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FOREST EUROPE (MCPFE ) Process from past to future. Serdar Yegül Forest Eng . – Division Director - The DG of Forestry Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Republic of Turkey July 2010. The Content. General i nformation about the FOREST EUROPE
FOREST EUROPE (MCPFE) Process from past to future Serdar Yegül ForestEng. – DivisionDirector - The DG of Forestry Ministry of EnvironmentandForestry of Republic of Turkey July 2010
The Content • General information about the FOREST EUROPE • Back of the stage: Global Forestry Process (Rio Process – UNFF 2007-2015) • The Stage: The FOREST EUROPE Process
FOREST EUROPE • Purpose: to protect European forests by establishing a proper common understanding of sustainable forest management (SFM) in the management of European’s forests • The FOREST EUROPE tries to develop the dialogue/cooperation between pan-European countries and at policy level in order to produce and develop policies. • From the global point of view, FOREST EUROPE Process is the implementation process of 1992 Rio’s outcomes in the pan-European region. • Final purpose: to reach a legally binding forestry agreement in the pan-European region.
FOREST EUROPE • The FOREST EUROPE Resoulutions are politically binding but not legally. All resolutions have been signed by the ministers responsible for forests in their countries. • There are 46 signatory countries and EU, 14 observer countries and 31 observer organizations. Turkey is a signatory country.
What is the importance of the FOREST EUROPE ? What reasons pushed to emerge the FOREST EUROPE? • In 1980’s there was atmospheric pollution in Europe. Key concern: The effect extent of these pollution on the forest ecosystems of Europe? Basic need: An effective transboundry work for this concern. • Other needs: to agree on the essential issues; and to develp a pathway for other countries. • From a viewpoint of global, in pan-Europen region, to implement the concept of SFM identifed in Rio in 1992 • The Treaty establishing the European Community makes no specific provision for a common forestry policy. • The EU uses the FOREST EUROPE Resolutions in preparing its forestry legislation. • The FOREST EUROPE Resolutions are used as baseline for the European countries in policy making on forests and forestry
Its structure Itsorgans MinisterialConference General Coordination Committee GCC LiaisonUnit RoundTableMeeting ExpertLevelMeeting Workshop& WorkingGroup
How does the mechanism work? A Ministerial Conference B Ministerial Conference Follow-up Process of A Follow-up Process of B Preparing Process of A Preparing Process of B
How does the mechanism of FOREST EUROPE work? An example Warsaw Conference 2007 Oslo Conference 2011 Follow-Up of Oslo Conf. Preparing process of Warsaw Conf. Follow-Up of Warsaw Conf. Preparing process of Oslo Conf. The Working Period of Oslo Liaison Unit
Three pillars of the FOREST EUROPE Resolutions SustainableDevelopment Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Ecological Economical Socia-Cultural
Back of the stage: Global Process on Forest Rio Process (UNFF)
Global Process on Forest Non-legally Binding Instrument (NLBI) was adopted A hope ! Legally Binding Instrument (LBI) may be adopted. A global forest agreement was tried to be signed in UNCED but it was not managed Rio Conference 1992 UNCED 2015 2007 Rio Outcomes: Rio Declaration ForestPrinciples An action plan titled “Agenda 21” UN ConvetiontoCombatDesertification (UNCCD) UN Convention on BiologicalDiversity (CBD) UN FrameworkConvention on ClimateChange (UNFCCC)
Global Process on Forest Rio Conference (UNCED) 1992 2007 2015 RegionalProcesses: TheMinisterialConference on theProtection of Forests in Europe North AmericaCountries AmozonCooperationCountries Orta Amerika Countries AridAfricaCountries Near-East Countries İnternationalTropicalTimberOrganization AfricanForestProductTradeOrganization AridZoneAsia Regionalprocesseswhich is Turkeyparty
The stage: The FOREST EUROPE
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE)which is Turkey party to since the begining 1990 Strazburg In the first Ministrial Conference, mainly ecological commitments were committed by the ministers responsible from Forests in Europe regions. The commitmets of first MCPFE are below: S1: Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems S2: Genetic Resources S3: Data Bank on Forest Fire S4: Adapting the Management of Mountain Forests S5: Research on Tree Physiology S6: Research into Forest Ecosystems
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference (UNCED) 1992 Rio Outcomes 1990 Strazburg Rio Outcomes: Rio Declaration Forest Principles Action Plan title “Agenda 21” UN CCD UN CBD UN FCCC Theconcept of sustainableforestmanagement (SFM) wasidentifed in Rio conference at global level.
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Konferansı 1992 1990 1993 Helsinki Strazburg InthesecondMinisterialConference, MCPFE Processwastransformedto “implementation of Rio outcomes in Europeregion” process. InthesecondMinisterialConference, theprocedure of theworkwasdetermined, follow-uporganization of theimplementationwasestablishedandfirstliaisonunitwasestablished. Theconcept of SFM wasidentifiedforpanEuropelevel. ThesecondMinisterialConference’scommitmentsarebelow: H1 : SustainableManagement of Forests in Europe H2 : Conservation of theBiological of Forests H3 : Co-operationwithCountrieswithEconomies in Translation H4 : Adaptation of ForeststoClimateChange
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Konferansı 1992 1990 1993 Helsinki Strazburg The definition of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) for pan-Europe: “Sustainable management” means the stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintainstheir biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfil,now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local,national, and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems,(Resolution H1, Paragraph D)
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 1995 IPF 1990 1993 Strazburg Helsinki UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) had established the Intergovermental Panel on Forests (IPF) in 1995.
RegionalProcess on Forest (Near East ForestryProcess ) which is Turkeypartysince thebegining Rio Conference 1992 1995 1996 IPF 1990 1993 Strazburg Helsinki 1998 2000 2002 1996 Cairo Egypt Damascus Syria Tehran Iran Khartoum Sudan Near-East Forestry Process was organized by FAO and UNEP in 1996. This regional process includes countries wide geography from Fas to Pakistan + Türkish Republics It was made use of the Criteria & Indicators for MCPFE while near-East Criteria & Indicators determined.
Global Process on Forests Rio Konferansı 1992 1995 1997 IPF IPF Outcomes 1990 1993 Strazburg Helsinki • IPF ‘s Final Report and its 150 proposals for action were the basis documents in leading global processes for forests. sonuç Raporu ve 150 civarındaki eylem önerisi uluslar arası ormancılık süreci çalışmalarını yönlendiren en önemli belgelerden biridir. • Some of IPF proposals for action: • - Preparing National Forest Programmes (NFPs); • Executing the causes of deforestation anf forest degradation • Determining Criteria & Indicators for SFM on national and regional levels.
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 1995 1997 IPF IFF 1990 1993 Strazburg Helsinki TheIntergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) wasestablishedbytheUN-CSD in 1997
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 1995 1997 IPF IFF 1990 1993 1998 Lisbon Strazburg Helsinki Intheconference, thecriteria & indicators set for SFM wereadoptedandtheenhancement of socio-economicaspects of SFM wasdecided. L1: People, ForestsandForestry – Enhancement of Socio-Economic Aspects of Sustainable Forest Management L2: Pan-European Criteria, Indicators and Operational Level Guidelines forSustainableForestManagement L2, ANNEX 1: Pan-European Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management L2, ANNEX 2: Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for SustainableForestManagement
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 1995 1997 IPF IFF 1990 1993 1998 Lizbon Strazburg Helsinki The six pan-European criteria for SFM are: 1. Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of forest resources and their contributionto global carbon cycles; 2. Maintenance of forest ecosystem health and vitality; 3. Maintenance and encouragement of productive functions of forests (wood and nonwood); 4. Maintenance, conservation and appropriate enhancement of biological diversity in forest ecosystems; 5. Maintenance and appropriate enhancement of protective functions in forest management (notably soil and water); and 6. Maintenance of other socio-economic functions and conditions.
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF IFF Outcomes 1990 1993 1998 Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon The IFF produced 150 proposalforaction.
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF 1990 1993 1998 Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) was established in 2000.
Global Process on Forests and Global Development Rio Conference 1992 1995 1997 2000 2002 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF2 WSSD 1990 1993 1998 Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon In 2002, all ministers responsible for forests all over the world participated to the Second Session of UNFF (UNFF 2) and expressed determination about maintaining dialogue for SFM on political level and among all parties. This determination also includes preparing conditions of an international forestry agreement. Separately, in 2002, Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) was carried out and its conclusions were addressed in MCPFE Process.
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF 1990 1993 1998 2003 Vienna Strazburg Helsinki Lizbon Theresolutions of thefourth MCPFE: V1: StrengthenSynergiesfor SFM in EuropethroughCross-SectoralCo-operationandNFPs V2: EnhancingEconomicViability of SFM in Europe V3: PreservingandEnhancingtheSocialandCulturalDimensions of SFM in Europe V4: ConservingandEnhancingForestBiologicalDiversity in Europe V5: ClimateChangeand SFM in Europe
Global Developments Rio Conference 1992 2007 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF WorldWaterForums (WWF) 1990 1993 1998 2003 Strazburg Helsinki Lizbon Viyana In 1997-2009 period, five world water forums (WWF) were organized. Water issuesbecame one of the priority issue of global agenda through WWFs .
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna W1: Forests, WoodandEnergy W2: ForestsandWater
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna Osman KAHVECI Director General of GDF
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 2015 2000 2007 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF UNFF7 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna In April 2007, Non-legallyBindingInstrument (NLBI) wasadoptedbytheSeventhSession of UNFF (UNFF 7). And in December 2007, NLBI wasadoptedby UN General Assembly . New target in global level: Transformingthe NLBI to a LegallyBindingAgreement in 2015.
Global Developments March 2009 Istanbul WWF5 Rio Conference 1992 2007 2000 1995 1997 IPF IFF UNFF WorldWaterForums (WWF) 1990 1993 1998 2003 Strazburg Helsinki Lizbon Viyana TheFifthWorldWater Forum (WWF5) wasorganizedbyTurkey on March 2009 in Istanbul.
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 2009 UNFF8 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna In 2009 in theEighthSession of UNFF (UNFF 8), theissue on howtoprovidefinance of the NLBI wasnegotiatedbut it was not reachedtoanycause. A global forestfundwas not established. A hopetoestablish a global forestfundpostponedtothe UNFCCC-COP15.
Global Process on Forests Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 2009 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF UNFF8 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Varşova Helsinki Lizbon Viyana The deep negotiations in the UNFF8
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 2008 May 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 ELM Work Program Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna Activities of theWorkProgramme: A - SFM andClimateChange - WoodMobilisationandSoundUse of Wood - MultipleForestEcosystemServices, includingForestsandWater - Regional-Global CooperationandPartnership - Cross-CuttingActivities B - StrategicDirection of the MCPFE
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 2009 November 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 ELM Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna TheExpertLevelMeeting (ELM) wascarriedout 24-25 in November 2009 in Oslo. Inthemeeting, the FOREST EUROPE processwasexamined in thelight of (1) theExternal Reviewand (2) theMainFindingandRecommendationsof FOREST EUROPE WG. The FOREST EUROPE WorkingGroup (WG) on preparingoptionsfor a decision on a possiblelegallybindingagreement on forests in Europewasestablihed. This WG is 2nd WG on LBA.
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 2009 November 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 ELM Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna • Whatissueshavebeendiscussedrecently in the FOREST EUROPE process? • Shouldtheeffortscontinuethrough FOREST EUROPE? • Shouldtheeffortscontinuethrough an EuropeForestAgrrementanditssecreteriat? • Otherwise, shouldbothtracksuse?
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 2010 December 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 ELM Warsaw Strazburg Now, July 2010 Helsinki Lisbon Vienna Now (July 2010), we are going to the ELM in December 2010. The December 2010 ELM has a critical importance before the 6. Ministerial Conference. In the ELM, the resolutions which will be presented to the ministers responsible forest of the pan-Europe countries will be clarified. The outcomes of 2nd WG will be discussed in the ELM.
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2011 Jan.Feb. 2007 2015 2000 UNFF 9 IPF IFF UNFF Now July 2010 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Warsaw Strazburg Helsinki Lisbon Vienna Now (July 2010), we are going to the ELM in December 2010. The December 2010 ELM has a critical importance before the 6. Ministerial Conference. In the ELM, the resolutions which will be presented to the ministers responsible forest of the pan-Europe countries will be clarified. The outcomes of 2nd WG will be discussed in the ELM.
Regional Process on Forest (FOREST EUROPE) Rio Conference 1992 2007 2015 2000 IPF IFF UNFF UNFF 2011 June 1990 1993 1998 2003 2007 Oslo Strazburg Helsinki Lizbon Viyana Varşova Now July 2010 ThePossibleResolutionsto be adopted in Oslo Conference 2011 Oslo 1 : A LegallyBindingAgreement in panEuropeanregionor a decision on LBA Oslo 2 : A resolution on “sustainablilitycriteria” forforestbiomassproduction. Oslo 3 : A resolution on communicationand PR-activities of theprocess Oslo 4: . . . . .
Thank you for your attention Serdar Yegül serdaryegul@ogm.gov.tr Update: July 2010