor’s degree) sixth, seventh, and eighth grade transition from elementary school to high school an associate degree ninth through twelfth grades four-year school more independence to choose their own classes take much more responsibility for their education complete a bachelor’s degree a high school diploma

  11. Stage 1: Kindergarten 3 or 4 kindergarten Stage 5: Higher Education how to play with other children 18 years old Stage 2: Primary a degree five three to four years primary school UK Education System MA or a PhD formal education the basic skills and knowledge that they will need for the rest of their education Stage 4: Further Education 5 or more subjects GCEA levels Stage 3: Secondary two years A level results eleven secondary school get into a good university sixteen state exams Further Education Colleges GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) more vocational courses photography, design, or even building and carpentry between 8-12 in a range of mathematics, science, English, and at least one foreign language a specific career two years

  12. The Education System in China Work in groups of 4. Introduce the education system in China with the new words learned today. Stage 1: __________ Age: __________ What to learn/do: _____ Stage 5: __________ Age: __________ What to learn/do: _____ Stage 2: __________ Age: __________ What to learn/do: ___ Education System in China Stage 4: __________ Age: __________ What to learn/do: _____ Stage 3: __________ Age: __________ What to learn/do: _____

  13. Assignment Writing: Write a short essay to introduce China’s education system and your reflection on education in China (optional) with the newly learnt vocabulary in the previous two articles.

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