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Hawaiian Fisheries Bycatch

Hawaiian Fisheries Bycatch. Presentation by Mr. Jeremy Wilson, NOAA-NMFS, 2 October, 2007 Material not yet published does not represent the formal policies of NOAA-NMFS. Pacific Islands Regional Observer Program. Ecosystem-based Management. Protect, restore, and manage the use of

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Hawaiian Fisheries Bycatch

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  1. Hawaiian Fisheries Bycatch Presentation by Mr. Jeremy Wilson, NOAA-NMFS, 2 October, 2007 Material not yet published does not represent the formal policies of NOAA-NMFS

  2. Pacific Islands Regional Observer Program

  3. Ecosystem-based Management • Protect, restore, and manage the use of • ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources. • Protect, restore, and manage species and their • habitats listed under the Endangered • Species and Marine Mammal Protection Act. • Manage and rebuild fisheries to population level • that will support economically viable • And sustainable harvests

  4. Bycatch

  5. BycatchDefinitions to be used in the national bycatch and discards report: • Bycatch - defined as the discarded catch of any living marine resource plus unobserved mortality due to a direct encounter with fishing gear (NMFS 1998a) This proposed definition is taken verbatim from the NMFS report Evaluating Bycatch: A National Approach to Standardized Bycatch Monitoring Programs (2004). • Discards - the portion of the catch of any living marine resource which is returned to the sea for whatever reason.

  6. Bycatch Estimation Improvement Plan Process

  7. Description of Discard Classification System • Tier 1 – No Discard Estimates Possible or Unreliable Discard Estimates and/or Estimation Methodologies

  8. Description of Discard Classification System • Tier 2 – Discard Estimates Have Low Reliability

  9. Description of Discard Classification System • Tier 3 – Reliable Discard Estimates Observer programs essential for tier 3 and above

  10. Description of Discard Classification System • Tier 4 – Moderately Reliable Discard Estimates

  11. Description of Discard Classification System • Tier 5 – Highly Reliable Discard Estimates

  12. Minimal standard for Tier assignments

  13. Minimal standard for Tier assignments

  14. Minimal standard for Tier assignmentsTotals

  15. Fish Stock Sustainability Index (FSSI) • Overview: the FSSI performance measure for the sustainability of 230 U.S. fish stocks selected for their importance to commercial and recreational fisheries. The FSSI will increase as overfishing is ended and stocks rebuild to the level that provides maximum sustainable yield.

  16. Estimation of Bycatch • Bycatch estimates • Protected species and rare species • are done on a quarterly basis • Common species • yearly estimates • yearly estimate is the sum of the estimates for the corresponding quarters

  17. Estimating Bycatch for Hawaii-based Deep-set Pelagic Longline Fishery (TUNA) Systematic-Plus Sampling Design • Sample based estimator • provides a quasi-probability sampling design • is impractical to achieve the full targeted coverage under the systematic design • Observers are limited and can fluctuate • Level of fishing activity can vary

  18. Observed Fisheries • Hawaii Tuna Longline • Hawaii Swordfish Longline • American Samoa Longline Program

  19. Improvements • Biological data for bycatch spp. • Increased observer coverage • Experimental trips to study gear types • Depth • Hook sizes • Seabird avoidance

  20. Bycatch Reduction • Seabirds • Many mitigation techniques • Side setting • Blue-dyed bait • Strategic discards • Times • Fish species • Biological information • Turtles • Hooks sizes • Gear depth

  21. Informative Websites • http://www.fpir.noaa.gov • NOAA Fisheries Pacific Island Regional Office • http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/ • NOAA Fisheries Sustainable Fisheries • http://www.wpcouncil.org • Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council

  22. Contacts NOAA Pacific Islands Regional Office 1601 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1110 Honolulu, HI 96814-4700 808.944.2200 Fax: 808.973.2941 http://www.fpir.noaa.gov Jeremy.Willson@noaa.gov

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