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Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity St.Petersburg, Russian Federation First 45 days of work

HELCOM Tallinn, December 16-17, BSPR Component 1 & 2 Networking Meeting. Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity St.Petersburg, Russian Federation First 45 days of work.

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Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity St.Petersburg, Russian Federation First 45 days of work

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  1. HELCOM Tallinn, December 16-17, BSPR Component 1 & 2 Networking Meeting Lead Laboratory on BiodiversitySt.Petersburg,Russian FederationFirst 45 days of work Aladin N.V. in co-operation with Alimov A.F., Pugachev O.N., Plotnikov I.S., Golubkov S.M., Petukhov V.A., Maximov A.A., Maximovich N.V., Lemeshko N.A., Dgebuadze Yu.Yu.

  2. After consultations with administration of the Zoological Institute the special web page was created. Its address is: http://www.zin.ru/projects/baltdiv/index.html On the next slide an information presented in the web are shown.

  3. BALTIC SEA REGIONAL PROJECT LEAD LABORATORY ON BIODIVERSITY Decision on establishment of the Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity at the Zoological Institute has been made at the First Meeting of the Baltic Sea Steering Group (BSSG)http://www.helcom.fi/dps.html on 10 May 2004. Duration of the project: 2004-2006. Local Project Manager – Prof. N.V.Aladin (e-mail: aral@zin.ru). Within the BALTIC SEA REGIONAL PROJECT (www.ices.dk/projects/balticsea.asp), a Lead Laboratories has been nominated for specific disciplines within each Large Marine Ecosystem module (Productivity, Pollution and Ecosystem Health, Fish and Fisheries, and Socio-economics) for both coastal and open sea activities. The aim is to develop a practical integration of institutes, to harmonize sampling techniques, to rationalize assessment and reporting and to achieve a general upgrading and use of equipment and laboratories in a cost effective and quality-assured manner. The role of the Lead Laboratories is the coordination of activities within their respective field of specialty. The Lead Laboratories are serving as links to the Coordination Centers, organize workshops and QA procedures, take the responsibility of harmonizing monitoring programs and serve as support for participating institutes during sampling and laboratory work and the handling and storing of data in databases. The Scope of Services for the Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity and its Local Project Manager includes: • Serve as the Local Project Manager(LPM) and responsible officer of the Lead laboratory (LL), supervise and coordinate implementation of project activities relative to biodiversity issues under Component 1 (C1). • To organize an introductory coordination and a technical workshop on biodiversity issues. • To report results and progress according to the project plan to the Coordination Centers (CC). • To act as reference center within biodiversity towards other BSRP laboratories, HELCOM and ICES. • To work with all local facilities and coordinate on technical matters. • To assist the CC.s and LL:s when purchasing the necessary equipment to upgrade national laboratories. • To organize and train staff as required for new equipment and techniques. • To coordinate collection and distribution of data and samples within biodiversity issues and to assist the Coordination Centers in compilations and data processing. • To consult with the C1C/C1AC and/or the CC:s on technical matters. • To support further development of biodiversity monitoring and assessment of biodiversity loss in the Baltic Sea. • To support elaboration of biodiversity and nature conservation indicators and Ecological Quality Objectives for the Baltic Sea. • To support production and updating of threatened species and biotopes inventories in the Baltic Sea area. • To support protection of species/habitat/biotope diversity in the Baltic sea and its coastal areas. • To integrate and cooperate with other activities within Components 1, 2, and 3, according to arrangements made by the Coordination Centers. • To establish cooperation with relevant regional projects and organizations. • To coordinate compilations, data processing and assessments. • To participate in appropriate ICES working groups and regional fora. • To assist in the preparation for organized integrated evaluations and assessments and report results to ICES and HELCOM Working Groups/Committees and other relevant bodies. • Coordinate and establish links for ecosystem-based management between relevant marine (C1) and land based- coastal zone management (C2) activities. • Contribute to preparation of annual work plans according the PIP/PPP. • Liaise with national authorities and stakeholders to secure project support and sustainability

  4. In accordance with the agreed Scope of Services for the Lead Laboratory on Biodiversity and following the regulations of the contract signed by N.V. Aladin and HELCOM the following First Draft of Lab’s Plan was prepared. It is shown on next slides.

  5. Work plan of LL on biodiversity for the period November 1, 2004 – October 31, 2005 1. To start to serve as the Local Project Manager (LPM) and responsible officer of the Lead laboratory (LL), supervise and coordinate implementation of project activities relative to biodiversity issues under Component 1 (C1). To find number of candidates for two positions of consultants. 2. To start to organize an introductory coordination and a technical workshop on biodiversity issues. To make consultation with scientists who are studying biodiversity of the Baltic Sea and to find candidates for forthcoming technical workshops on biodiversity issues to be held in Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg. To make a list of scientists from all the Baltic littoral states who are currently studying Baltic Sea biodiversity. 3. To start to report results and progress according to the project plan to the Coordination Centers (CC). To assist in making co-operative agreement with Zoological Institute of RAS. To assist in elaboration of laboratory budget. 4. To start to act as reference center within biodiversity towards other BSRP laboratories, HELCOM and ICES. To start to make data bases on free-living invertebrates from the Baltic Sea. 5. To start to work with all local facilities and coordinate on technical matters. To establish tight scientific contacts with biodiversity specialists from St.Petersburg State University, from GOSNIORH (local fisheries institute), from Baltic Sea Biological Station “Rybachiy”, from Kaliningrad State University and from other biological and natural history institutions of the Kaliningrad region.

  6. 6. To start to assist the CC.s and LL:s when purchasing the necessary equipment to upgrade national laboratories. To start to make a list of scientific and office equipment to be provided to national laboratories in accordance with approved budget. 7. To start to organize and train staff as required for new equipment and techniques. To find candidates for forthcoming trainings. 8. To start to coordinate collection and distribution of data and samples within biodiversity issues and to assist the Coordination Centers in compilations and data processing. To establish a data base on all field research stations around Baltic Sea. 9. To start to consult with the C1C/C1AC and/or the CC:s on technical matters. To discuss re-equipment of Baltic Sea Biological Station “Rybachiy” and to make a plan of hydrobiological studies rehabilitation under umbrella of this biological station. 10.To start to support further development of biodiversity monitoring and assessment of biodiversity loss in the Baltic Sea. To establish tight contacts with all Baltic Sea littoral state institutions that are responsible for monitoring process for this sea. To start to make a list of “hot spots” with high biodiversity loss in the Baltic Sea. 11.To start to support elaboration of biodiversity and nature conservation indicators and Ecological Quality Objectives for the Baltic Sea. To start to make a list of biological reserves, national parks, etc. for the Baltic Sea region. To start to make a list of key indicator species for the Baltic Sea. 12.To start to support production and updating of threatened species and biotopes inventories in the Baltic Sea area. To start to prepare brochure in which in popular form will be shown threatened species and biotopes at risk. 13.To start to support protection of species/habitat/biotope diversity in the Baltic Sea and its coastal areas. To start to establish tight contacts with scientists and authorities from already established biological reserves, national parks, etc. around Baltic Sea.

  7. 14.To start to integrate and cooperate with other activities within Components 1, 2, and 3, according to arrangements made by the Coordination Centers. To start to prepare first draft of Baltic Sea Biodiversity Report that should be written together with other our project participants. 15.To start to establish cooperation with relevant regional projects and organizations. To make a list of them. 16.To start to coordinate compilations, data processing and assessments. To start to create identical principals for data management within our project. 17.To start to participate in appropriate ICES working groups and regional forums. To start to make a list of forthcoming events that could be of interest for Baltic Sea biodiversity specialists. 18.To start to assist in the preparation for organized integrated evaluations and assessments and report results to ICES and HELCOM Working Groups/Committees and other relevant bodies. To establish tight contacts with official representatives of Russian Ministry of Natural Resources responsible for Baltic Sea projects: Mr. Sapronov V.D. and Mr. Korovin L.K. 19. To start to coordinate and establish links for ecosystem-based management between relevant marine (C1) and land based- coastal zone management (C2) activities. To start to discuss with scientists involved in our project necessity of establishing a special coordination team that will study and control possible global warming influence on the Baltic Sea biodiversity. 20. To start to contribute to preparation of annual work plans according the PIP/PPP. 21. To start to liaise with national authorities and stakeholders to secure project support and sustainability. To start to make a list of recommendations that might could help national authorities and stakeholders to perform environmental friendly policy in the Baltic Sea region.

  8. In addition to this plan with 21 items I would like to add one more Item. I would like to include it after consultations with my project colleagues and headquarters in Tallinn. I would like advice to make a special study of military impact on Baltic Sea biodiversity. I made a search in Internet for explosives and chemicals to be buried on the Baltic Sea bottom. I also studied the problem of radioactive contamination of Baltic Sea coast and waters. A special attention was also given to thermal pollution by nuclear power plants around Baltic Sea.

  9. In November due to my visit to Tajikistan (November 12-18) I could work only 90 hours. • In December and later on I would like to work about 100 hour per month. On the next slides timing of my work in November is shown.

  10. Short scientific and timing report of Nick Aladin, head of LL on biodiversity, for November 2004 1. I start to find number of candidates for two positions of consultants. For first consultant on hydrobiology I found 3 candidates: Dr. A.A.Maximov [alexeymaximov@mail.ru], Dr. V.A.Petikhov [ecology@zin.ru], Dr. S.M.Golubkov [golubkov@zin.ru]. For second consultant on data management I found 3 candidates: Dr. M.B.Dianov [mix@zin.ru], Dr. V.E.Panov [rbic@zin.ru], Dr. I.S.Plotnikov [aral3@zin.ru]. For this work I spent 4 hours. 2. I began to make consultations with scientists who are studying biodiversity of the Baltic Sea and found some candidates for forthcoming technical workshops on biodiversity issues to be held in Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in St.Petersburg. I start to make a list of scientists from all the Baltic littoral states who are currently studying Baltic Sea biodiversity. I made consultations on this matter with academician A.F.Alimov, director of Zoological Institute RAS, with Dr. O.N.Pugachev, deputy director of Zoological Institute RAS, with Dr. N.V.Maximovich, head of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology department of St.Petersburg University, with Prof. Dr. Yu.Yu.Dgebuadze, deputy director of Institute of Evolution and Ecology problems RAS and some other leading scientists. For this work I spent 5 hours. 3. I tried to assist in making cooperative agreement with Zoological Institute of RAS. I also tried to assist in elaboration of laboratory budget. Unfortunately I didn’t succeed yet in this business, but I spent at least 2 hours for this work. 4. I began to make preparation for creation of a data base on free-living invertebrates from the Baltic Sea. I met some leading scientists in my country and sent some e-mails to leading scientists abroad. I spent for this work 6 hours.

  11. 5. I start to reestablish tight scientific contacts with biodiversity specialists from St.Petersburg State University, from GOSNIORH (local fisheries institute), from Baltic Sea Biological Station “Rybachiy” and met key persons from these organisations. I prepared letters to leaders of Kaliningrad State University and other biological and natural history institutions of the Kaliningrad region. I spent for this work 3 hours. 6. I start to make a list of scientific and office equipment to be provided to national laboratories in accordance with approved budget. At the moment complete lists to my laboratory and Baltic Sea Biological Station “Rybachiy” are ready. I spent for this work 6 hours. 7. I began to look for candidates for forthcoming trainings required for new equipment and techniques. I made this search in Internet. I spent for this work 1 hour. 8. I start to establish a data base on all field research stations around Baltic Sea. I made this search in Internet and I also reestablish by e-mails my former personal contacts with scientists from main research stations and laboratories on the Baltic Sea (Helgoland Laboratory, Asko Laboratory, Tvarmine Station, Rybachiy Station and some others). I spent for this work 6 hours. 9. I discussed with deputy director of Zoological Institute Dr. O.Pugachev re-involvement of Baltic Sea Biological Station “Rybachiy” staff into Baltic Sea biodiversity studies. I made a plan of hydrobiological studies to be rehabilitated under umbrella of this biological station. I spent for this work 2 hours. 10. I began to reestablish tight contacts with all Baltic Sea littoral state institutions that are responsible for monitoring process for this sea. I start to make a list of “hot spots” with high biodiversity loss in the Baltic Sea. I spent for this work 4 hours. 11. I start to make a list of biological reserves, national parks, etc. for the Baltic Sea region. I start to make a list of key indicator species for the Baltic Sea. I spent for this work 3 hours.

  12. 12. I began to prepare brochure in which in popular form will be shown threatened species and biotopes at risk. I made a contents list and start to look for co-authors. I spent for this work 6 hours. 13. I start to establish tight contacts with scientists and authorities from already established biological reserves, national parks, etc. around Baltic Sea. I had a brief discussion on this matter with Dr. N.Ivanov and with Dr. V.Ilyashenko. Both scientists are involved into nature conservation business. I spent for this work 2 hours. 14. I start to prepare first draft of Baltic Sea Biodiversity Report that should be written together with other our project participants. . I made a contents list and start to look for co-authors. I spent for this work 5 hours. 15. I’m going to start to establish cooperation with relevant regional projects and organizations. I made this search in Internet and make a list of them. I spent for this work 5 hours. 16. I made consultations with deputy director O. Pugachev, Dr. M.Dianov, Dr. V.Panov and Dr. I.Plotnikov on creation of identical principals for data management within our project. I spent for this work 4 hours. 17. I began to make a list of forthcoming events that could be of interest for Baltic Sea biodiversity specialists. I did this job via Internet. I made needed scientific, technical and financial preparations for forthcoming meeting in Tallinn December 2004. I spent for this work 7 hours. 18. I tried to establish tight contacts with official representatives of Russian Ministry of Natural Resources responsible for Baltic Sea projects: Mr. Sapronov V.D. and Mr. Korovin L.K. Unfortunately I’m succeeded to speak by phone just once with Mr. Korovin L.K I spent for this work 1 hour.

  13. 19. I start to discuss with scientists involved in our project necessity of establishing a special coordination team that will study and control possible global warming influence on the Baltic Sea biodiversity. I also spoke on this matter with Dr. N.A.Lemeshko from State Hydrological Institute. I spent for this work 6 hours. 20. I start to contribute to preparation of annual work plans according the PIP/PPP. Unfortunately I did this work without proper guide lines of my leaders. So, my first draft of plan should be rewritten and second draft should appear soon. I spent for thinking and writing of first draft 2 hours. 21. I began to make a list of recommendations that might could help national authorities and stakeholders to perform environmental friendly policy in the Baltic Sea region. I spent for this work 1 hour. 22. This item is not included in the first draft of my work plan. I would like to include it after consultations with my project colleagues and headquarters in Tallinn. I would like advice to make a special study of military impact on Baltic Sea biodiversity. I made a search in Internet for explosives and chemicals to be buried on the Baltic Sea bottom. I also studied the problem of radioactive contamination of Baltic Sea coast and waters. A special attention was also given to thermal pollution by nuclear power plants around Baltic Sea. I spent for this work 4 hours.

  14. In the beginning of December I got comments and advices from Andris and Eugeniusz. Now Following them I would like to consult with you on my Second Draft of my Lab’s Annual Work Plan. Please let me know what I have to delete from First Draft and what I have to add. Opinion of Eugeniusz is shown on the next slide.

  15. “My advise would be to concentrate on habitat protection. These would include habitat classification, habitat degradation and losses, and developing management plans for Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs). However, final word will depend on our C1 coordinators.” I’m totally agree with Eugeniusz’s advice and I would like to have Jan’s and Andris’ opinions about this advice.

  16. Last week I got the following comments and advices from Andris: “I appreciate much the effort you contributed. Many points of your draft plan, like establishing of the thematic network of national experts and labs, launching of the kick-off workshop, assisting in technical capacity building activities to labs involved in biodiversity assessment, staff training, development of biodiversity monitoring, elaborating biodiversity indicators & EcoQOs, preparing threatened sp & biotope lists, boost to the MPAs activities and other are very relevant.”

  17. He continues with the following with which I could agree too: “Still, in general, the whole draft plan seems far too general in its current version. It is difficult to get the idea what in particular and how will be done and what will be achieved and produced. Also, the timing of the planned actions should be identified at some level of precision. To assist you with the work planning, please, see attached WPs and integrated time-frame of other BSRP C1 units. Also, I would prefer that the work for entire BSRP 1st phase (end 2005) is planned, and the main tasks to be accomplished within Phase II identified. Let me also advise you to consult the relevant ICES and HELCOM documents while identifying your unit's directions of work. I hope, CC Ecosystem Health will help you in this. I would appreciate much if we could return to the discussion on LL Biodiversity workplan (an updated version) when we meet in Tallinn next week.”

  18. Ladies and gentlemen I’m waiting for your comments. I also would like to draw your attention that it is very difficult to make more concrete plan without knowing laboratory budget and laboratory team. Unfortunately until now cooperative agreement with my Institute is not signed and information about launching my lab is not given to Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. I’m afraid that I could make Second Draft only with your helpful hands. On the next slide I would like to summarize what kind of help I need from you.

  19. In order to make my life in preparation of second draft easier please do 5 things (if it is only possible): • Let me know budget of my lab. I have from Andris only brief notes about budget that I got month ago by e-mail. • I also need to have cooperative agreement to be signed with director of my institute acad. A. Alimov. • Information about my lab should be given by Jan or somebody else from Baltic Sea regional project and HELCOM headquarters to the representatives of Russian Mnistry of natural resources Mr. Sapronov V.D and Mr. Korovin L.K. • Please study all 22 items of the First Draft of my lab’s work plan and eliminate those that you consider less important. Please also let me know which one is of a greater interest then an other one. • Please after making cooperative agreement with my Institute send some advance payments to hard currency account of my Institute. Unfortunately I’m not so rich to make advance payments myself.

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