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The computerisation of TIR and the security declaration in the European Union

The computerisation of TIR and the security declaration in the European Union. Tunis June 2009. EC Customs Security Initiative Reg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06. Advance electronic cargo (’summary’) declaration on import in or export from EU (per 1.7.09)

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The computerisation of TIR and the security declaration in the European Union

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  1. The computerisation of TIR and the security declaration in the European Union Tunis June 2009

  2. EC Customs Security InitiativeReg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06 • Advance electronic cargo (’summary’) declaration on import in or export from EU (per 1.7.09) • Data requirements in Annex 30A of Reg. 1875/06 3. Time-limits as in WCO Framework of Standards (Safe) 4. Community risk management framework

  3. Carrier OoEntry Entry (/Exit) Summary Declaration (ESD) Non EU EU ESD ESD (Annex 30A data) Results Risk analysis Presentation

  4. EC TIR Computerisation InitiativeReg. 1192/08 adopted in committee on 13.9.07 1. Holder lodges the TIR Carnet data electronically (per 1.1.09) 2. Data are forwarded to destination office (= Anticipated Arrival Record) 3. Transit accompanying document + Voucher No. 2 are kept at office of destination (exit) 4. Office of departure (entry) is informed by means of the Arrival Advice (termination) and the Control Results message to allow discharge 5. Electronic enquiry procedure (per 1.7.09)

  5. Holder OoEntry TIR Non EU EU Carnet TIR Data Anticipated Arrival Record Carnet TIR data Arrival advice + Control results + OoDest Carnet TIR Voucher 2 + TAD + TAD

  6. Holder OoEntry ESD and TIR Non EU EU Risk analysis Carnet TIR Data Carnet TIR data + ESD (Annex 30A data) + Arrival advice + Control results OoDest + Carnet TIR Voucher 2 + TAD + TAD

  7. ESD and TIR via a third country Non EU EU EU Carnet TIR data + ESD (Annex 30A data) Carnet TIR data + ESD (Annex 30A data) Risk analysis Risk analysis Voucher 2 + TAD OoDep Voucher 2 + TAD OoExit OoEntry OoDest Arrival advice + Control results Arrival advice + Control results OoEntry OoExit + TAD + TAD

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