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Erasmus Programmes in the CHERNE Activities. Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering 115 19 Praha 1, Břehová 7, Czech Republic.
Erasmus Programmes in the CHERNE Activities Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering 115 19 Praha 1, Břehová 7, Czech Republic CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013
The Erasmus Programme (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for Mobility of University Students) is a European Union student exchange programme established in 1987. The CHERNE Courses from PAN (2002) till SARA were organized with the support of Erasmus Programme, the last courses with the support of IP Erasmus programme. CHERNE Prague group evaluates this activity as very successful. CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013
We plan to prepare the complete 1 semester course for Erasmus students, 5 – 6 subjects, specialized on the Radiological Physics. The course could include next subjects: Introductory Radiation Physics and Dosimetry. Detection Systems and Imaging Methods in Radiological Physics Introduction in Radiodiagnostics Introduction in Radiotherapy Mathematical Methods in Radiological Physics Practical Exercises in Radio diagnostics and Radiotherapy CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013
Radiological Physics – Radiotherapy I Position of radiotherapy in the framework of oncology: history, basic terminology, basic radiobiology, ionizing radiation in radiotherapy, concept oftarget volumes, role of CT. Target localization, simulation, immobilization and patient set-up methods. Treatment planning - beam parameters and beam modifiers, basic treatment techniques - fixed SAD vs. fixed SSD, static vs. dynamic. Computerized treatment planning - input/output parameters, treatment protocol, verification system. Brachytherapy, orthovoltage radiotherapy, special radiotherapy - TBI, stereotactic irradiation, IMRT, hadron radiotherapy. CT and radiotherapeutic simulator, clinical linear accelerators and radionuclide treatment machines. Information systems in radiotherapy - data flow, data backup. QA - tests of machines, periodicity. Radiation protection of member staff and patients, personal dosimetry, monitoring, related legislation.
Radiological Physics – Radiotherapy II linical radiobiology - organ toxicity criteria, TCP and NTCP models, Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy - optimization, dose delivery methods - compensators, multileaf collimators, special methods (MIMIC, tomotherapy). Dose calculation algorithms based on empirical factors, modelling (point kernel models, pencil kernel models), particle transport. Inhomogeneity correction algorithms - (not) accounting for scattered radiation. Dose distribution verification – anatomic phantoms, 1D, 2D and 3D dosimetry methods. Alternative therapeutic methods - photodynamic therapy, hyperthermia. Hadron biological effects, comparison with conventional radiotherapy, technical aspects (cyclotron, synchrotron, beam modulation, dosimetry). Technical norms and legislation (acceptance tests, commissioning, audits).
Introduction in Radiodiagnostics I 1.X-RAY UNIT: history of diagnostic radiology, x-ray tube, HV generator, othercomponents of an X-ray unit 2.X-RAY PRODUCTION: bremsstrahlung, characteristic radiation, X-ray spectrum,parameters of a spectrum 3.INTERACTION OF X-RAYS WITH TISSUE, IMAGE PRODUCTION: interaction processes,image production, contrast media, scattered radiation, methods of contrastenhancing 4.IMAGE RECEPTORS: X-ray film, intensifying screens, screen-film cassettes,image intensifiers, fluoroscopic imaging chain 5.IMAGE QUALITY: noise, contrast, resolution, ROC analysis, image processing 6.RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES: screen-film radiography, fluoroscopy, angiography,mammography, dental radiography, tomography, imaging process - film processing, sensitometry, optimization 7.DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY: digital image receptors, digital imaging techniques,digital image formation, quality and processing
Introduction in Radiodiagnostics II 8.COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT): history, CT generations, CT detectors, reconstruction algorithms, Radon and Fourier transformation 9.COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT): CT number, calibration of a CT, CT image, CTdosimetry 10.QUALITY CONTROL (QC): legislation requirements, SONS recommendations,practical realization, specifics for special radiographic techniques,optimization 11.RADIATION PROTECTION IN DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY: radiation protection of apatient, quantities used for patient dosimetry, radiation protection of workersand public, methods of dose reduction 12.LEGISLATION: Council Directive 97/43 Euratom, "Atomic Law" and correspondingregulations,
Mathematical Methods in Radiological Physics Basic principles of the MC method, probability theory and selected concepts inmathematical statistics. Ionising radiation transport simulation, photons,neutrons and charged particles interactions and their simulation, modelling ofthe geometric conditions. Statistical tests of the model calculations, variancereduction techniques. Codes for simulation of radiation transport, MCNP(X) code,properties and scope of usage, input file (description of the geometry,materials, sources, tallies), graphical tools, code user control. Tools for input fines creation/editing a visualization (VISED, Sabrina, Body Builder).Examples of application (practical training) concentrated on radiation physics(shielding, radiation fields/beams/sources, spectral/spatial distributions ofthe dosimetric quantities, responses of detection systems, radiation protectiontasks. SRIM code for simulation of the transport of charged particles. demonstration/training of application of commercial codes for the calculation ofthe radiation burden in radiodiagnostics.
Practical Exercises in Radiodiagnosticsand Radiotherapy II Training in the field of radiological physics in radiotherapy organized togetherwith clinical partners. Overview of duties, activities and responsibilities of aradiological physicist. Intrtoduction to the clinical environment and itsspecifications. Practical (dosimetric and/or other) routine tasks under thesupervision of an experienced radiological physicist. Training examples:mechanical tests of a linac and simulator, linac calibration using absolute dosemeasurement under reference conditions-photon and electron beams, relativedosimetric easurements-photon and electron beams, in-vivo dosimetry using diodsand TL detectors, practical excercises with the treatment planning system, brachytherapy dosimetry, Leksell gammaknife dosimetry, cobalt treatment machinedosimetry, etc.
Practical Exercises in Radiodiagnosticsand Radiotherapy I Training in the field of radiological physics in X-ray diagnostics organized together with clinical partners. Overview of duties, activities and responsibilities of a radiological physicist. Intorduciton to the clinical environment and its specifications. Practical (dosimetric and/or other) routinetasks under the supervision of an experienced radiological physicist. Trainingexamples: correct setup of the X-ray device (dental, panoramatic, radiographic,fluoroscopic, mammographic, CT), QA tests, image optimization, check of thedeveloper, direct measurement of the patient dose (TL dosimetry), indirectmeasurement of the patient dose (ion chamber, DAP meter, semiconductor+recalculation), etc.
Practical Exercises in Radiodiagnosticsand Radiotherapy II Training in the field of radiological physics in radiotherapy organized togetherwith clinical partners. Overview of duties, activities and responsibilities of aradiological physicist. Intrtoduction to the clinical environment and itsspecifications. Practical (dosimetric and/or other) routine tasks under thesupervision of an experienced radiological physicist. Training examples:mechanical tests of a linac and simulator, linac calibration using absolute dosemeasurement under reference conditions-photon and electron beams, relativedosimetric easurements-photon and electron beams, in-vivo dosimetry using diodsand TL detectors, practical excercises with the treatment planning system, brachytherapy dosimetry, Leksell gammaknife dosimetry, cobalt treatment machinedosimetry, etc.
beam exit beam exit unecessary radiation in normal tissues rapid dose fall-off
Verification of the irradiation of patients at Leksell Gamma Knife
Physical and technical principles Leksell gamma knife
Exposure to the gel dosimeters by Leksell Gamma Knife of varying diameter collimator 4 mm 8 mm 18 mm 14 mm
Quality control in the brain irradiation laboratory animals - rats special glass phantom filled with gel dosimeters special fixation frame
PTC Modelling in MCNPX • The various elements of the PTC have been modelled using the MCNPX 2.5.0 code
Shielding Calculations - Example • shielding analysis in/around room with cyclotron • main sources of radiation in this room • degrader • (a its) collimator
H*(10) [mSv/year] E S W N z x y
H*(10) [mSv/year] E S W N z x y
Master degree programme in medical physics at the FNSFE, CTU in Prague • The master programme is an extension of bachelor degree studies in the field of mathematics and physics • The programme consists of courses formally grouped to 7 blocks Detection and dosimetry of ionizing radiation Physics of (ionizing) radiation Advanced mathematics and physics • radiation dosimetry • radiation detectors • integrating dosimetry • instrumentation for radiation measurement • radiation metrology • nuclear physics • radiation physics • physics and technology of non-ionizing radiation (magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound) • technology of ionizing radiation (accelerators, reactor, etc.) • equations of mathematical physics • mathematical statistics • numerical analysis • quantum mechanics • solid state physics • Monte Carlo simulations • image processing Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013 26
Master degree programme in medical physics Radiation protection Medicine and health care Medical radiation physics (MRP) Labs and clinical training • anatomy and physiology • biochemistry, pharmacology • radiological anatomy and pathology • health ethics • hygiene • clinical applications in radiology • first aid • technical and health care regulations • MRP in radiotherapy • MRP in radiodiagnostics • MRP in nuclear medicine • clinical dosimetry • radiobiology • radiological technology • biological effects of ionizing radiation • principles of radiation protection • optimization • standards • quality assurance • national and European legislation • Labs on detection and dosimetry of ionizing radiation • basic clinical training in physics of nuclear medicine, radiodiagnostics and radiotherapy Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013 27
Master degree programme in medical physics • Some courses are organized in close collaboration with relevant national institutions: • State Office for Nuclear Safety • State Institute for Radiation Protection • Czech Metrology Institute • Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences • Basic clinical training and diploma (degree) thesis are organized in collaboration with thedepartments of radiotherapy, radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine and ‘medical physics’ of six hospitals in Prague and Hradec Králové Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CHERNE 2013, Salamanka 4. - 7. June 2013 28
Institute of Experimental and Applied PhysicsCTU in Prague Medipix Medipix2 and Medipix3 are collaborations between number of European Universities and Research Institutes. The aim of the Collaboration is to carry out the design and evalutation of the semiconductor pixel detectors called Medipix (or newly Timepix). The hybrid silicon pixel detector device Medipix was designed for imaging by single quantum counting in each pixel. The device consists of a pixelated sensor chip and a read-out chip containing the amplifier, discriminators and counter(s) for each pixel. In our institute we are devoloping DAQ hardware (USB interface) and software (Pixelman). IEAPis also users of these devices.