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Report on the Survey-Questionnaire AICESIS NGO Universities. Project AICESIS NGO Universities for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals.
Report on the Survey-Questionnaire AICESIS NGO Universities
Project AICESIS NGO Universities for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals Study on the development of new academic programmes, pedagogical tools and educational software, for promoting the advancement and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in conjunction with civil society organisations, the National Economic and Social Councils and institutions of higher education.
Project AICESIS NGO Universities for the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals • Questionnaire for Non-Governmental Organizations • Questionnaire for the National Economic and Social Councils • Questionnaire for the Universities
The Eight Millennium Development Goals • Eradicate Extreme Poverty And Hunger • Achieve Universal Primary Education • Promote Gender Equality And Empower Women • Reduce Child Mortality • Improve Maternal Health • Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria And Other Diseases • Ensure Environmental Sustainability • Develop A Global Partnership For Development
Millennium Development GoalsRoad Map (A/56/326 – 6 September 2001) Primary Education Poverty and Hunger Empower Women By 2015 191 Member States Child Mortality Maternal Health HIV/AIDS and other Diseases Partnership for Development Environmental Sustainability
China Law Society China Society for Promotion of Guangcai Program Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament Chinese People's Poltical Consultative conference Feng Cui Community of Sant’Egidio Coordination Sud Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations Education International Fédération Internationale Terre des Hommes Federation for Women and Family Planning Fédération Internationale des Associations de Personnes Agées Fondation Internationale Carrefour Fondation Vertue Nour Fondation haïtienne pour l'habitat et l'intégration des sans-abris Franciscans International The 66 NGOs which responded to the Questionnaire • Association Mauritanienne pour le Bien-Être et le Secours de l'Enfant et de la Mère • All India Women's Education Fund Association • All China’s Women’s Federation • AlvarAlice Foundation • Armenian relief society • Associations Points Coeur • Association mondiale pour l'Ecole instrument de paix • Association Tunisiennes des Mères • ATD quart monde • Association Tunisienne de la Communication • Black Sea University Foundation • Bunyad Literacy Community Council • Business Association for the World Social Summit • China Association of Women Entrepreneurs • Confederation of European Forest Owners • Chinese Association for International Understanding • China Association for NGO Cooperation • China Care and Compassion Society
Fund of Aid for Youth Global Policy Forum Hope For The Nations International Baccalaureate Organization Istanbul International Brotherhood and Solidarity Association Institute for the Development of Education, Arts & Leisure Institute of International Social Development International Association “ZNANIE” International Institute for Education International Initiative of Change International International Chamber of Commerce International Ontopsychology Association International Society Military Law Japanese Confederation of Trade Unions Korea Freedom League MIAMSI Organisation for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement Peace Boat Peter Hesse Foundation Rotary International Sawiris Foundation Shumei The International Shinto Foundation United Nations Association of China World Alliance of YMCA World Family Organisation World Federation of Trade Unions World Information Transfer, Inc. World Movement of Mothers World Scout Bureau World for World Organization Zayed International Prize for the Environment The 66 NGOs which responded to the Questionnaire
The 66 NGOs, Divided According To UN Classification Of Economic Development Of The Country
Country Reports • 191 countries have committed to issuing a National Country Report every year • However, to this date only 71 countries have produced and published National Country Reports: www.undp.org/mdg/countryreports.html
Country Reports (71) Afghanistan | Albania | Argentina | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Benin | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bhutan | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Cambodia | Cameroon | Central African Republic | Chad | China | Congo (Democratic Republic) | Croatia | Czech Republic | Dominican Republic | Egypt | El Salvador | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | Iran Ivory Coast | Jamaica | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kyrgyzstan | Lebanon | Lithuania | Madagascar | Mali | Mauritania | Mauritius| Malaysia | Mongolia | Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia | Nepal | Nigeria | Occupied Palestinian Territory | Panama | Paraguay | Philippines | Peru | Poland | Rwanda | Sao Tome & Principe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Slovakia | Slovenia | Swaziland | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Thailand | Tunisia | Ukraine | Uruguay | Viet Nam
The Global Distribution of application of the MDGs according to country reports
Millennium Development Goal: 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty And Hunger
Millennium Development Goal: 1 • Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than a dollar a day • Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger Eradicate Extreme Poverty And Hunger
Millennium Development Goal: 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty And Hunger • The Virtue Foundation held a panel meeting on eradicating poverty • The Virtue foundation sent a medical mission to Cambodia to perform oculoplastic surgery on victims of acid burns and made a documentary which addressed the interconnection between poverty, security and injustice and the need for legal reform in developing countries to secure the rights of its most vulnerable citizens. • Peter Hesse Foundation organizes campaigns at the national level in Germany: entitled voices against poverty • Deniva published a report on the eradication of poverty • Alvaralice Foundation is involved in the eradication of poverty through the development of social development projects with the government
Millennium Development Goal: 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education
Millennium Development Goal: 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education • Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary education
Millennium Development Goal: 2 Achieve Universal Primary Education • The Virtue Foundation has hosted a panel discussion on education in the 21st century • Peace Boat created its own university with modules dedicated to education as outlined in Goal two of the MDGs • AIWEFA wants to give all girls the means to complete a full cycle of primary education. • BUNYAD attended several conferences promoting education for all
Millennium Development Goal: 3 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Millennium Development Goal: 3 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women • Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015
Millennium Development Goal: 3 Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women • AIWEFA attended the 49th session of the Committee on the Status of Women • AIWEFA attended the international conference ‘Gender mainstreaming and the MDGs’ 28th-30th March 2005 in Islamabad, Pakistan • The Armenian Relief Society organized a workshop in 2004 entitled; an empathies on engaging boys and men as full partners of women and children • CAWE attended a special forum on macro-management from gender perspective • Alvaralice Foundation promotes gender equality by supporting programs that offer social assistance and vocational training to low-income or displaced women in Columbia
Millennium Development Goal: 4 Reduce Child Mortality
Millennium Development Goal: 4 Reduce Child Mortality • Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five.
Millennium Development Goal: 4 Reduce Child Mortality • In November 2003 I.D.E.A.L. organised a conference entitled ‘Prenatal Education and hope for the future’ • BUNYAD published a research paper on infant mortality entitled “Knowledge and Practice of Reproductive Health Indicators: Safe Motherhood, Child Survival, Infertility 2000” in collaboration with SPF
Millennium Development Goal: 5 Improve Maternal Health
Millennium Development Goal: 5 Improve Maternal Health • Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio
Millennium Development Goal: 5 Improve Maternal Health • The Virtue foundation held a panel discussion on ‘Healthcare in the 21st century’ • In November 2003 I.D.E.A.L. organised a conference entitled ‘Prenatal Education and hope for the future’ • BUNYAD created medical colleges which operate in the field of Reproductive Health. • BUNYAD published a research paper on ‘Maternal Health’
Millennium Development Goal: 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
Millennium Development Goal: 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases • Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS • Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
Millennium Development Goal: 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases • The Armenian Relief Society organised a workshop in 2004 entitled: ‘HIV/AIDS Education, Prevention and Care’ • AIWEFA organised a seminar related to the MDGs with the research and advisory centre for HIV/AIDS as a key speaker. • Alvaralice Foundation deals with projects concerning HIV/AIDS and health of various segments of the population that are particularly vulnerable.
Millennium Development Goal: 7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability
Millennium Development Goal: 7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources • Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water • Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020
Millennium Development Goal: 7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability • OISCA contributed to environmental sustainability through a holistic approach basing themselves on the interconnectivity of agriculture, ecological integrity and human spirit. • AIWEFA introduced a committee of experts to create an obligatory module: a 6 month environmental studies module in all branches of higher education • Global Policy Forum attended the Commission on Sustainable Development as well as the Johannesburg Summit
Millennium Development Goal: 8 Develop a Global Partnership for Development
Millennium Development Goal: 8 Develop a Global Partnership for Development • The Armenian Relief Society organised a workshop in 2002 entitled ‘From less than zero: Opportunities in rebuilding economies’ • Peace Boat is an important partner in the global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict. • Global Policy Forum organised an NGO work group, which deals with Security Council issues. • BUNYAD worked on a number of projects in partnership with the World Bank, the ILO and the Punjab government in India.
Examples of two NGOs North/South Institute for the Development of Education, Arts and Leisure (I.D.E.A.L.) (Canada) Institute of International Social Development (India)
Institute for the Development of Education, Arts & Leisure (I.D.E.A.L.) (Canada) Natacha Kolesar, Founder & President Amy Kraft, Director
MDG: Goal 1,7 1 - Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger 7 - Ensure Environmental Sustainability • Model eco-village based on socio-economic sustainability and community living. Improving the use of natural resources, protecting complex ecosystems, preventing land degradation and assuring sustainable biodiversity through permaculture and organic farming by: • Creating non-transgenic seed banks • Promoting healthy nutrition through organic agriculture and permaculture • Sharing material possessions, living space and food production prevents “sleeping capital” and considerably increases the efficiency of resources. This model offers a key to eradicate poverty and hunger. (Statistics available). • The I.D.E.A.L. community has 75 permanent residents who have supported and participated daily in the above project.
MDG: Goals 2,3 2 - Achieve Universal Primary Education 3 - Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women • Mothers hold the key for humanity’s future and they need to be given the conditions to work consciously for their children and future generations. The first educator is the mother. Why? The mother, with her power of thoughts, with the power of her beauty and clarity of goal, with her desires, can prepare the space, the soil, the feelings of her child with unconditional love, especially during pregnancy. • Establishing an international network of education, health, and healing centers. • Student Scholarship Programme Initiative. • Seminars, lectures and workshops on education given by Dr. Natacha Kolesar in Canada, France, the U.S, Switzerland, Russia, Costa Rica, Italy, Togo, Ivory Coast, Germany, India, Mexico, Honduras, France and North America. • Promotion of equality in education of both sexes
MDG: Goals 4,5,6 4 - Reduce Child Mortality 5 - Improve Maternal Health 6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases • Building prenatal education centers and birth and health centers worldwide, where specialists in various fields will assist, instruct and prepare future parents, and work with pregnant women from local and international communities. • Organized the 3rd International Conference on Perinatal Health in Montreal, Canada • 27 month programme for mothers before and after birth • Lectures at the U.N. and worldwide: “Prenatal Education and the Future of Mankind”, “Education and Non-Violence”, “The Role of Women in the New Millenium”, “Health and Nutrition”, “Youth and Creativity in the Future”, “Preconception Work”, “The New Educational System” • Alternative therapies and Health Centers offer services such as Midwifery, Music therapy, Bio-psychology, Bioanalogy (the psychology of illness and its effect on biology), Sophro-analysis (the discovery of our hidden feelings), Osteopathy, etc.
MDG: Goal 8 8- Develop a Global Partnership for Development Core social values underlying I.D.E.A.L. activities and programmes: the creation of a new vision of humanity as one family. Directors, professionals, contributors, students, and participants represent diverse racial, ethnic, national, religious, and linguistic backgrounds. Their collective expertise and growing international network of educators and supporters will allow them to: 1) Advise on issues that relate to social progress and policies that promote that progress, 2) Suggest practical ways of educating the public about social development issues, and 3) Help improve international understanding of those issues through the exchange of information and experience/develop a global partnership for development. Examples: • Creation of I.D.E.A.L. Bangladesh, I.D.E.A.L. France and I.D.E.AL. U.S.A. • Student exchange and lectures with the UN University of Peace, Costa Rica • Financial assistance to orphanages in India, Rumania and Russia
Millennium Development Goal: 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger • Project Shramdaan -Income Generation Program for jobless youths through recommendations to the Institute’s Corporate Benefactors • Self Help Groups for Adult Rural Women -Imparting training to use grinding machines to grind raw spices and sell the ground spices to earn a living. • Joint Base-Line Survey of Tribal Familieswith the Government of India, Tribal Affairs Ministry on ‘Tribal Artisans below Poverty-line’ • Self Help groups for 300 poverty-stricken Tribal Artisans to improve their living conditions and become bankable by exposing them to new income-generating schemes including tribal handicrafts and handloom-making • Submission of Recommendation on Sustainable Self Help Group Module which has been accepted as official UN Document by the ECOSOC for Self Reliance for Least Developed Nations
Millennium Development Goals: 2,3 Achieve Universal Primary Education; Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women • Project Sushiksha:Literacy Program for Rural and Urban Slum Women to give basic education to themselves and ensure appropriate education of their children in the long run • The Institute represented the Government of West Bengal, Ministry of Social Welfare in the Central Advisory Committee of the Women and Child Welfare Ministry, Government of India, and gave views on preventing illicit cross border trafficking of women and children from the neighbouring Nations or from remote rural areas