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MSE Development Project Ethiopia (GTZ) 1998-2005. Impact and Sustainability of ICT based Business Development Services Example of BDS-Portal Ethiopia www.bds-ethiopia.net Dieter Gagel, mail@gagel.net MSE Development Project Addis Ababa, April 2005.
MSE Development Project Ethiopia (GTZ) 1998-2005 Impact and Sustainability of ICT based Business Development Services Example of BDS-Portal Ethiopiawww.bds-ethiopia.net Dieter Gagel, mail@gagel.net MSE Development Project Addis Ababa, April 2005
Business Development Services, Networking and Learning Platform • 30 national Partner Organizations with 500 trained BDS Facilitators supporting about 9.000 micro and small enterprises per year. • Partner Organizations joint in the Ethiopian BDS Network for coordination and experience exchange. • Internet BDS Portal www.bds-ethiopia.net. Information and Learning Platform
Business Information Services • Business Information Services: • Business Planning, Marketing, Trade Fairs, Import-Export, Supply, Tenders, Accounting and Cost calculation, Improve your Business Association, Standards and Quality, Taxation, Laws and Regulations, Start and Improve your Business • Presentation of Partner Organizations and BDS providers • Finance: Loan conditions of MFI and Banks • Sector-specific Info on Textile, Garment, Leather, Food processing and Construction • Strategies on Private Sector Development, BDS, Capacity Building and Networking, BDS Success Stories, Lessons learnt • Library/Download: Sector studies, Entrepreneurship training, PRSP, Gender, Activity and Impact Monitoring
Outreach and Impact • 500 BDS facilitators (2005) using regularly the BDS Portal plus 12.000 visitors per month from Ethiopia (50%) and abroad (50%). • External evaluation results: 71% of BDS facilitators using the BDS Portal information services, especially Accounting, Cost calculation, Cash books, Financial plan, Business Plan, Loan Conditions of MFI / Banks. • 67% of supported and interviewed businesses have increased turnover, income and employment (impact of BDS including the Portal).
Sustainability • The BDS Portal has been taken over by the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce, financing the update via advertising companies on its own webpage (web pages developed by GTZ project www.ethiopian chamber.com and www.adamachamber.com). • BDS Portal is based on simple web code and can easily be updated by former project secretary, now employed by the Chamber and financed by advertising companies on webpage. • Contents are updated by feed back of Network members.
Lessons Learnt • Efficient Internet BDS Portals must be based on concrete BDS structures on the ground and business advisors using information in daily business consultancy work on enterprise level. • Direct target groups are not business owners (with less Internet use) but intermediaries like business consultants, BDS facilitators, partners and donors. • By Media mix of Internet, CD-ROM, Printed Handbooks and sales in bookshops, information via intermediaries trickles down to enterprise level and the whole country. • Produce webpage with simple html code that can easily be updated by local low-cost personal and partners.