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THE PORTUGUESE EDUCATION SYSTEM. 2007. Doctorate. 2-4 years. Master’s. 2 years. Master’s. 2 years. High. er. Degree. E. du. c. atio. n. 3 years. Degree. 3 years. S. eco. nd. ary. sc. h. oo. l. s. S. ec. onda. r. y. E. du. c. atio. n. Rec. u. r. r. e. n.
Doctorate 2-4 years Master’s 2 years Master’s 2 years High er Degree E du c atio n 3 years Degree 3 years S eco nd ary sc h oo l s S ec onda r y E du c atio n Rec u r r e n t 3 rd cyc l e E du ca ti o n B asi c E du c atio n 2 nd cy c l e ( c om p ul s ary ) * 1 st cyc l e * P re - sc h oo l ( o pt io n a l) Age Doctorate (3-4 years) Degree Master’s (2 years) (3-4 years) U ni ver si ty P oly t ec hni c (3-6 years) Degree 18 - 23 Bacharelato Bacharelato (3 years) (3 years) P rof e ss i o n al 15 - 17 G e n era l T e c h no l og i ca l s c hoo ls co u r s es co u r s es 12 - 15 10 - 12 6 - 10 3 - 5 * A single teacher, who may be assisted in specialized areas
1s t cycle
2nd cycle 2 n d cycle
3 r d cycle
Secundary • Secundary education offers four formats: • Scientific/humanistic courses • Technological courses • Specialised artistic courses • Professional courses
Ecological/environment and nutrition aspects in portuguese science education curriculum
1st cycle Discovering yourself • The human body - health cares (nutritional needs, ergonomics, medical surveys, dangers associated with liqueur, tobacco and other drugs consumption, …). Discovering the natural environment • The living beings - nurture, observation, identification and classification of animals and plants, experiments on plant reproduction, environmental factors,… Discovering the interrelations between nature and society • Agriculture, cattle breeding, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, tourism and construction - main products, traditional and modern techniques used in those activities, natural factors influencing those activities; • Environment quality - things that contribute to environmental degradation, possible solutions, identification and participation in environment promotion activities.
SC I E N CE Earth and space The human being The earth Earth transformations Living world Material world Ecological agent Biological entity TECNOLOGY SO C I E TY Earth sustainability Health and safety Life quality • Living better on earth ENVIRONMENT 2nd and 3rd cycles
2nd cycle • Relations between life diversity and environmental diversity; • Implications of human actions to water, air and soil quality, and to human life; • Notion of sustainable development; • Plant nutrition and the importance of photosynthesis to life; • Comparative animal nutrition/physical characteristics; • The human body - digestive, respiratory, circulatory and excretion systems; • The importance of nutrition to the equilibrium of human body; • Factors that contribute to body disequilibrium (tobacco, liqueur and drugs);
3rd cycle • Ecosystems - organisms interactions, mass and energy flows, perturbations on the ecosystems equilibrium; • Sustainable resources utilization - natural resources (utilization and consequences), nature conservation, scientific and technological knowledge costs and benefits; • Individual and public health - public health indices, health promotion; • The human body – neuron hormonal, cardio respiratory, digestive and excretion systems, individual options that interfere in body equilibrium (tobacco, drinking, hygiene, drugs, physical activity, food);
LIFE AND LIVING ORGANISMS What happens to ecosystems dynamics when this is subject to changes? How do organisms react to external variations, in order to maintain homeostasis? What are nutrients used for? Which mechanisms can guarantee nutrients to organisms? How nutrients get to cells? The biosphere: . Diversity . Organization . Extinction and conservation The cell .Structural and functional unity .Basic components Neurohormonal regulation in animals: Thermoregulation . Osmosis regulation Plant hormones Heterotrophy: . Uni vs multicellular organisms . Ingestion, digestion and absorption Autotrophy .Photosynthesis .Chemosynthesis Fermentation Aerobic respiration Air exchanges in multicellular organisms .in plants .in animals Transport in plants: . in the xylem . in the phloem Transport in animals .transport systems .circulatory fluids Secondary - 10th grade
LIFE AND LIVING ORGANISMS How to explain life diversity? Which processes are responsible for cell unity and diversity? How do organisms grow? Reproduction and diversity, which relation? How science and society has been interpreting such diversity? Which criteria can sustain a classification system? Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction .Meiosis and fecundation .Variability Life cycles Cell growth and renovation .DNA and protein synthesis .Mitosis Tissues growth and repairing vs cell differentiation Uni and multicellular Evolution mechanisms .Evolutionism vs Fixism .Natural selection, artificial selection and diversity Classification systems .Criteria diversity Nomenclature and taxonomy Modified Whittaker system Secondary - 11th grade
BIOTECHNOLOGY SOCIETY BIOLOGY MAN ENVIRONMENT BIOLOGY SOCIETY BIOTECHNOLOGY Secondary - 12th grade Secondary - 12th grade BIOLOGY AND ACTUAL ISSUES Reproduction and fertility manipulation Genetic patrimony Immunity and disease control Food production and sustainability Environment preserving and recovering
Ecological/Environment and Nutrition aspects in teachers education curriculum
3rd year| DEGREE Processes of teaching- learning of portuguese [a] Study of social environment [a] Physical motor education [a] Curricular development [a] Mathematic education [a] Education for health and environment[s1] Pedagogical practicum II [a] 4th year | DEGREE Scholar administration and management [a] Educative specials needs [a] Educational investigation [a] Seminary [a] Pedagogic practicum III [a] [a] annual – [s1] 1º semester – [s2] 2º semester
Primary school teachers Curriculum 1st year | DEGREE Psychology of the development and of Learning I [a] Development, control and motor learning [a] Technologic educative [a] Portuguese Language [a] Foreigner Language [a] Artistic expressions I [a] Computers in the education [a] Mathematic I [a] 2nd year| DEGREE Psychology of the development and of LearningII [a] Literature for infancy and adolescent [a] Mathematics II [a] Study of physic and natural environment [a] Sociology of Education [a] Artistic expressions II [a] History and Philosophy of education [s1] Pedagogic Practicum [s2]
Sciences of Nature This course aims to enable future teachers to integrate scientific concepts and to develop didactic competences important for the implementation of a successful process of science learning in primary school. • Environment Study Program • 1. Nature of themes • 2. Progression and ambit in curriculum. • 3. Science, Technology and Society. • B. I The Sun, the Moon and the Hearth • B. II The Water • B. III The Air • B. IV Atmospheric phenomenon • B. V The sound • B. VI The light • B. VII Electricity and magnetism • B. VIII Simple machines C. I The soils and the terrestrial dynamic C. II Life beings 1. Biodiversity: life beings identification and classification . 2. Animal and vegetal morphology and physiology compared. 3. Structure and function of ecosystems. 4.Influentials factors on qualities of environment. C. III The human body C. IV Regulate factors of health 1. Eating. 2. Hygiene, security and accidents prevent . 3. Prophylaxis of some infections diseases. 4. Factors of rupture of biologic equilibrium.
Cellular Biology and Microbiology This course aims to enable future teachers to integrate scientific concepts and to develop didactic competences important for the implementation of a successful process of science learning in primary school. The cell is the basic structure of all living beings, from bacteria to man. So, its essential that the future science teacher is able to understand its morphological, phisyological and molecular characteristics, be aware of cell diversity and get to know and apply some of the technics used in citology, genetics and microbiology.
Animal and Vegetable Biology It is essential for the future teachers to understand concepts relating to the origin and evolution of life and man, biodiversity and systematic, as well as integrate knowledges on plant and animal histology and physiology. Those are the aims of this course. Different methodologies like practical work, discussion and research on different topics will be used.
Human Physiology The living systems are organized at different levels of complexity, with new proprieties emerging at each level. The human physiology is one of such levels. This course aims to enable students to understand concepts relating to the maintenance of life, namely concepts relating the function of the different human body systems, and to promote healthy life styles. Experimental work on these matters will a main part of the course. . 2 - Nutrition 2.1 - Basal metabolism 2.2 - Aliments, nutriments and life maintaining 2.3 - Modern urban diet and the impact on health 2.4 - Actual eating, nutritional and behavior characterization of health 2.5 - Eating, physic’s exercise and health …
Geology The earth is a very small part of a huge universe. Yet, its characteristics make our planet unique. The main goal of this course is to study its origin, structure and dynamics, as well as to study the chemical composition and mineralogy of different types of rocks. … 9 - EARTH LIKE A RESOURSES SPRING 9.1- The soils 9.2- Hydrogeology. 9.3- Fossil energy. 9.4- Geology of minerals deposit. 10 – THE GREATS HAPPENINGS OF EARTH HISTORY 10.1- Fossilization models. 10.2- Classic aspects of fossilization. 10.3- Fossils and the stratigrafy. 10.4-The big extinctions.
Second cycle - Science and Math teacherscurriculum – 4th year
Ecology The study of the relation between man and nature involves several subjects, namely Ecology. This course aims to describe and understand the ecosystems, as well as to develop future teachers awareness of environment problems. Only with thies background one can contribute with solutions and decisions towards the ecological equilibrium and sustainable development. Several methodologies will be used like concepts discussion, problem solving and field and experimentall work.
3th cycle and secondary school Biology and Geology teachers curriculum- the example from Porto University -
Clara Fernandes Daniela Rodrigues Telma Cunha