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Breeding of indigenous plants for Southern Africa: Domestication of Marama bean. Percy CHIMWAMUROMBE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Science UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA pchimwa@unam.na. UNAM Faculty of Science. Outline of Presentation. Introduction to Marama bean.
Breeding of indigenous plants for Southern Africa:Domestication of Marama bean Percy CHIMWAMUROMBE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Science UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA pchimwa@unam.na
UNAM Faculty of Science
Outline of Presentation • Introduction to Marama bean. • Marama bean domestication/breeding program. • Setting up a domestication/breeding program • Summary of past and ongoing actions.
Tylosemaesculentum • Marama bean (2n=44) : • Family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinoidae • Creeping perennial non nodulating legume (25-36m²) • Edible seeds (3g) and large roots (25kg-100kg) • Grows in the Kalahari sands regions (Namibia, RSA & Botswana) • Grows well in low rainfall ( 50-500mm) • Drought avoiding plant • High protein, fatty acids and starch
Domestication: is the outcome of a selection process that leads to increased adaptation of plants and animals to cultivation or rearing and utilization by humans considering the positive or negative role of microorganisms microbes microbes microbes
Modern Crop Domestication and Breeding: Southern Africa Context
Summary of the Projected impacts of climate change in Africa • By 2020, between 75 and 250 million people in Africa are projected to be exposed to increased water stress due to climate change. • By 2020, in some countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 50%. Agricultural production, including access to food, in many African countries is projected to be severely compromised. This would further adversely affect food security and exacerbate malnutrition. • Towards the end of the 21st century, projected sea level rise will affect low-lying coastal areas with large populations. • By 2080, an increase of 5 to 8% of arid and semi-arid land in Africa is projected under a range of climate scenarios. • The cost of adaptation could amount to at least 5 to 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Source: Report. Summary for Policy Makers, IPCC, 2007
50 yr Climate Change projections Tylosema genus distribution
African Child Wellness Statistics • It has been estimated that every minute eight under-five children die in sub-Saharan Africa. • Two thirds of the under-five deaths in the African Region are due to preventable causes. The chief causes of death are complicated by malnutrition that accounts for one third of all deaths in children under five years. • Food insecurity in Africa threatens the lives of millions of vulnerable people. • Under nutrition is directly or indirectly responsible for 3.5 million child death every year. • Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest prevalence of low birth weight ranging from 7-42%. • Although the degree to which indirect determinants of death are expressed varies between countries, malnutrition is a critical risk factor in most countries, and nutrition and food security remains a fundamental challenge to child survival. Source: Report. WHO Regional Office for Africa, 2012
What are the Southern African regional common issues? • Food production-Climate change effects • Health issues • Nutritional issues (child protein deficiencies) • Jobs (and jobs creation)
Modern Crop Domestication • An open-minded approach is required, even hearing brutal non conventional ideas. • Prioritize participatory approaches until better empowerment tools come. • Mixing past practices and new styles in domestication- learning from the current and past experiences invoking new ways. • Consider the current, past nutritional trends (e.g. most people nowadays remove chicken skins, running away from fats, this is a new trend. It was not like this 30 years ago). Now is a there is need to breed for lean chicken! • Consider climate change effects. • New mindset: develop indigenous crops (just looks at what Africa eats today, and ask how much of that is native to Africa, only 3-4 crops only, there rest of them are invasives, for lack of better word). • This is time to develop local crops that resilient and adapted to local environments for millennia, may be we can combat climate change effects. • In many fora where health issues of Africa are discussed one always hear that people should start eating traditional foods to avoid exposure to modern/western/eastern foods which their physiology is not genetically adapted to. Whether true or false, real of perception, these voices need to be listened and something must be done, lest the future generations will not have kind words to us.
NOTE • Time is limited. • So be fast, move away from BUSINESS AS-USUAL (BAU) domestication approaches.
v Central Goal: Domestication of Marama bean
v 1.Basic Plant Biology Central goal: domestication of Marama bean
v 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean
v 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection
v 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development
v 5. Agronomy 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development
v 5. Agronomy 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 6. Product piloting
v 5. Agronomy 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting
v 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting
v 9. Omics and gene discovery 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting
v 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting
v 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting
v 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting 12. Bio-fertlisers
v 13.More gene discovery 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting 12. Bio-fertlisers
v 13.More gene discovery 14. Commercial scales of production 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting 12. Bio-fertlisers
v 13.More gene discovery 14. Commercial scales of production 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting 12. Bio-fertlisers 15. Commercial scales for byproducts
v 13.More gene discovery 14. Commercial scales of production 9. Omics and gene discovery • Participatory production 5. Agronomy 8. Conservation Genetics 1.Basic Plant Biology 2. Crop breeding Central goal: domestication of Marama bean 3. Crop protection 4. Product development 7. Microbiology& Entomology 6. Product piloting 11. Participatory product piloting 12. Bio-fertlisers 15. Commercial scales for byproducts 16. Future perspectives
Building capacity on crop diversification in light of climate change: A broad skills training vehicle.
Initial Research Questions • Is there variability between- and in marama populations? • Are there any superior genotypes in the environment? • Can molecular genetic tools be used to identify and selected such? • Can phenotypic tools be used for selection? • Is it possible to increase the yield of marama? • Do bacteria play a role in enhancing marama nutrient acquisition? • Is it possible to prescribe best growing areas and cultural practices? • Does marama have other uses besides food and feed: ITK uses? • Is marama bean acceptable and viable as a commercial crop- locally, regionally and internationally?
Marama Distribution Map T. esculentum T. humifusum T. argenteum T. angolense T. fassoglense
Genotype variations Using SSRs, We have found low inter-population genetic diversity and high intra-population variability in marama subpopulation The similarities for each cluster were between 75-92%, which is high, indicating low genetic variability.
The case for domestication in sA • Most of the Kalahari concept is in sA, semi desert to desert • High value nutrition (Protein, FAs, Starch) • Low seed production (1-2) seeds/pod) remains a challenge that can be dealt with plant breeding • Disappearing accessions is another concern • Malnutrition high in Southern African can be addressed by supplemented the protein with local marama • Selection of superior accessions important and is on going • Can be grown on land considered to be waste land
Value addition: development of Marama prototype products • Namibia, South Africa, Botswana • Roasted marama bean nuts • Green marama • Full fat and defatted marama bean flours with various confectionery uses • Marama-sorghum composite meals to be used for preparation of porridge • Marama milk • Marama oil Cosmetics Pharmeutics Starch
Marama amylose (35.74%)Cassava amylose (18 -28%,) Sweet potato amylose (28%), Isolation and characterization of the starch of marama bean young roots in terms of its physical & chemical and pasting properties.
Isolation and molecular characterization of marama starch biosynthetic genes (SSSI, AGPase & SBEs). • Physicochemical and functional properties of native marama starch finalized. Better properties than most root starches • Isolation of serine protease inhibitor gene for marama
Germplasm Conservation • 450 accessions have been collected • Community centred in-situ germplasm conservation • Phenotypic selection of desirable characteristics