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1. The contribution of Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer towards the development of science
3. Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer
7. Kannemeyeria simocephalus
8. Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
9. Rik Nulens
10. Dodo egg
13. Bibliography of articles written by Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1937. Outline of the fauna of Bird Island. SAMAB. Vol.1 (3):60-61
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1941. Breeding of the mountain Buzzard. Ostrich. Vol.12(1):20-23
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1941. Penduline tits roosting in old weaver nest. Ostrich. Vol.32(1):48
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1942. Knysna lourie. Ostrich. Vol.12(1):20-23
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1942. The Ground Hornbill. Ostrich. Vol.13(3):121-136
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1945 A brief history of the East London Museum. SAMAB. Vol. 3(12):347-348
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1937. Tern observations at Bird Island, Algoa Bay, C.P. Ostrich. Vol.8(2):61-67
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1945. Experiences of the curator of a small museum. SAMAB. Vol. 3(9):267-269.
Courtenay-Latimer, M & Gibson-Hill, C.A. 1946. A preliminary note on the Bird Island group in Algoa Bay. Ostrich. Vol.17(2):75-86
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1947. Egg of the Black cuckoo. Ostrich. Vol.18 (2):190-192
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1948. Window tapping. The Bokmakierie. Vol. 1(3):48
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1948. Kannemeyeria Wilsoni Broom: how it came to the East London Museum. Special publication of the Royal Society of Southern Africa. Robert Broom Commemorative Volume: 107-108
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1949. Securing and casting a devil ray. SAMAB. Vol.4(11):321-323
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1950. Grey phalarope. Ostrich. Vol.21(2):104
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1952. Achievements and ideals in a museum during twenty-one years. SAMAB. Vol. 5(6):183-185
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1953. Marine birds - at and off shore - at Bird Island, Algoa Bay. Ostrich. Vol.24(1):27-32
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1953. Sea birds migrants. Ostrich. Vol. 24(1):50
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1953. A dodo egg. South African Journal of Science. Vol. 49(6):208-210
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1954. Investigation on the Cape Gannet. Ostrich. Vol.25 (3):106-114
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1955. The English sparrow at East London. The Bokmakierie. Vol. 17(1) : 32
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1955. Red tailed tropical bird in the Eastern Cape and the Orange Free State. Ostrich. Vol.26(1):38
Courtenay-Latimer, M. & Smith, G.G. 1956. Gonubie mouth bird sanctuary. The Bokmakierie. Vol. 8(1):3-4
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1957. On the breeding of Sterna vittata tristanensis Murphy off the coast of Cape Province, South Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists club. Vol. 77(5):82-83
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1957. Extensions of the ranges of three species in the Cape Province Ostrich. Vol.28 (3):190-193
14. Bibliography (cont.) Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1957. Red-backed shrike : Lanius collurio Linnaeus. Ostrich. Vol.28(3):171
Courtenay-Latimer, M & Clancey, P.A. 1960. The occurrence of migratory palaearctic quail in South Africa. Ostrich. Vol.31(4):169-172
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961. The Black Springbuck. African Wild life. Vol. 15(1):15-18
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961. Two rare seal records for South Africa. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums. Vol. 1 : 102
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961. Africans as protectionists. The Bokmakierie. Vol.13(1):16-17
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961.On the races of the Stonechat occurring in the Cape Province, South Africa, with the description of a new form. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists club. Vol. 81(7):114-117
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961.Corys shearwater in South African waters, a bird new to the South African list. Ostrich. Vol.32 (3):135
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1962. Birds seen at the Gonubie bird sanctuary. Ostrich. Vol. 33(3):38-40
Liversidge, R. & Courtenay-Latimer,M. 1963. Sabines gull in South Africa. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums. Vol. 3:57-60
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1963. Story of the East London Museum. The Coelacanth. Vol.1 (1):7-13
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1963. A peep at East London in the year 1858. The Coelacanth. Vol. 1(1):10-12
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1963. Birds of the state alluvial diamond diggings from Holgat to Orange river mouth. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums. Vol. 3:44-53
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1963. Grays beaked whale, Mesoplodon Grayi. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums. Vol. 3:122
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1965. Dr. A.J. Ballantine. The Coelacanth. Vol. 3(1):4
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1966. The Antarctic petrel in the coastal waters of the Eastern Cape, a species new to South Africa. Ostrich. Vol. 37(1):61-62
Courtenay-Latimer, M. et. al. 1967. The flowering plants of the Tsitsikama forest and coastal National park. Pretoria: National Parks Board.
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1970. Tribute to Dr. A.W. Burton. The Coelacanth. Vol.8 (2):5
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1971. A true history of the formation of the Historical Society, East London. The Coelacanth. (Vol.7 (2):23-30
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1971. Gerald Graham Smith an appreciation. The Coelacanth. (Vol.9 (1):5-6
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1971. Gerald Graham Smith an appreciation. The Coelacanth. (Vol.9 (1):5-6
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1972. History of the East London Museum. The Coelacanth. Vol.10 (1):20-27
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1972. Old stalwarts in an East London forest. The Eastern Cape Naturalist. (47): 20 - 21
Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1981. Accidental death of redbilled queleas roosting in lemon trees in Somalia. Ostrich. Vol. 52(1):60-62
Courtenay-Latimer, M. [?]. A preliminary list of the birds of Border and Transkei with a short account of the status of each. East London: East London Museum.
Winterbottom, J.M. & Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1961. A list of the birds of little Namqualand. Cape Town: The South African avifauna series.
15. Current research
16. Conclusion