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Discussion of Final Project. Final Project: Reading, Writing & Speaking. Seven Papers on Applications of FACTS for improving control & stability of systems Each student is responsible for one paper. Steps:. 1. Read paper thoroughly & critically 2. Prepare a summary presentation
Final Project: Reading, Writing & Speaking • Seven Papers on Applications of FACTS for improving control & stability of systems • Each student is responsible for one paper
Steps: 1. Read paper thoroughly & critically 2. Prepare a summary presentation a. 15 to 20 minutes in length b. Summarize & analyze paper c. May be on video tape, or PowerPoint/Farsite/Telephone live
3. Prepare a written critique of your paper 4. "Peer Review" 2 critiques for classmates (send in to me by email) 5. Revise your critique based on classmate comments
Grading of Critiques: • Only the final version will be graded using the following categories • Analysis 50% • Organization 25% • Writing 25%
Grading of Peer Reviews: • The comments you give to your classmates will be graded using this breakdown • Depth of analysis 50% • Technical understanding 25% • Clarity of expression 25%
Overall Grade Breakdown • Presentation of Summary 35% • Peer Reviews 30% • Written Critique 35%
Questions to be answered in your critique: 1. What is the problem being studied? 2. Is it an important problem? Why or why not? 3. What are the main results?
4. What method is used to produce the results? 5. What are the assumptions made in the paper? Are they realistic? 6. How sensitive are the results to the assumptions?
7. What did you learn from this paper? 8. What are the similarities and differences of this paper compared to other related papers?
Guidelines for Peer Review comments 1. Use only constructive criticism. 2. State both weaknesses and strengths
3. If you point out a weakness try to also suggest a possible solution 4. Seek and identify unclear statements or points 5. Make your suggestions reasonable
Paper assignments: • Burstein => Parniani & Iravani • Mandal => Pourbeik & Gibbard (1996) • Mercado => Noroozian • Sander => Mihalic, Zunko & Povh • Sommers => Noroozian & Anderson • Yang => Gronquist, Sethares, Alvarado & Lasseter • Jatskevi => Pourbeik & Gibbard (1997)
Schedule: • Fri. April 17th Project assigned (today) • Mon. April 20th Live lecture & questions • Wed. April 22nd Taped lecture • Fri. April 24th Prepare & Tape presentations (no class) • Mon. April 27th Student Presentations • Wed. April 29th Student Presentations • Fri. May 1st Peer reviews due & returned • May 4th - 8th Work on revisions • Mon. May 11th Final versions of critiques due