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Dissemination of Good Practice 2004-2005 Action Plan CountIT CountIT CountIT an e-learning project to raise numeracy standards throughout the school Specific Objectives/Targets What are we aiming to achieve and by when?
Dissemination of Good Practice 2004-2005 Action Plan
CountIT CountIT
CountIT an e-learning project to raise numeracy standards throughout the school
Specific Objectives/Targets What are we aiming to achieve and by when?
Create a bank of pupil/teacher made numeracy resources, produced and published by the school. These will be available online and as paper copies. • Create a bank of numeracy worksheets/activities/helpsheets for specific improvement in numeracy using ICT. • Create an online numeracy environment (The Numeracy Zone) for the school and its associates, accessed via the school’s Intranet and Website. • Raise parental awareness of Numeracy by issuing regular news bulletins detailing useful resources, websites etc. • Enable parents to assist their children by producing and making available “How to” numeracy helpsheets. • Embark on a “Mini Enterprise” with P6 pupils – an Internet Café. (N.B.This will be the main focus of the CountIT project). • Enter Year 7 pupils for KS2 Accreditation Scheme. • Link the project with ongoing program of ‘Positive Behaviour’. • The above will be achieved by June 2005.
Baseline Reference Point How well are we doing at the moment?
Although the end of key stage English results have been improving and are well above the NI average, the school has concerns regarding achievements in mathematics. For example in 2003, at the end of KS1, only 44% gained level 3, compared to 47% in 2002. At the end of KS2 only 43% gained level 4 and 30% level 5, compared to 45% and 35% respectively in 2002. The school is anxious to halt this downward trend and address the problem as a matter of urgency. • At present, the resources are not available for specialist remedial help in mathematics. • The school has been involved in the Ulster Bank’s “Young Enterprise” Scheme. This will continue next school year. • 45 P7 pupils are being entered for the KS2 Accreditation Scheme in the current school year.
Success Criteria How will we know if we have succeeded?
Pupils will show enthusiasm and a positive attitude to numeracy. • Pupils will make regular contributions to class output, both online and paper based. • Increased parental contribution and confidence in child’s learning. • Successful “Internet Café” run by P6 pupils and supported by Governors, PTA, parents and wider community. • Standardised tests will be administered at the beginning and end of the project and results recorded and analysed. • KS1 and KS2 Assessment Units will be used and official results recorded. • NFER results will be monitored. • Completion of KS2 Accreditation – aiming for 80% gaining level 4.
CountIT Team • ICT Coordinators • Maths Coordinators • Others
Actions What are we going to do in order to achieve our objectives and the targets stated within our success criteria?
Form a CountIT Team consisting of ICT and Maths Coordinators to plan, monitor and evaluate the project. • Form a CountIT Project group, drawn from Year 6, to run the Internet Cafe. • Make full use, throughout the school, but particularly at KS1, of the numeracy software installed on the C2K network. • Create a bank of numeracy worksheets for pupils. Teachers will be given guidance re. topics, timescale etc. and provided with planning frameworks. These worksheets (with accompanying lesson plans) will be uploaded to the CountIT folder saved in the Teacher Information area of the school network. The worksheets will also be accessible to pupils via the Numeracy Zone on the Intranet and Website and can be printed and completed to reinforce work done in class. • Create a resource bank of “How to” numeracy helpsheets to enable parents to assist their children at home. These will be accessible via the school website – www.comberps.newtownards.ni.sch.uk
Create a Numeracy Zone on the front page of the school’s Intranet and Website. This will include interactive games, links to useful websites, printable worksheets, “How to” helpsheets and information for parents re. current Maths/ICT initiatives. • Pupils’ work will regularly feature in a ‘gallery’ on the school Intranet and Website as a means of celebrating success. • Offer extra support to staff by providing ‘Drop In’ sessions. • Register KS2 pupils in GridClub and, in particular, point them towards numeracy-rich resources. Discussions will also take place re. the appropriate use of the Internet and Internet safety. • Introduce the use of spreadsheets for problem solving at KS2. • Establish the “Super Pupil On Trust” Scheme in Year 5. • Register Year 7 pupils in CCEA’s ICT Accreditation Scheme.
CPS Internet Cafe • The focal point of the CountIT project will be the CPS Internet Café. The school has taken part in the Ulster Bank’s “Young Enterprise” Scheme and, by embarking on this project, it will have an opportunity to put theory into practice. • What will it involve? • The setting up of a project group drawn from Year 6. • Practical help/support from Staff and members of the PTA. • Advice from Laura Calvin (Ulster Bank). The Year 6 pupils (with teacher assistance) will be responsible for … • Seeking sponsorship for the venture. • Producing advertising materials - posters, menus etc. • Purchasing consumables. • Counting takings. • Keeping accounts, using Excel spreadsheets. • Producing financial statements.
CPS Internet Cafe The CPS Internet Café will provide the opportunity for Governors, parents and the wider Comber community to meet together for coffee, before making use of the school’s excellent computer suite. The CountIT Project Group will be available to assist people access the Internet and advise them re. relevant websites for online shopping, booking of flights, Internet banking etc. A dedicated email address will be registered for this project, to allow for the receiving and printing of invoices. It is our plan, too, to use the Café area of the school (Mon-Thurs) as an actual Numeracy Zone for pupils, where they can play maths games and complete worksheets that they have printed.
Monitoring How are we going to monitor the implementation of the programme? ?
Evidence collected by … class teachers, ICT and Maths Coordinators • By means of … work saved on disc, in ‘Public’ folder of school network and in class books. Printouts of work, displays etc. • External evidence … AU results, class tests etc. • Analysed by … Project Team • Reported to … Senior Management and Board of Governors
Evaluation At the end of the implementation period of the action plan how will we decide how successful we have been?
We will evaluate our success by … • assessing the use of the ICT suite for all aspects of school learning, and especially numeracy, in 2004-2005. • examining the percentage of pupils achieving Level 4 and above in KS2 Accreditation Scheme. • assessing the level of staff input into production of school-based numeracy resources. • looking at staff’s use of ICT for various aspects of planning. • examining targets set for End of Key Stages. • the level of use of the ICT suite at lunch time and after school. • community awareness of CountIT. • regular use of Internet Café by parents etc. • the positive attitude to numeracy sustained by pupils and parents.
Support What help is available?
School based inset with teachers to explain activities, software and use of Intranet/Internet • Inset training e.g. spreadsheets • Support from SEELB Numeracy, Positive Behaviour and ICT Advisors • Support from C2K Consultants and technical services • Advice from Laura Calvin (Ulster Bank) re. the “Young Enterprise” Scheme
Positive Behaviour Super Pupil On Trust SPOT AWARD
SPOT AWARD SPOT AWARD Super Pupil On Trust • Awarded to Year 5 pupils who are committed to observing all rules governing the use of computers in Comber Primary, including Internet safety • Will be granted permission to use the Computer Suite at lunchtimes to continue work or carry out independent research • This privilege is earned and will be withdrawn if trust is broken
Numeracy Zone Numeracy Zone The Numeracy Zone will be accessed via the school’s Intranet and Website (www.comberps.newtownards.ni.sch.uk). It will contain … • Interactive games • Links to useful websites • Downloadable worksheets for pupils • “How to” numeracy helpsheets for parents • Electronic “Game 24” designed by P. Monks (ICT Unit, SEELB) • A “gallery” of pupils’ work • Information for parents/teachers re. current Maths/ICT initiatives etc.
CPS Internet Cafe • Every Friday 10.30-12.00 • Run by Year 6 pupils. They will be responsible for planning, advertising, keeping spreadsheet accounts, producing statements etc. • Facility for Governors, parents and wider community • Pupils will assist customers with Internet shopping, banking, booking holidays etc.